
  • 网络Free Trade Agreement;fta;FTAS;free trade area;CAFTA
  1. 中韩日自由贸易协定(FTA)的可行性及其经济效应

    Research on Possibility and Economic Effects of FTA between China , Korea and Japan

  2. 在WTO多边贸易体制框架下,许多国家和地区开始积极参加区域经济一体化组织,其中自由贸易协定是各国参与区域经济一体化的主要形式之一。

    Under the WTO multilateral trade system , many countries begin to participate in regional trade agreement actively . FTA is one of the main forms of regionalism and it is the most usual form when countries join regional economic integration .

  3. 自由贸易协定对两国都会有利。

    A free trade agreement would be advantageous to both countries .

  4. 然而,韩美自由贸易协定(Korea-USFreeTradeAgreement)迄今尚未取得进展。

    However , the Korea-US Free Trade Agreement has yet to move .

  5. 当前国际经济关系含有两条轴线,一条是以WTO为代表的多边主义,另一条是以地区自由贸易协定为代表的区域主义。

    The current international economic relations consist of two major axes . One is multilateralism represented by WTO and the other is regionalism .

  6. 2013年,欧盟(eu)和美国将签订自由贸易协定,或者至少朝着这一目标展开严肃的谈判。

    2013 will be the year of an EU-US free trade agreement , or at least serious negotiations towards that goal .

  7. 新一代双边自由贸易协定的比较与借鉴&以日新FTA、欧墨FTA为例

    Comparing and Drawing upon the New Generation of Bilateral Free Trade Agreements

  8. 因此,奥巴马总统正在谋求国会尽快批准《韩国与美国自由贸易协定》,以及必要的“贸易调整援助”计划(TradeAdjustmentAssistance)。

    So , for all these reasons , President Obama is pursuing congressional approval of KORUS , together with necessary Trade Adjustment Assistance , as soon as possible .

  9. 截至到2005年7月,向WTO及GATT通知备案的自由贸易协定总计已经达到330个。

    As of July in 2005 , there are 330 free trade agreements have been filed with WTO and GATT .

  10. 今年1月,中国开始执行与东盟(asean)的自由贸易协定,东盟是10个东南亚国家组成的区域集团。

    In January , China implemented a free-trade agreement with ASEAN , the Southeast Asian grouping of 10 countries .

  11. 而在阿拉伯世界看向东方的同时,欧盟(eu)与海湾合作委员会多年来未能成功达成一项自由贸易协定。

    And while the Arab world looks east , the European Union and the GCC have for years been unsuccessfully negotiating a free trade agreement .

  12. 自由贸易协定(FTA)下的中国东盟及中国智利农产品贸易发展研究

    Research on the Development of Chinese Agri-product Trade under the FTA Framework of China-ASEAN and China-Chile

  13. 双边自由贸易协定(FTA)的签署可以为成员国带来巨大的经济利益与政治利益。

    The establishment of FTA brings huge economic interests and great political benefits to member countries .

  14. 1987年北美自由贸易协定(NorthAmericanFreeTradeAgreement)通过的时候,美国和加拿大(以及墨西哥)开启了一段互惠互利的融合进程,现在这种融合需要加强。

    When the North American Free Trade Agreement passed in 1987 , the U.S. and Canada ( along with Mexico ) began a mutually beneficial process of integration that now needs strengthening .

  15. 加拿大受到北美自由贸易协定(northamericanfreetradeagreement)中更为强大的政府采购规定的保护,在此前美国试图限制钢铁进口时,加拿大曾得到特别豁免。

    Canada is protected by stronger government procurement rules under the North American Free Trade Agreement , and had to be given special exemptions during earlier US attempts to restrict steel imports .

  16. 随着WTO谈判的停滞不前,自由贸易协定(以下简称FTA)如雨后春笋般发展起来。

    With the stagnation of the WTO negotiations , free trade agreements ( hereinafter referred to FTA for short ) developed like mushrooms after rain .

  17. 北美自由贸易协定(NAFTA)对亚洲纺织及成衣工业出口及发展的影响

    The influences of NAFTA on Asian textile and clothing exporting and the industry development

  18. 最近通过的《韩美自由贸易协定》(Korea-U.S.FreeTradeAgreement)突出表明,这些双边关系继续对我们的共同繁荣作出贡献。

    The recent passage of the Korea-U.S.Free Trade Agreement underscores the contribution these bilateral relationships continue to make to our shared prosperity .

  19. 特朗普已将贸易当作其民粹主义经济理念的核心内容之一,他以前曾威胁要让美国退出《北美自由贸易协定》(NorthAmericanFreeTradeAgreement)、并对中国商品征收高额关税。

    Mr Trump has made trade a central part of his populist economic message and has in the past threatened to pull out of the North American Free Trade Agreement and levy tariffs on Chinese goods .

  20. 笔者介绍了中国与WTO成员和非成员已经签署的自由贸易协定以及正在进行谈判的自由贸易协定,并对已签署区域贸易协定在贸易救济制度方面所采取的模式进行了分析。

    Section one introduces the free trade agreements that China has already signed and those in ongoing negotiations , and analyzes the modes of trade remedy system adopted in the signed regional trade agreements .

  21. 哥斯达黎加已跟美国签署了自由贸易协定,英特尔(IntelCorp.)等美国公司在该国有相当大的业务规模。

    Costa Rica already has a free-trade agreement with the U.S. , and U.S. companies like Intel Corp. INTC + 3.95 % have sizable operations there .

  22. 围绕欧盟-美国自由贸易协定问题一直存在着大量的炒作,特别是在巴拉克·奥巴马(BarackObama)上周发表国情咨文演讲之后。

    There is a lot of hype about the prospects of an EU-US free trade agreement , especially in the wake of Barack Obama 's State of the Union address last week .

  23. 1992年美国总统候选人罗斯•佩罗(RossPerot)曾预言,一旦《北美自由贸易协定》(NorthAmericanFreeTradeAgreement)签订,那么沿着美国南部边境,人们将听到一个“巨大的吮吸声”。

    In 1992 US presidential candidate Ross Perot predicted that a " giant sucking sound " would be heard along the country 's southern border as soon as the North American Free Trade Agreement was signed .

  24. 他们很难指望在拥有北美自由贸易协定(nafta)的同时,却告诉亚洲人不能寻求泛亚洲协定。

    They can hardly expect to have a North American free trade agreement while telling Asians they cannot pursue pan-Asian arrangements .

  25. 另外,正如韩国如今与美国、欧盟(EU)和东盟(ASEAN)达成了自由贸易协定一样,日本也必须将贸易关系拓展到更远的地区。

    And , just as South Korea now enjoys free trade agreements with the US , EU and the Association of South East Asian Nations , Japan must develop new trade ties further afield .

  26. 他表示,通过成为加拿大公民,毕业生们根据《北美自由贸易协定》(nafta)在整个北美地区找到工作的可能性有所提高。

    By becoming Canadian citizens , graduates have increased opportunities of getting a job throughout North America through NAFTA , he says .

  27. 作为经济一体化的基础和主要表现形式,自由贸易协定(FTA)于1990年代在世界范围迅速发展,对世界经济的运行和发展产生深远影响。

    Free trade agreement ( FTA ), as mostly basement and form of integration , has been rapidly developing since 1990 and brings far-reaching effects on the world economy .

  28. 该协定是《北美自由贸易协定》(NAFTA)1994年获得通过以来美国最大规模的自由贸易协议。

    It is the largest pact of its kind for the United States since the1994 North American Free Trade Agreement ( NAFTA ) .

  29. 这将是中国与经合组织(oecd)成员国之间磋商的首个自由贸易协定(有别于中国与新西兰之间的自由贸易谈判)。

    It will be the first FTA China has negotiated with an organisation for Economic Co-operation and development economy ( other than the companion talks with New Zealand ) .

  30. 除对此前自由贸易协定(FTA)中所包含的传统解决问题的方式作出更新以外,TPP还包含了新的和正在出现的贸易问题和跨领域问题。

    In addition to updating traditional approaches to issues covered by previous free trade agreements ( FTAs ), the TPP includes new and emerging trade issues and cross-cutting issues .