
  1. 现在需要的是建筑师态度的转变。

    What is needed is a change of attitude on the part of architects

  2. 很明显,这一态度的转变对叙利亚的影响最大。

    It is obvious that Syria will suffer most from this change of heart .

  3. 于是,随着人们态度的转变,艺术家们在选材上获得了更多的自由。

    Then , attitudes changed and artists were given greater freedom in their choice of subject matter

  4. 从梅费尔(Mayfair)不打领带的对冲基金经理到各大银行,作为曾经着装保守的行业,其态度的转变已显而易见。

    Once a buttoned-up industry , its change in attitudes is now apparent , from the open-necked hedge fund managers of Mayfair to the big banks .

  5. 耶鲁大学(yaleuniversity)教授、曾在克林顿政府任职的杰弗里加滕(jeffreygarten)预测,中期选举后,哪怕只是为了“务实美容”,奥巴马也会表现出态度的转变。

    Jeffrey Garten , a professor at Yale University and former official in the Clinton administration , predicts that Mr Obama will signal a change of attitude following the midterms , if only as a matter of " pragmatic cosmetics " .

  6. 去年,在美国国家安全局(NSA)合同工(EdwardSnowden)合同工爱德华•斯诺登(EdwardSnowden)披露美国对互联网的监控情况之后,欧洲政治气候的变化对谷歌造成了打击。来自新闻业的批评意见也促成了对谷歌态度的转变。

    Opposition from the news industry was also instrumental in the change in political climate that hit Google in Europe last year in the wake of revelations by Edward Snowden , a contractor for the National Security Agency , about US internet surveillance .

  7. 瑞士私人银行家协会拥有皮克泰(pictet)等14家瑞士最古老的理财机构,它们尚未完全清楚表明态度的转变。

    The shift by the private bankers , whose association comprises 14 of the oldest wealth managers in Switzerland , such as Pictet , has not been fully spelled out .

  8. 论列宁对待唯心主义态度的转变

    A review on the change of Lenin 's attitude to Mentalism

  9. 你态度的转变可能会引起爱人担忧。

    Your changing attitudes may be causing concern for your partner .

  10. 伍廷芳政治态度的转变则是其出任的关键。

    Third , the key factor , Wu had changed his political attitude .

  11. 爱德华兹对伊战态度的转变最为激烈。

    The transformation on Iraq is the most dramatic .

  12. 他们对我们态度的转变首先是积极的,,对吧?

    The first derivative of their regard for us is positive . Okay ?

  13. 论新课程改革中教师教学态度的转变

    On the Change of Teachers ' teaching Attitude in the New Curriculum Reform

  14. 对于微软而言,参与这些活动代表着态度的转变。

    For Microsoft , engagement such as this represents a change in attitude .

  15. 应该说,光是这种态度的转变本身就有着十分深远的影响。

    That change alone could have profound implications .

  16. 对巴西最富盛名的商人来说,态度的转变显得很突然。

    For Brazil 's best-known businessman , the shift in sentiment has been abrupt .

  17. 现代竞技体育的出现促成了这种态度的转变。

    The shift in attitudes was spurred by the emergence of modern competitive sport .

  18. 试析美国华裔参政态度的转变及其原因

    Chinese Americans : Analysis on the Changes in the Participation in the American Political Life

  19. 鲁迅对于“革命文学”态度的转变

    On LU Xun 's Early Behavior and the Changes in the Course of the Revolution Literature

  20. 另一个风险在于,经济衰退加快了人们对广告业态度的转变。

    A further risk is that the recession accelerates the shift in attitudes towards the industry .

  21. 完颜昌对宋态度的转变及其成因

    The Changes in Wan Yanchang 's Attitude towards the Song Dynasty and the Cause of Its Formation

  22. 促进服务态度的转变。

    And bettering service manners .

  23. 实质上,教师教学行为的转变根本上源于教师教学态度的转变。

    In essence the change of teachers ' teaching behavior is actually the change of their attitude .

  24. 曾经受到严格管控的传媒界的剧变推动了这一态度的转变。

    The change of tone has been aided by an upheaval in the once tightly controlled media .

  25. 这体现出村上春树对于面对存在主义空虚问题态度的转变。

    This reflects the change of Haruki Murakami in the face of the nothingness in an Existentialism viewpoint .

  26. 或许登月飞行最意想不到的结果就是人们对地球本身态度的转变。

    Perhaps the most unexpected consequence of the moon flights was a transformation of attitudes towards earth itself .

  27. 男:沟通很重要,但定期的会议并不能代替态度的转变。

    Man : Communication is important , but regular meetings are no substitute for a change of attitude .

  28. 我的论文将分析在《简·萨默斯的日记》中主人公“简”对爱的态度的转变。

    My essay will analyze the change of Jane 's attitudes towards love in The Diary of Jane Somers .

  29. 近年来婚外新生儿人数增加则是因为社会对婚姻和生子的态度的转变。

    The higher number in recent years , however , was linked to shifting social attitudes on marriage and childbirth .

  30. 因为一旦检测结果为外人所知,那么,很可能会导致人们态度的转变。

    Known to outsiders , because once the test result , then , is likely to lead to change in attitudes .