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  • behavioral science
  1. 智能手机技术彻底改变行为科学的潜力。

    The potential for smartphone technology to revolutionize behavioral science .

  2. 从行为科学角度浅论家具生产企业安全管理

    Brief Talk about Safety Management of Furniture Manufacturing Enterprises from the Perspective of Behavioral Science

  3. 目标管理(ManagementbyObjectives)是运用预先确定的目标,把传统的管理和行为科学方法结合起来的一种管理制度。

    Management by Objectives Is a management system that is combined by management and behavior science method by applying fixed objectives in advance .

  4. ——芝加哥大学布斯商学院(UniversityofChicagoBoothSchoolofBusiness)行为科学与营销学教授阿耶莱特?费什巴赫(AyeletFishbach)

    Professor Ayelet Fishbach , professor of behavioural science and marketing , University of Chicago Booth School of Business

  5. 《美国行为科学》杂志(AmericanBehavioralScientist)2004年发表的一项针对60个业务团队的研究发现,拥有活跃氛围并相互鼓舞的业务团队,利润和客户满意率都更高。

    A 2004 study of 60 business teams in the journal American Behavioral Scientist found teams with buoyant moods who encouraged each earned higher profit and better customer-satisfaction ratings .

  6. OA的知识领域覆盖了行为科学、管理科学、社会学、系统工程学等学科,并且体现了多学科之间的相互交叉、相互渗透性。

    The knowledge field of OA covers the actionable science , management science , sociology , systems engineering and so on , and reflects the cross-cutting and mutual penetration between subjects .

  7. 考尔迪奇曾经担任过西点军校(WestPoint)行为科学教研室主任,任职时间长达12年,约翰逊说,他在如何确认组织内领导者这类“软技能”方面拥有丰富的专业知识。

    But a growing market for talks on emotional intelligence has fueled demand for the former soldier , who served as head of behavioral sciences at West Point for 12 years and has specialized knowledge in " soft skills " such as identifying leaders within organizations , Johnson says .

  8. 伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)的行为科学教授保罗•多兰(PaulDolan)著有《设计幸福》(HappinessbyDesign)一书,他认为,要真正感到幸福,我们既要怀着目标,也要保持心情愉悦。

    Paul Dolan , professor of behavioural science at the London School of Economics , and author of Happiness by Design , believes we need a mix of purpose and pleasure in order to feel truly happy .

  9. 采用行为科学方法分析区域环境DSS(简称REDSS)开发应用中的不确定因素,旨在探索提高DSS开发的有效途径,更好地辅助管理者的决策。

    The purpose to analyse unstable factors in development and application of regional environment with the means of behavious science is to explore effective approach for developing DSS and to help manager with strategic decision .

  10. 纽约州立大学石溪分校精神病学和行为科学系的arthurstone领导了这项研究,他的团队发现,年龄在22岁到25岁的成年人承受的压力最大。

    Arthur stone in the Department of psychiatry and behavioral science at Stony Brook University in New York led the study . His team found that levels of stress were highest among adults between the ages of twenty-two and twenty-five .

  11. 全面质量管理(TQM)是在行为科学基础上发展起来的一种管理模式,其核心理念之一就是重视人的因素,即全员参与的思想。

    Total Quality Management ( TQM ) is a management pattern based on the behavioral science ; one of the core concepts is the human factor , that is , full employee participation .

  12. CSCW是一门多学科交叉技术,涉及的领域非常广泛,其中包括计算机网络通信,并行和分布式处理,数据库,多媒体等,另外还涉及到行为科学,心理学乃至艺术和哲学等。

    CSCW technology is such kind of science that combines wide fields such as computer network communication , parallel and distributed process , database , multimedia , moreover , it even concerns behavior science , psychology , art and philosophy etc.

  13. 该研究的领导者,来自约翰霍普金斯大学医学院的精神病学及行为科学教授RolandR.Griffiths说,很多的研究参与者在一年之后仍表现出性格的变化,这项变化很有可能是永久的。

    Study leader Roland R. Griffiths , a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine said that so many of the study participants still exhibited changes after a year the changes were ' likely to be permanent . '

  14. 北卡罗莱纳州的杜克大学教授GeraldineDawson,从事精神病学和行为科学研究,说道宝宝在后来出现的行为异常的自闭症病症早在宝宝6个月大时就有显露,父母应该提高警惕。

    Geraldine Dawson , a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Duke University in North Carolina , said babies who later develop autism exhibit behavior suggesting that some symptoms emerged when they were just 6 months old , and that parents should be alerted .

  15. 用行为科学理论分析煤矿事故的起因

    Analyzing the reason of coal mine accident with action science theory

  16. 为创建具有中国特色的管理行为科学而努力

    Make Great Effort to Creat Managerial Behavior Science with Chinese Characteristics

  17. 行为科学在工程德育中的运用研究

    Study on the Application to the Behavior Science in Project Moral

  18. 行为科学理论与高校德育教育

    Behavioral Science Theory and Moral Education in Colleges and Universities

  19. 浅谈行为科学与现代学校管理艺术

    Tentatively on the Science of Behavior vs. Modern School Management

  20. 行为科学研究的新成果及其在企业管理中的应用

    New Achievements in Behavioral Science and Their Application to Administration

  21. 事故的共性原因及其行为科学预防策略

    Common factors leading to accidents and behavior type research based on prevention

  22. 应用行为科学的理论和方法强化医院管理工作。

    Behavioral theories should be applied into strengthening hospital administration .

  23. 护理差错事故与行为科学相关因素探讨

    Approach on Related Factors Between Nursing Mistakes and Accidents and Behavior Science

  24. 审计行为科学是一个新的急需研究的课题。

    Auditing behavior science is a new question for discussion .

  25. 行为科学研究设计与理论建构的一种重要策略&层面理论述评

    Facet theory : an approach to facilitate theory construction and research design

  26. 我们没有行为科学系。

    We don 't have a department of behavioral sciences .

  27. 基于行为科学的企业文化功能研究

    Research of the Function of Enterprise Culture Based on the Behavioral Science

  28. 设计应注意行为科学,把功能和美化结合起来,做到以人为本。

    Design should notice the behavioral function , make people the center .

  29. 从行为科学角度解析态度结构因素

    Interpreting Attitude Structural Factor from a Perspective of Behavioral Science

  30. 论行为科学理论指导下的企业管理

    On Enterprise Management Guided by the Theory of Behavior Science