
shǒu xí zhí xínɡ ɡuān
  • chief executive officer
  1. “大约毎一周都会有客户提供一种我从未听说过的新认证,即使我就身处这个行业中,”可持续商业咨詢中心的首席执行官凯文·威尔海姆说道。

    " About once a week , I have a client that will bring up a new certification I 've never even heard of and I 'm in this industry , " said Kevin Wilhelm , chief executive officer of Sustainable Business Consulting .

  2. 詹姆士·B·辛格陵为美国俱乐部经理人协会的首席执行官。

    James B.Singerling is the Chief Executive Officer of the Club Managers Association of America .

  3. 作为首席执行官,他手下云集了一批优雅的名人名士。

    As chief executive , he assembled a polished stable of celebrities .

  4. 克劳斯先生将出任首席执行官,手下有4位经理。

    Mr Cross will assume the role of Chief Executive with a team of four directors

  5. 那名年轻的记者揭露了这位首席执行官的丑事。

    That young reporter exposed the abuses of the CEO .

  6. 新来的首席执行官气度不凡。

    The new CEO has a distinguished bearing .

  7. 卢达克里斯和美国银行前任首席执行官肯·刘易斯,以及《VICE》的第一位女主编埃利斯·琼斯都是我的大学校友

    Ludacris and the former CEO of Bank of America Ken Lewis are alumni of my college , as well as VICE 's first female editor-in-chief , Ellis Jones .

  8. 据该公首席执行官罗斯·马卡里奥称,这是为了打造一家环保公司。

    According to the company 's CEO , Rose Marcario , this is about building a company that cares about the environment .

  9. 史蒂芬·埃洛普在2010年10月就任诺基亚首席执行官,他做出的一系列决策决定了诺基亚的命运。

    What sealed Nokia 's fate was a series of decisions made by Stephen Elop in his position as CEO , which he assumed in October 2010 .

  10. 去年在接受《经济学人》采访时,太空旅游公司维珍银河首席执行官乔治·怀特塞兹将自己的公司归入后一类。

    In an interview last year with The Economist , George Whitesides , chief executive of space-tourism firm Virgin Galactic , was placing his company in the latter category .

  11. 对手的另一方是世界上市值最高的公司,其首席执行官吉姆·库克表示,他将对法院的命令提出上诉。

    In the other corner is the world ’ s most valuable company , whose chief executive , Timothy D. Cook , has said he will appeal the court ’ s order .

  12. 首席执行官们的平均收入是普通工人的295倍,这一数字比过去高出很多,但没有任何证据表明生产率有相应的提高。

    C.E.O.s enjoy incomes that are on average 295 times that of the typical worker , a much higher ratio than in the past , without any evidence of a proportionate increase in productivity .

  13. “没有什么惊世骇俗的奇迹,而且在未来几年内也不会出现,”美国消费者技术协会主席兼首席执行官盖瑞·夏培罗说道。

    There is not any one-hit wonder , and there will not be one for years to come , said Gary Shapiro , president and chief executive of the Consumer Technology Association ( CTA ) .

  14. 摩根大通首席执行官杰米•戴蒙最近表示愿意这样做,他指出,过去10年来,银行和商户一直在就交换费(它们所持有的交易价格的百分比)相互起诉,而没有处理日益严重的黑客问题。

    JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon recently expressed his willingness to do so , noting that banks and merchants have spent the past decade suing each other over interchange fees — the percentage of the transaction price they keep — rather than deal with the growing hacking problem .

  15. “大约80%的年度同比销售下滑可以归因于冬季货品的短缺,”首席执行官泰瑞·伧德格伦在媟体发布会上说。

    “ About   80 %   of   our   company 's   year-over-year   declines   incomparable   sales   can   be   attributed   to   shortfalls    in   cold-weather   goods , ”  said   chief executive   Teny   Lundgren   in   a   press   release .

  16. 乔布斯在1985年被迫离开了苹果公司,之后创办了另外两家公司——Next和Pixar,他在1996年再次回到苹果公司,并于1997年成为了首席执行官。

    Mr. Jobs was forced out of Apple in 1985 , went off and founded two other companies , Next and Pixar , before returning to Apple in 1996 and becoming chief executive in 1997 .

  17. “它已被推迟至2017年,”安娜·萨默斯说。安娜·萨默斯是《艺术报》的创始人兼首席执行官,同时也是“危在旦夕的威尼斯“组织的前负责人,该组织致力于恢复威尼斯的艺术。

    It 's been postponed until 2017 , says Anna Somers , the founder and CEO of The Art Newspaper and the former head of Venice in Peril , a group devoted to restoring Venetian art .

  18. 麦格劳·希尔公司没有对评论的请求进行回应,但是其首席执行官大卫·莱文在8月份时告诉《金融时报》,“在高等教育中,印刷教材的时代现在已经结束了。”

    McGraw Hill didn 't respond to a request for comment , but its CEO David Levin told the Financial Times in August that " in higher education , the era of the printed textbook is now over . "

  19. 圣约瑟夫·霍格健康公司首席执行官兼董事长理查德·阿费伯博士说,从大局来看,整个州的医疗机构正在开始泰然地转变成一个健康组织,而不仅仅是一个医疗保健组织。

    In the big picture , says Dr. Richard Afable , CEO and president of ST. Joseph Hoag Health , medical institutions across the state are starting to make a philosophical switch to becoming a health organization , not just a health care organization .

  20. 2007年,一个由首席执行官组成的国际组织发现,43%的首席执行官是长子长女,33%是中间儿,23%是老幺。

    In 2007 , an international organization of CEOs found that 43 % of CEOs are first-borns 33 % are middle children , and 23 % are last-borns .

  21. 表达中的动词“come”可以用“bring”来替换,即“bringsomeoneinfromthecold”,意思是“让某人不再受到冷落”。例句我们已经决定是时候让这位被打入冷宫的前首席执行官回来继续这个项目的工作了。

    We have decided1 that it is time for the ex-CEO to come in from the cold to resume work on the project .

  22. 图沙尔·阿加瓦尔(TusharAgarwal)�Hubble公司联合创始人兼首席执行官

    Tushar Agarwal , Co-founder and CEO , Hubble

  23. Thorn集团的首席执行官朱莉·科尔多瓦说,大约一半的儿童性虐待内容为视频格式。该公司开发了一项帮助执法人员侦查性贩卖的技术。

    Julie Cordua , chief executive of Thorn , a group that has developed technology to help law enforcement officials detect sex trafficking , said about half of child sexual abuse material is formatted as video .

  24. 董事会一致投票任命了新的首席执行官。

    The board voted in unison to appoint the new CEO .

  25. 海琳·盖尔:美国国际关怀组织总裁兼首席执行官

    Helene Gayle : President and CEO , CARE USA

  26. 迈克尔·布隆伯格:彭博公司首席执行官

    Michael Bloomberg : CEO , Bloomberg LP

  27. 沃伦·巴菲特:伯克希尔-哈撒韦公司首席执行官

    Warren Buffett : CEO , Berkshire Hathaway

  28. 莎拉·沃瑞斯�鲨鱼观察者组织首席执行官

    Sarah Warries , CEO , Shark Spotters

  29. 例句马克现在负责管理公司的所有业务,因为他刚被任命为公司的首席执行官。

    Mark is in the driving seat now that he has been appointed CEO of the company .

  30. 例句那位首席执行官应公平地对待所有主管,而不仅仅是他自己的血肉。

    The CEO should treat all the executives1 fairly , not just his own flesh and blood .