
  • 网络behavioral advertising
  1. 在线行为广告所引发的隐私问题可以通过有意义的,可执行的自律而有效地解决,对此委员会是审慎而又乐观的。

    The Commission is cautiously optimistic that the privacy issues raised by online behavioral advertising can be effectively addressed through meaningful , enforceable self regulation .

  2. 通过对这些检测方法的分析和比较,作者提出了基于用户行为广告点击欺骗检测方法。

    Through the analysis and comparison of these detection methods , the author proposed advertisement click fraud detection method based on the user behavior .

  3. 所有政府后,沉寂了谷歌和他人的行为广告定位技术,谷歌和雅虎已彻底扭转,并提供一种简单的方法退出广告定位。

    After the all government hush over Google and others'behavioural ad targeting techniques , Google and Yahoo have turned around completely and provided an easy way to opt out of ad targeting .

  4. 此外,还对Twitter社交网络上舆论传播行为在广告宣传上的应用进行了研究,并以真实数据进行模拟实验。

    In addition , we studied the application of the propagation behavior in advertising with the rumors on the Twitter social network .

  5. VSS的预测,还显示出了消费者行为与广告支出变化之间的时间差。

    The VSS forecasts also illustrate the lag between changes in consumers ' behaviour and advertising spending .

  6. 消费者购买行为的广告导向性研究

    The advertisement leading direction research about purchasing behavior of consumers

  7. 应当禁止所有强调力量和表现行为之广告。

    All advertising stressing power and performance should be banned .

  8. 研究当代消费者群体心理行为是广告学教学的第一要素

    The First Element of Advertisement Teaching & To Study the Customer Target Group Psychological

  9. 第三部分,论述消费异化行为对广告的反作用;

    The third part , discusses the anti-effect that the behaviors of consuming alienation has on the advertisement .

  10. 这种存在影响了人类的思想和行为,广告的传播和接受行为也不能例外。

    The presence affects human thinking and behavior , so does the spread and acceptance of the advertising .

  11. 根据研究结论,对广告主、中小网站和行为定向广告公司提出了相关的建议。

    According to the research , this paper proposed several advices to the advertisers , website owners and the behavioral targeting advertising firms .

  12. 一些成立已久的广告公司正在社会媒体、病毒营销、行为定位广告以及三维增强现实的海洋中挣扎。

    Long-established agencies are floundering in a sea of social media , viral marketing , behavioural targeting and three-dimensional augmented reality ( see above right ) .

  13. 翻译公司产业行为随广告和要创建的妇女应该看起来像什么奇怪的人工版本的主流媒体。我总是追求更接近真实的东西。

    The porn industry acts in tandem with advertising and the mainstream media to create a bizarre , artificial version of what women are supposed to look like .

  14. 行为。广告网络根据用户过去的浏览行为,对其行为、兴趣以及如何回应广告中的相关产品或服务做出假设,并投放相关的广告。

    Networks deliver advertising based on a user 's past browsing behavior , making an assumption of behavior and interest and how that relates to the product or service being advertised .

  15. 从价格行为、广告行为、科技创新行为和兼并重组行为等四个方面,采用统计描述与案例分析相结合的方法,实证分析了新疆农产品加工企业典型的市场行为。

    From the price , advertising , scientific and technological innovation , and mergers and reorganization , with the method of descriptive statistics and case analysis , it makes an empirical analysis on the typical market conducts of the agricultural products processing enterprises in Xinjiang .

  16. 运用言语行为理论阐释广告语言语用失误

    Pragmatic Failure in Advertising Language From Perspective of Speech Act Theory

  17. 言语行为理论在广告翻译中的作用

    The Application of Speech Acts Theory in English Advertisments Translation

  18. 行为人完成广告指定行为时,取得向广告人请求报酬的权利;

    The actor obtains the right to ask for the remuneration to the advertiser when finishing the appointed behavior of advertisement ;

  19. 在民事责任主体方面,虚假广告的行为主体包括广告主、广告经营者、广告发布者、其他参与者。

    On the subject of civil liability , false advertisement behavior main body includes advertisers , advertising operators , publishers , other participants .

  20. 从本质上讲,广告语篇的理解是一种特殊语境中的交际行为,是广告创造者与读者之间进行的一种书面交际活动。

    Basically , comprehension of advertising texts is communicative behavior in certain contexts and communication by means of written form between advertisers and the target audience .

  21. 悬赏广告是特定行为人以广告的形式对完成广告中规定的特定行为的不特定人,给付广告中声明的报酬的意思表示行为。

    The reward advertisement is one kind of action in which a particular individual pays the non-particular person some rewards for his completing the task declared in advertisement .

  22. 这个研究结果可能使得市场营销学者对跨文化消费行为以及国际广告和品牌全球化等方面的研究特别感兴趣。

    The research findings may be of interest to marketing scholars studying cross-cultural consumer behavior as well as to practitioners operating in international advertising and global brand building .

  23. EPA计划确保与气候有关的排放行为也必须达到广告水平,这让人倍受鼓舞。

    It is very encouraging to see that E.P.A. plans to make sure that climate-related emissions must also be as advertised .

  24. 行为客体是虚假广告。

    The object of acts is false advertisement .

  25. 基于用户行为分析的网站广告投放策略

    Strategy of Putting Adv on the Specific Web Based on the Action of User

  26. 而饱受质疑的商业行为,如网络广告收取回扣,更加剧了这种竞争乱象。

    Questionable business practices , such as kickbacks for online advertisements , add to the competitive frenzy .

  27. 以言行事&从言语行为理论解析公益广告语的动态功能

    Doing Things with Words & On the Dynamic Function of Public Service Ad Language from the Perspective of Speech Act Theory

  28. 在诸多虚假广告中,广告代言人对广告中的商品或服务价值盲目鼓吹或肆意夸大,其不诚代言行为不仅扰乱了广告业的市场秩序,同时也严重侵害了消费者权益。

    Their behavior is not only disrupted the market order in the advertising industry , but also seriously infringed the interests of consumers .

  29. 在广告语言中使用祈使句是一种威胁广告受众消极面子的行为,但是在广告中祈使句却大量存在。

    Using imperative sentences in advertisements is seemingly an FTA to the audience whereas there exist a great many imperative sentences in them .

  30. 从告知走向说服,进而劝导消费者发生购买行为,这是广告传播策略的历史性发展。

    From direction to persuasion , then Ads encourage consumers to purchase goods ; it is the historical development of advertising communication strategy .