
zhí wèi
  • position;post;job;appointment;capacity;status;-ship
职位 [zhí wèi]
  • [position;post] 任职的岗位、头衔

职位[zhí wèi]
  1. 没有一个候选人完全符合这个职位的标准。

    No candidate fulfils all the criteria for this position .

  2. 新职位赋予她重大的责任。

    The new position invested her with a good deal of responsibility .

  3. 他显然想接受这个职位。

    He shows every indication of wanting to accept the post .

  4. 根据有关的最新消息她申请过30个职位。

    She 'd applied for 30 jobs at the last count .

  5. 我申请这个职位是希望多于期待。

    I applied for the post more in hope than expectation .

  6. 有一半的职位通过自然减员将会空出。

    Half of the posts will be lost through natural wastage .

  7. 罢工的核心问题是工作职位的保留。

    The central issue in the strike was the preservation of jobs .

  8. 迈克因新的职位得到公司提供的专用汽车。

    Mike gets a company car with his new job .

  9. 明年我们将增设15个新职位。

    We will be creating 15 new posts next year .

  10. 她知道自己与显赫的政治职位无缘。

    She knew that tenure of high political office was beyond her .

  11. 这是一个固定职位,需要专心致志和勤奋工作。

    This is a permanent appointment , requiring commitment and hard work .

  12. 他退休后这个职位就会撤掉。

    On his retirement the post will cease to exist .

  13. 如今有太多的人在角逐寥寥无几的工作职位。

    Too many people are chasing too few jobs nowadays .

  14. 他下周要接受一个经理职位的面试。

    He has an interview next week for the manager 's job .

  15. 至于说她是否适合这个职位,我无可奉告。

    I have little information as regards her fitness for the post .

  16. 这本小册子介绍如何申请职位。

    The leaflet explains how to apply for a place .

  17. 这个职位的正式名称为“行政助理”。

    The official title of the job is ' Administrative Assistant ' .

  18. 她在获得那个职位之前不过是个无名之辈。

    She wasn 't anybody before she got that job .

  19. 在校成绩好并非总是获得高薪职位的敲门砖。

    Academic success is not always an open sesame to a well-paid job .

  20. 她在董事会的人事突变中失去了职位。

    She lost her position in a boardroom coup .

  21. 出人意料的是,那个职位竟然落到一个毫不起眼的人头上。

    To everyone 's surprise , the post went to a rank outsider .

  22. 要取得终身职位仍然极其困难。

    It 's still extremely difficult to get tenure .

  23. 这个职位最终空出来之后,他们给了菲奥纳。

    When the post finally fell vacant , they offered it to Fiona .

  24. 她是这个职位最合适的人选。

    She 's the obvious choice for the job .

  25. 她是这个职位当然的人选。

    She 's the obvious choice for the job .

  26. 申请过这个职位的人不需重新申请。

    Previous applicants for the post need not reapply .

  27. 他们决定在某些关键职位上聘任外来人员。

    They have decided to hire outsiders for some of the key positions .

  28. 有70个职位暂时保留到明年四月份。

    70 jobs have been reprieved until next April .

  29. 她正竭力谋取最高职位。

    She 's gunning for the top job .

  30. 他利用职位之便敛财。

    He used his position to enrich himself .