
zhí chēng
  • title;technical title;academic title;positional titles;the title of a technical or professional post (such as engineer, professor, lecturer, academician, etc.);professional ranks and titles
职称 [zhí chēng]
  • [the title of a technical or professional post (such as engineer, professor, lecturer, academician, etc.)] 区别科学技术人员等级的称号(如工程师、教授、讲师、学院院士等)

职称[zhí chēng]
  1. 不同的背景因子,例如不同性别、年龄、教龄、职称、工作量、收入、学历主要在高校体育教师职业倦怠在情感耗竭和低成就感两个维度上有差异显著。

    Different background factors , for example , gender , age , of school age , professional ranks and titles , workload , income and education background are influencing each of the dimensions of job burnout of college PE teachers , especially so with emotion exhaustion and ineffectiveness .

  2. 调查结果表明农村初中英语教师在性别、年龄、学历、职称以及专业出身等方面存在结构性问题,其专业发展正处于一种无序的自发状况。

    The survey shows that the English teaching staff in junior middle school is encountering many problems , such as the disproportions in sex , age , educational level , professional ranks and titles and professional background , which results in the disorderly spontaneous situation for their professional development .

  3. 她已被授予教授职称。

    She has been awarded the title Professor .

  4. 这些知识分子不得不为晋升技术职称全力以赴。

    These intellectuals have to bend themselves to the promotion of their technical titles .

  5. 评定职称要看业务水平,不能靠熬年头儿。

    Professional titles should be awarded on the basis of actual performance , not on seniority .

  6. 今后,广东省科技人员参加职称评定将有更多可能性,不再“唯论文论”。

    From now on , the evaluation1 of professional titles for scientific and research personnel in Guangdong will no longer be paper-centric but featuring more variety to apply .

  7. 中国目前需要修复的文物多达200多万件,但从事文物修复工作的人员才400人左右,而且这个行业没有相应的职称评定体系。

    China has more than 2 million cultural relics that are in need of repair but there are only around 400 people working in the field , which has not yet established a professional title evaluation6 system .

  8. 专家指出,大多数过国内发表的论文只为评职称,毫无价值,大多数科技成果未能转化发挥实际用途。

    Experts have pointed2 out that the majority of published papers in China have little worth , except to meet the professional title requirement , and the majority of scientific and technological3 results fail to be transferred to industry for practical use .

  9. 我校高级职称人员血清中铜、锌、钙、镁及维生素A、E和过氧化脂质含量的分析

    Analysis of serum copper , zinc , calcium , magnesium , VA , VE and lipoperoxide contents in 160 senior workers

  10. 所以,ESP教学应在培养合格教师、改革现行职称评定体制、成立ESP教研室、教材编写准确定位等方面着手改革。

    So the reform shall be conducted in fostering qualified teachers , awarding professional titles , founding ESP section and compiling proper textbooks .

  11. 不同职业、科室、性别、职称以及不同文化程度对职工社会支持及总体幸福感影响均无显著性差异(P>0.05),不同年龄组的职工之间主观支持(P

    Different careers , clinical departments , sex , professional title and different levels of education have not influenced the medical staff , s social support and general well-being ( P > 0.05 ) , but the different ages and

  12. 结果:不同学历、工龄、职称的护士对《医疗事故处理条例》掌握情况具有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    Results : in terms of the grasp of the regulation , there was statistical difference among nurse of different formal schooling records , different length of service , and with different professional job titles ( P 0.05 ) .

  13. 从学校支持的角度看,资金投入、课程安排、职称评定和技术保障在很多时候影响了ICT在教学中的应用;

    In term of school support , the application of ICT in teaching process is likely to be affected by fund investment , curriculum arrangement , teachers appointment and promotion , and technology guarantee ;

  14. 年龄、婚姻、职称、护龄在职业压力源中得分差异有统计学意义(P0.001)。

    The different of scores about age , marital status , occupation , career age , which also took the parts on the occupational stressors , was statistical significance ( P0.001 ) .

  15. 不同年龄、职称和工作压力的护理教师CTDI-CV中文版特质测量结果比较有统计学意义。

    There were statistical significance in terms of measuring results of CTDI-CV among nursing teachers with different age , position and working pressure .

  16. 结果辽宁省市本级CDC人力资源配置中学历以大专为主,职称以中级为主,年龄以36-45岁为主,各市CDC人员庞大、普遍超编。

    Result Liaoning Province city level CDC manpower resource distribution the academic credentials rely mainly on junior college , the professional title relies mainly on intermediate , the age is by 36-45 years lod main fact , every city CDC person huge , generally overstaff .

  17. 经统计分析,总体上,性别、年龄、职称、所教学段对教师有关LLS和SI的认可度没有影响。

    According to the statistics , except for the factor of the years of teaching experience , little impact on teachers ' acceptance of LLS and SI has been put by the other factors such as gender , age , professional qualification , and the teaching stage .

  18. 职称&刑事犯罪的预防和司法的跨区域顾问

    Post Title : Interregional Adviser in Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice

  19. 职称评审量化管理系统(ZCLHS)的设计与实现

    Quantified management system for professional titles evaluation : design and Implementation

  20. 你对在学校里获得的职称满意吗?

    Are you satisfied with the grades you received in school ?

  21. 计算机职称考试系统中选择题选取的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Choice-based Test System for Computer Degree Test

  22. 技术职称改革实践中的问题及若干建议

    Some problems and suggestions about the practice in technical post reform

  23. 谈模糊理论在教师职称评价工作中的应用

    Applying fuzzy mathematics to the appraisal of teachers ' professional titles

  24. 将临床技能考核纳入医师职称晋升评审的做法

    Application on taking clinical skill examination into ranking professional titles of physicians

  25. 村卫生室人员卫生技术职称情况更不容乐观。

    In the Village clinic can not be optimistic even more titles .

  26. 某高校处级干部及高级职称人员健康状况调查

    The Survey of Health State to Directors and Professors in a University

  27. 住院医师规范化培训与职称晋升

    The standardized training for resident-doctors and the promotion of the professional title

  28. 技术人员职称结构的一种预测模型及算法

    A Model and Its Algorithm for Prediction of Composition of Professional Titles

  29. 所有病例均由2位高级职称医师采用双盲法评价;

    All cases were evaluated by two senior doctors in double-blind method ;

  30. 教育事业单位职称职务辅助管理系统

    Mangement Information System of the Professional Title and Post in Educational Institutions