
tài du
  • attitude;approach;manner;view;behaviour;stance;stand;perspective;bearing;posture;point of view;standpoint;slant;how one conducts oneself;how one conducts
态度 [tài dù]
  • (1) [manner;bearing;how one conducts]∶人的行为、表情

  • 形体态度。--清. 薛福成《观巴黎油画记》

  • 我不喜欢他的态度

  • (2) [standpiont;attitude;approach]∶对某事的观点和做法

  • 我们必须保持坚定的态度

  • 她处理问题的态度显然是友好的

态度[tài du]
  1. 我觉得她的态度有点冷淡。

    I felt there was a certain coldness in her manner .

  2. 王子的态度平易谦和,没有一点傲气。

    The prince 's manner was informal , without a trace of pomposity .

  3. 我们需要对烟草广告采取强硬的态度。

    We need to take a firm line on tobacco advertising .

  4. 他们对解决危机持谨慎的乐观态度。

    They expressed cautious optimism about a solution to the crisis .

  5. 这些服务员态度生硬,服务不周,经理也一样。

    The waiters were rude and unhelpful , the manager ditto .

  6. 那种态度实在叫我恼火!

    That sort of attitude really gets my back up !

  7. 与下属坦诚相待,这是你对他们应有的态度。

    You owe it to your staff to be honest with them .

  8. 他们采取的态度反而使他坚定了继续战斗的决心。

    Their attitude only strengthened his resolve to fight on .

  9. 50年来,公众对婚姻的态度已经改变。

    Public attitudes towards marriage have shifted over the past 50 years .

  10. 他对其他宗教持非常包容的态度。

    He has a very tolerant attitude towards other religions .

  11. 她以过分自信的态度来掩饰她紧张的心情。

    Her over-confident attitude was a cover for her nervousness .

  12. 许多驾车者有严重的态度问题。

    A lot of drivers have a serious attitude problem .

  13. 科学家对这个理论的态度是相当消极的。

    Scientists have a fairly negative attitude to the theory .

  14. 公众所持的肯定态度给了我们极大的鼓舞。

    We were greatly encouraged by the positive response of the public .

  15. 我们所持的态度是:干涉是错误的。

    We take the view that it would be wrong to interfere .

  16. 政府对罢工采取了强硬态度。

    The government took a hard line on the strike .

  17. 他的严厉和强硬态度是出了名的。

    He has a reputation for being tough and uncompromising .

  18. 我觉得他的态度有点儿令人难以接受。

    I find his attitude a little hard to take .

  19. 政府对移民入境采取了强硬的态度。

    The government has adopted an aggressive posture on immigration .

  20. 政府现在对恐怖主义采取强硬的态度。

    The government is taking a firm line on terrorism .

  21. 他对涉及的问题持乐观态度。

    He tends to take a sanguine view of the problems involved .

  22. 政府对核能的态度来了个180度的大转变。

    The government did an about-turn over nuclear energy .

  23. 这种态度我完全赞同。

    This is a sentiment I wholeheartedly agree with .

  24. 他们的态度怎么会这样呢?

    How could they behave in such a fashion ?

  25. 他的态度让我难以接受。

    I find his attitude very hard to take .

  26. 她的处世态度是不放过任何呈现眼前的机会。

    Her philosophy of life is to take every opportunity that presents itself .

  27. 他的态度显示他的思想有些狭隘。

    His attitudes show a certain narrowness of mind .

  28. 公平而论,她的态度可以说是怀有敌意。

    Her attitude could fairly be described as hostile .

  29. 这个党需要向未表明态度的选民游说拉票。

    The party needs to canvass the uncommitted voters .

  30. 她始终抱乐观态度同疾病斗争。

    She fought the disease with unfailing good humour .