
  • 网络activism;behaviorism;issue activism
  1. 如果我们真的是查理,我们就不会停留于标签行动主义。

    If we are truly Charlie , we 'll move beyond hashtag activism .

  2. 没有人比你们这届毕业生更有能力将这种行动主义带到下一个阶段。

    No one is better positioned than this class of graduates to take that activism to the next level .

  3. Facebook和Twitter这样的社交媒体孕育了懒人行动主义。

    Social Media like Facebook and Twitter have provided a space for slacktivism to exist .

  4. 我终于意识到,穿紫色或者换头像来支持精神日(spiritday)是一种懒人行动主义。

    I had eventually come to the realization1 that wearing purple , or changing your avatar in support of spirit day , is an act of slacktivism .

  5. 懒人行动主义是指只需要很少承诺或行动的一种行动主义,比如在线签署请愿等。

    Slacktivism is a kind of activism ( such as signing an online petition ) that requires very little commitment or action . Example :

  6. “网络点击行动主义”指的是使用网络作为影响公众对政治、宗教或其他社会问题看法的主要手段的行为或者习惯。

    Clicktivism refers to the act or habit of using the internet as a primary means of influencing public opinion on matters of politics , religion or other social concerns .

  7. 无独有偶,今年4月份PlayStation网络遭到入侵后,索尼(Sony)也决定延迟一周后再通知客户;据报道此次入侵是“黑客行动主义者”组织Anonymous所为。

    Likewise , Sony ( sNY ) decided to wait a week to inform its customers in April when its Playstation network was breached , reportedly by the " hacktivist " group anonymous .

  8. 年方30的Christ已经成为了新一代行动主义技术研究者中的翘楚,这一团体乐于引发媒体丑闻以迫使公司和政府解决自身体制问题。

    At the age of 30 he has established himself as the most prominent member of a new generation of activist technology researchers who delight in causing a media stink in order to shame companies and governments into fixing problems with their systems .

  9. 然而在上周一勇士对阵凯尔特人的比赛前,这位NBA全明星球员打破了自己的赛前惯例去哈佛大学肯尼迪政治学院参加了一场讨论,“单膝下跪:运动员&行动主义”

    But prior to last week 's Celtics-Warriors contest , the NBA All-Star broke his pregame routine to participate in a discussion , " Taking a Knee : Athletes & Activism , " at the Harvard Kennedy School 's Institute of Politics .

  10. MashaLipman:“苏联解体整整20年后,这次公众行动主义的崛起具有象征意义。”

    MASHA LIPMAN : " It 's very symbolic that we are having this public activism on the rise exactly twenty years after the collapse of the USSR . "

  11. 但若简单地将Soghoian博士划为学者或行动主义者是不对的,因为他有异乎常人的在常规束缚之外行动的禀赋。

    But it would be wrong to characterise Dr Soghoian simply as an academic or an activist , because he has an unusual gift for working outside conventional institutional strictures .

  12. 他问我行动主义没有让你感觉更好么?

    Doesn 't activism make you feel good ? he asked .

  13. 不过,她的亲善和行动主义盖过了她的赛跑成绩。

    But her running has been overtaken by her goodwill and activism .

  14. 将你感到的不安导入行动主义,

    By channeling that discomfort you feel into activism ,

  15. 这种行动主义肯定会产生影响。

    It would be impossible for such activism to have had no effect .

  16. 然而这些确实为文学行动主义带来了重要的新机会。

    These do , however , present significant new opportunities for literary activism .

  17. 先不谈什么阴谋论,行动主义者与实业家之间的角力已导致若干工程搁浅。

    Conspiracy theories aside , tussles between activists and industrialists have held projects back .

  18. 黑人行动主义原住民土地所有权同性恋权利生态保护及女权主义

    black activism , native American land rights , gay rights , ecology and feminism

  19. 但导致这一天到来的行动主义有多种形式。

    But the activism that leads up to that day comes in many forms .

  20. 名人行动主义者中我们不会对奥斯卡奖得主乔治•克鲁尼感到陌生。

    George Clooney , the Academy Award-winning actor , is no stranger to celebrity activism .

  21. 双向对称模式从理论上为我们提供了一个应对消费者行动主义者的策略模式,但仍需更多的实践验证。

    The two-way symmetrical model offers a theoretic approach , but needs more practice proof .

  22. 我不是行动主义者。

    I was not an activist .

  23. 今年动物权激进行动主义份子要求联合抵制加拿大海产直到狩猎活动中止。

    This year animal rights activists called for a boycott of Canadian seafood until the hunt is stopped .

  24. 如果你怀疑这种行动主义是否正当,想想在中央银行制度建立之前的时代地震发生后的情景吧。

    If you doubt this activism was warranted , consider what followed earthquakes in the era before central banks .

  25. 这种行动主义和乐观主义不仅诠释;这儿的学生和教职员工,也是摩赛德个性和历史的体现。

    This type of activism and optimism speaks volumes about the students here , the faculty , the stuff ,

  26. 行动主义者透过与罪恶对抗,与不公义争战和建立更好的世界去爱神;

    Activists love God through confronting evil , battling injustice , and working to make the world a better place .

  27. 在欧洲,金融危机和股东行动主义的兴起,将此事推上了议事日程。

    In Europe , the financial crisis and growing shareholder activism have helped to propel the issue up the agenda .

  28. 这位34岁的动物行动主义者在南非的约翰内斯堡附近开了一个环保公园,除了狮子外,还养有猎豹和鬣狗。

    The34-year-old animal behaviourist runs a conservation park near Johannesburg in South Africa where he also keeps cheetahs and hyenas .

  29. 令阻止全球变暖的行动主义者感到绝望的是,在国内,中国每周都要启动一个新的火力发电站。

    At home , China is opening a new coal-fired power station every week , to the despair of global-warming activists .

  30. 杨教授按时间顺序对中国网络行动主义的重大事件进行了叙述。这让我想起了一些陈年往事。

    Yang 's recounting of notable events along the historical path to China 's online activism brought back old memories of my own .