
  • 网络state vector
  1. 态矢量&分析地震活动性的一种新方法

    State Vector & A New Method to Analysis Seismicity

  2. 态矢量方法的实验研究

    Experimental study of state vector

  3. 根据MJS代换给出了把IBM态矢量变换为费米子态矢量的一般公式。

    A general formula is given to transform the IBM state vectors back into the fermion state space .

  4. 光子的态矢量函数

    St a te - vector function for a photon

  5. 华东地区态矢量的研究

    The study on state vector in East China

  6. 文章通过讨论量子力学力学量算符和态矢量在动量表象和坐标表象下的形式。

    This paper discusses the form of mechanical quantity operator and state vector of quantum mechanics under momentum image and coordinate image .

  7. 根据二阶关联函数考察光子数、失谐量、系统态矢量初始条件对聚束效应和反聚束效应的影响。

    We investigate the impact of the photon number , detuning and the system state vector on the bunching effect and anti-bunching effect , according to second-order correlation function .

  8. 结果表明光子数使光子出现聚束效应和反聚束效应交替出现;失谐量的增大和系统态矢量初始条件θ增大亦出现了光子的聚束效应周期变化。

    The result shows that increasing the photon number we can have the bunching effect and anti-bunching effect , detuning and the system state vector θ increased photon bunching effect appears alternate cycle .

  9. 研究的结果表明,Dirac海负能核子态和矢量介子空间分量对同位旋标量激发有贡献,特别是对重核,而对轻核它的贡献减弱,对于同位旋矢量激发的贡献可忽略。

    The results show that the effects of the Dirac sea states on the isoscalar giant modes are pronounced , but become weaker for light nuclei , while the contributions of the isovector modes are negligible .

  10. Mueller矩阵具有实二重简并的本征值1,求得对应的本征矢即扭转椭圆双折射光纤本征偏振态的Stokes矢量。

    The real eigenvalues of Mueller matrix is dually degenerate , and corresponding eigenvectors ( Stokes vectors ) that are polarization eigenstate of the spun elliptical birefringent optical fiber are deduced .

  11. 针对变转速旋转双折射光纤偏振转换器件的具体结构,采用相位延迟片模型和琼斯算法,逐点计算了光纤中光学偏振态的琼斯矢量。

    By Jones calculus of retardance , the Jones vector is calculated along the polarization transforming fiber component produced by variably spun birefringence fiber .

  12. 光学偏振态为光波动矢量横向性的表现形式。

    Optical polarization expresses the transverse properties of optical wave .

  13. 对用来编码的所有量子态,全部用量子力学的态矢量来表示。这种描述方法的优点是能对QKD系统的量子信息编码、解码过程给出严格的理论描述。

    All of the optical components used in QKD system were described by quantum mechanics operators , and all of quantum states used to encode quantum information were described by quantum state vectors .