
  1. 浅议医学信息中心的首问责任制

    Discussing the liability system about first asking in medical information centre

  2. 论图书馆的首问责任制

    On The Asking System of Job Responsibility in Library

  3. 对高校图书馆推行首问责任制的探讨

    Probe into Implementing the ' Responsibility System of First Asking ' in University Library

  4. 首问责任制是服务农机手的好方法

    First Asking Duty System is a Good Means to Serve for Agricultural Machinery Drivers

  5. 高校图书馆首问责任制摭谈

    Discussions on the Responsibility System of Being Asked First in the Libraries in Universities

  6. 首问责任制之管见&浅论新形势下高校图书馆的读者服务

    Proposals of first asking duty system & On the reader service work of academic libraries in new situation

  7. 规范与创优:图书馆推行首问责任制思考

    Prescription and Do Better : the Thought of Promoting " Asking System of Job Responsibility " in the Library

  8. 推行首问责任制提升图书馆服务水平

    To set up the system of the responsibility on the first-inquired and improve the level of the service in the library

  9. 本文讨论了首问责任制的内涵与特征、意义与作用,并谈了实施该制度的措施与体会

    Intension and characteristics , meaning and function of first asking duty system have been discussed in this paper , as well as measures and experiences to carry out this system

  10. 自从1998年我国公检法等行业推行首问责任制以来,这些行业的服务质量得到很大程度的提高。

    The asking system of job responsibility has been introducing in procuratorial organs and people 's courts of our country since 1998 , service qualities in these professions have been increased greatly .

  11. 阐述了高校图书馆推行首问责任制的必要性和具体的措施,并且对首问责任制的考核和监督提出了几点看法。

    This paper expounds the importance of and concrete measures for promoting first-inquiring responsibility system in university library , and puts forward some options on the examination and supervision of the first-inquiring responsibility system .

  12. 文章论述了实行首问责任制在酒店管理中必要性,及如何解决好首问责任制运用过程中的问题和酒店其它方面的必要措施。

    Article expound the fact implement piece ask responsibility system in hotel necessity of managing , and how to solve the problem that ask the responsibility system for the first time well used in the course with the hotel other respects requisite measure .

  13. 介绍了首问责任制和首问责任人的概念,以大连理工大学图书馆为例,阐述了高校图书馆推行首问责任制的必要性,提出了推行首问责任制对馆员的基本要求。

    This paper introduces the concepts of the responsibility system of first asking and responsibility person of first asking , taking the library of Dalian University of Technology as an example , advances some basic requirements of implementing the responsibility system of first asking for the librarian .

  14. 本文提出了一种全新的主动服务举措&推行首问首接责任制,并就在图书馆推行首问首接责任制的必要性及其可行的措施谈了个人的看法。

    A new act on performance of active service in libraries has been suggested & Liability System about the first asking or first reception .