
lì xiàn pài
  • constitutionalist
  1. 1903-1907年间,围绕这两大思潮,立宪派和革命派之间展开了一次关于改良与革命、君宪与共和的论战。

    In 1903-1907 , the constitutionalists and revolutionaries held a controversies about the two ideas .

  2. 而这一运动的兴起和发展与立宪派及其立宪报刊的舆论宣传密不可分。

    The rise and development of this movement are constituent assemble with the publicity and public opinion .

  3. 从中也呈现出立宪派与清廷、革命派关系之间的微妙变化。

    It also presents Constitutionalists and Qing government , the subtle changes in the relationship between revolutionaries .

  4. 第二章描述辛亥革命前江苏立宪派的政治活动,主要包括领导江苏资产阶级的反帝爱国斗争、组织立宪团体、开展地方自治、筹设领导江苏咨议局、倡导国会请愿等。

    The second chapter states the political activities of the Constitutionalism Group of Jiangsu before the 1911 Revolution .

  5. 预备立宪派与速即立宪派的妥协,达成了国会提前召开之共识;

    The compromise between the preparatory constitutionalists and the immediate constitutionalists cast into the consensus that convoked Parliament in advance .

  6. 君主立宪派在大革命初期进行了贸易、税制和金融方面的改革。

    At the beginning of the Revolution , the Feuillants initiated reformations in the field of trade , tax system and finance .

  7. 作为君主立宪派的中坚,杨度对清末民族问题有比较系统的认识,并曾以民族问题向革命派发难,宣传君主立宪。

    As the backbone of the Constitutional Monarchy Group , Yang Du held systematic views on the problems in the late Qing dynasty .

  8. 米拉波伯爵是18世纪法国大革命前期君主立宪派主要代表人物之一。

    In the early 18th century , Count de Mirabeau is one of the main representatives of constitutional monarchy faction in the French Revolution .

  9. 文章内容分为三个部分:第一部分,20世纪初立宪派的兴起。

    The article content is divided into three parts : Part one , the rise of the constitutionalism group at the beginning of the 20th century .

  10. 立宪派的条约观在当时有着重要的地位,是晚清条约观的重要发展。

    The Constitutionalists view of the treaty has an important position at the time , the important development of the treaty concept in the late Qing Dynasty .

  11. 第一章介绍立宪派及江苏立宪派概况,重点介绍江苏立宪派的形成过程、代表人物、阶级基础及其特点。

    The first chapter introduces the overview of the Constitutionalism Group of Jiangsu , emphasizing it 's forming process , representative figures , class basis and characteristics .

  12. 事实上,至少在某种程度上,革命派、立宪派、地方士绅,甚至于官员,都共享一种现代民族国家之融合一体的神秘观感。

    Indeed , at least to a degree , revolutionaries , constitutionalists , local elites-and even officials-shared a kind of mystical sense of the " one body " of the modern nation-state .

  13. 总之,本文认为江苏立宪派在辛亥革命前后的政治活动,无论是对江苏以至全国的辛亥革命大局,还是对江苏以至全国的政治近代化进程,都产生了重大的深远的影响。

    In a word , the political activities of the Constitutionalism Group of Jiangsu around the 1911 Revolution , Influences not only the overall situation of the 1911 Revolution but also the process of politics modernization .

  14. 法国大革命中的君主立宪派是处于上升时期的、自我意识与使命感极强的资产阶级理想主义者,其理想具有双重性,应该据此来评价其历史地位。

    As rising bourgeois idealists with strong self-consciousness and sense of duty , the Constitutional Monarchists in the French Revolution have an ideal of dualistic nature , and their historical status should be evaluated on the basis of this .

  15. 清术立宪派和民初的进步党、研究系一脉相承,作为关键性的力量参与了全过程。

    The Progress Party and Constitutional Studies in the Early ROC shared the same political ideas with the Constitutionalists in the Late Qing , and as a critical force , they took part in the whole process of this movement .

  16. 从该刊物的宣传内容与特点,可以看出清末立宪派的政治态度及其表现方式,以及立宪派与清政府在立宪目标上的相异。

    From its propagating contents and characteristic , we may find the political attitudes and expressing ways of the Constitutionalism Group in the last years of Qing Dynasty and the differences of the constitutional aim between the Constitutionalism Group and Qing government .

  17. 作为一个著名的维新立宪派领袖、清末民初的社会活动家、百科全书式的文化大师,梁启超不仅在近代中国有突出贡献,而且在世界范围内也有一定的影响。

    Editorial note : As a well-known leader of reform and constitutionalism , sociologist of late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China and encyclopedic master of culture , LIANG Qi-chao not only greatly contributed to modern China , but also has his influence upon the contemporary world .

  18. 在认识层面晚清国人基于国家本位对西方立宪政体赋予工具理性意义,以便使国家臻于富强文明,这一点改良思想家、维新思想家和立宪派、革命派都是相通的。

    The understanding level of the late Qing Dynasty people based on national standard , given tool of Western constitutionalism rational significance to the country reaching a prosperous . Civilized , reformists thinkers and Constitutionalists , revolutionaries are interlinked .