
  1. 我国五级行政权力体制存在着严重的弊端。

    For example , China has a five-levelled protection administrative power system that has serious drawbacks .

  2. 行政决策权力体制的效率分析

    An analysis on the efficiency of the power system of the administrative decision

  3. 第一是中美高等航海教育行政管理权力分配体制比较。

    The first is the higher comparing nautical education administrative power distribution system .

  4. 目前,在全球放松金融管制的浪潮冲击下,单纯依赖行政权力的证券管理体制越来越多地为人们所诟病,而依靠民事责任制度调动市场力量参与证券监管的制度却日益显现出其价值。

    At present , under the effect of the relaxation of financial regulation , the securities management system depending only on administrative power is censured by more and more people , and the value of arousing the effect of markets depending on civil liability system reveals day by day .