
  • 网络CIO;chief information officer;CTO;CEO
  1. 能源信息网站——中国能源网首席信息官韩晓平就反对南方供暖。

    Han Xiaoping , CIO of the energy information site china5e.com , opposes heating the south .

  2. 不仅如此,就连首席信息官的传统职责购买设备也在不断发生变化。

    Even the traditional role of the CIO buying equipment has evolved .

  3. 另一位员工则表示:领取一台运行Windows系统的新电脑,现在必须得到[首席信息官]的批准。

    Getting a new Windows machine now requires [ chief information officer ] approval , said another .

  4. 至于首席信息官(CIO),我倾向于IBM公司的珍妮特•霍兰。

    At CIO , I think Jeanette Horan at IBM ( IBM ) .

  5. 台式机搭载Windows8,加之Surface平板混合型设备即将推出,首席信息官们可能更容易看到Windows在各类别设备上运行的成本效益。

    Nwith Windows 8 on the desktop , and upcoming the surface tablet hybrid , it could be easier for CIOs to see the cost benefit of windows across devices .

  6. 我国政府首席信息官(CIO)体制建设探析

    Analysis of Building System of Government Chief Information Officer in Our Country

  7. 技术人员编制和咨询公司EliassenGroup的首席信息官鲍比•库内奥对此表示赞同。

    Bob Cuneo , CIO at tech staffing and consulting firm Eliassen group , agrees .

  8. 浅析我国企业首席信息官(CIO)的培养问题

    How to Train the Chief Information Officer ( CIO ) in the Enterprise in China

  9. 今年1月份,该公司聘请曾任黑莓公司(BlackBerry)首席信息官的罗宾o比恩菲特来领导一支新组建的团队。

    In January , it hired Robin Bienfait , the former chief information officer of BlackBerry , to lead a newly formed team .

  10. 对于首席信息官(CIO),通过SOA可以更快地交付业务流程,而且可以通过减少开发和维护成本来降低成本。

    For the Chief Information Officer ( CIO ), SOA enables faster time-to-delivery of business processes and cost reduction resulting from reductions in development and maintenance costs .

  11. 在企业级市场,鲍尔默不会满足于那些自己送上门的公司客户;他还会积极争取各公司的首席信息官,同时对iPhone做出改变,以适应他们的需求。

    Ballmer would do more than catch enterprise accounts that fall in his lap ; he would aggressively court CIOs and make changes to the iPhone to accommodate them .

  12. 首席信息官(CIO)知识体系研究中国企业首席信息官的状况和影响研究

    On the Body of Knowledge of the Chief Information Officer A Survey of the Condition and Impact of CIOs in China

  13. Dropbox和Box这些从消费市场起家的服务正在添加安全功能,并大力与现有软件整合,以赢得首席信息官(CIO)们的青睐。

    Those that started out in the consumer space , like Dropbox and box , are wooing CIOs with added security features and integration with existing software .

  14. 今年三月,Gartner建议首席信息官们必须做好削减IT成本的准备,以便应对日益紧缩的经济环境。

    This March , Gartner advised that CIOs must prepare to cut IT costs in order to cope with the tightening economic environment .

  15. IBM在2011年对全球3000多位首席信息官(chiefinformationofficer,简称CIO)的一项调查显示,现在CEO和CIO比以往任何时候都更加团结,他们正在使用IT创新来提高公司业绩。

    In fact , a 2011 IBM C-suite survey of more than 3,000 chief information officers worldwide concluded that CEOs and CIOs are more aligned than ever before and are using it innovation to drive business results .

  16. PAT是投资团队的一部分,它通过提供投资组合构建以及风险特性等信息对PAG和首席信息官予以支持。

    The PAT is part of the investment team , and supports the Portfolio Analysis Group and the CIO by providing information on portfolio construction and risk profiles .

  17. 首席信息官兰迪·莫特(RandyMott)也将离开公司&也是即刻生效。惠普将寻找莫特的继任者。

    Randy Mott , chief information officer , is also leaving effective immediately ; the company will conduct a search for his successor .

  18. 职位越高,女性雇员就越少:招聘公司HarveyNash最近进行的一项调查显示,仅有8%的首席信息官(CIO)是女性。

    The higher you go , the fewer there are : only 8 per cent of CIOs are women , according to a recent survey from recruitment firm Harvey Nash .

  19. 这些服务可能有利于消费者,但它们在设计之时并未考虑如何满足首席信息官的(CIO)的安全需求。

    These services may be good for consumers , but they have not been de # 173 ; signed to match the # 173 ; security needs of CIOs .

  20. 我们已经开始看到用户数量呈指数式增长,而且从一些用户公司的首席信息官处也直接听到,他们可以看到Outlook和Yammer使用量的此消彼长。

    We were beginning to see exponential user increases , and were hearing directly from CIOs that they could see decreasing their use of outlook and increasing their use of yammer .

  21. 首席信息官会前来考察数据中心,并询问安全方面的情况,微软数据中心运营经理凯文蒂蒙斯(KevinTimmons)表示。

    Chief information officers come and look at the data centre and ask about security , says Kevin Timmons , manager of data centre operations at Microsoft .

  22. 星巴克公司(Starbucks)首席信息官史蒂夫•吉列如是说:“首席信息官的职责是不断挑战和整合员工的能力和才干。”

    Or , in the words of Starbucks CIO Stephen Gillett , " the role of the CIO is to really challenge and harness the talent and capabilities of the people you lead . "

  23. 我们采用德尔菲方法,提出一套首席信息官(CIO)的知识体系。

    This paper presents a body of knowledge for the Chief Information Officer through the Delphi investigation method . Methods : 1 . We obtained hMSCs with discontinuous gradient centrifugation on Percoll .

  24. 但这位公司创始人兼CEO也承认,他还需要做很多宣传和说服的工作,很多CEO和首席信息官都对戴尔进入软件和存储这些新领域感到意外。

    But the founder and CEO also admitted he has a lot of evangelizing to do , and that many CEOs and CIOs he meets with are surprised when they hear about the newer businesses Dell has entered , like software and storage .

  25. 这些指示还应该包括执行任务的正确顺序&例如,首先应该拔掉插头还是应该给首席信息官(CIO)打电话?

    These instructions should also include the correct order in which to perform tasks & for example , should they should pull the plug or call the Chief Information Officer ( CIO ) first ?

  26. 通用汽车公司首席信息官兰迪•莫特(RandyMott)在新闻稿中宣布了这个举措,他表示,大凤凰城地区是出色的枢纽,吸引了新兴技术人才&从大学毕业生到职场专业人士。

    The greater Phoenix area is a fantastic hub of emerging technical talent – from university graduates to working professionals , said GM CIO Randy Mott in a release announcing the move .

  27. 我们不会把自己的传家宝放进云里,我们只放邮件和日历功能,捷豹路虎(Jaguar-LandRover)首席信息官杰里米文森特(JeremyVincent)表示,这家汽车公司最近成为了谷歌的客户。

    We are not putting our family jewels in the cloud , just mail and calendar functions , says Jeremy Vincent , chief information officer of Jaguar-Land Rover , the car company , which recently became a Google customer .

  28. 首席信息官沙雷什•普拉卡什(ShaileshPrakash)表示,该报“把合作伙伴计划的关键不仅视为提供内容,而是由我们提供技术解决方案”。

    The paper views " the partner programme as not just about content but about us offering technology solutions , " said Shailesh Prakash , chief information officer .

  29. 凯利表示,CCO的部分职责将与首席信息官的职责重复,但是云计算技术的发展势不可挡,为了保证信息的安全,公司必须增设这一管理层职位。

    Some CCO responsibilities will overlap with those of a chief information officer , Carey says , but the inevitable growth of the cloud will create the additional need for this executive at any company that wants to keep its information safe .

  30. 首席信息官罗伯特?罗斯克兰斯赚了465327美元。

    Robert Rosecrans , chief information officer , made $ 465327 .