
  • 网络Medical separation;separation between medical and pharmaceutical services
  1. 医药分开核算分别管理改革的目标及政策选择

    A study on the objective and policies of medical expenditure management

  2. 实行医药分开核算、分别管理,具有重要的经济、社会和业务技术意义。

    Carrying out this policy have an economic social and business technology significance .

  3. 医药分开核算、分别管理对乡镇卫生院防保功能落实的影响分析

    An analysis on impact to preventive function of township hospitals under the new health policy

  4. 解决以药养医的核心问题即是医药分开。

    The core of soluting doctors depend on medicine problem is to separate doctor with medicine .

  5. 谈谈医药分开核算、分别管理构建医药分开的管理与流通体制;

    Structure the system of separating medicinal from medicine in the field of administration and circulation ;

  6. 我国医药分开的现状与对策研究

    Research on the Present Situation and Countermeasure of the Separated Management between Medicine and Pharmacy in China

  7. 四是要加大医药分开核算的考核力度,改革药品流通体制;

    Separate calculation the expenditure on medical service and drug , and reform the circulation system of drug market ;

  8. 武汉市北湖街社区卫生服务中心医药分开效果评价

    The Effect of the Reform for the Separation of Prescribing and Dispensing in Wuhan Beihu Community Health Service Center

  9. 运用知识经济的思维方式对医药分开后医院建设和发展的思考

    Thoughts in the Mode of Knowledge Economy About Hospital Construction and Development After the Departure of Patient Treatments and Medicine Sales

  10. 医药分开核算、分别管理是我国城镇职工医疗保障制度改革的一项配套措施和一项重要的卫生经济政策,是符合客观经济规律的。

    The respective check and management of drug income and medical drug is an important measure and health economic policy of medical insurance system .

  11. 对此,国家提出了医疗改革方案,其中重要的举措便是努力实现医药分开。

    In this regard , the national medical reform scheme is proposed , which is an important measure is to achieve separation of medicine .

  12. 逐步推行医药分开核算,分别管理的政策措施,规范医院的经济补偿机制。

    The policy of separate accounting and management for medical and pharmaceutical income should be gradually adopted , and the mechanism of economic compensation should be standardized .

  13. 背景:近年来,武汉市在发展社区卫生服务过程中,结合落实国家社区卫生服务政策,采取了一些颇有特色的措施,如医药分开。

    【 Background 】 In recent years , some special measures like separation of drug prescribing and dispensing have been taken according to Wuhan community health service development strategy .

  14. 当然,在这个体系还没有建立起来之前,完善医药分开不失为一种有效的救急性探索。

    Certainly it is one kind effective helps in an emergency before the exploration . Has not established in this system and the perfect medicine separates does not lose .

  15. 因此,作者指出,药房托管是医药分开的过渡性的好办法,应当在各地公立医院全面推开,并需要政府来推行。

    Thus the author point out : Chinese drugstore trusteeship is a transitional good way ; it should be open in the public hospitals and need the Government to carry out .

  16. 而对以药养医体制进行改革,实施医药分开,早在9年前的国务院文件上就已明确提出来了。

    And reform " to drug dependent medical " system , the implementation of " separate ", as early as 9 years ago , the State Council , the document had clearly come .

  17. 为了解决药品费用上涨过快的问题,卫生部门尝试医药分开核算、分别管理政策。

    To solve the problems of pharmaceutical expense rising too fast , the Ministry of Health tried to conduct a policy of separation of accounting and management of medical service and pharmaceuticals sales .

  18. 与国办(2000)16号文件相比较,医药分开改革的基本目标相同,都是为了切断医院运行和药品销售之间的直接经济利益关系。

    National Office ( 2000 ) compared to document on the 16th , medicine separate from the same basic goal of reform is to cut off the hospital between the drug sales operation and the direct economic interests .

  19. 由于医药分开这一方法能够从一定程度上解决看病贵问题,因此国内许多城市进行了试点工作,并且由于各地实际情况不同,采取的做法也各自不同。

    As the " medical separation " from a certain extent this approach can solve the " high medical charges " problem , so many cities for a pilot , and because of different situation , the approach taken are different .

  20. 文献研究法主要运用在交易成本理论和医药分开的相关理论研究,包括总结和归纳交易成本的起源与发展、特征与应用,医药分开的国内研究现状及发展现状等。

    The Document Research was mainly used to research of the Transaction Cost Theory and separation of drug prescribing and dispensing in the aspect of theory , including review and summarize the origin , development , features and applications of Transaction Cost Theory .

  21. 本文对医药分开、公立医院以及利益相关者等概念进行了阐述,以便在研究的过程中能够对研究对象有一个清晰的认识。

    The concepts of SDP ( Separation of Dispensing from Prescription ), public hospitals as well as stakeholders and the others are introduced in this paper , so that it could be able to have a clear understanding of the object of study in the course of study .

  22. 结论通过医药分开,加强处方监督,增强居民合理用药意识以及尽快将社区卫生服务纳入城镇医保等措施来规范社区卫生服务机构的用药和处方费用的控制。

    CONCLUSION Take measures such as separating medicine from pharmacon , reinforcing prescription supervision , increasing residents ' awareness of rational medicine use and including the CHS into the urban medical insurance , in order to regulate rational medicine use and control cost of medicine prescription of the CHS .

  23. 这些生活费用的数字必须按食、宿、教育、医药等项目分开列出。

    These figures on living expenses must be broken down into food , shelter , education , medical bills , etc.

  24. 基于这种考虑,作者强调指出,我国当前的医药卫生制度改革仍然应当把注意力和重点放在完善医药分开实践上。

    For this reason , the author emphasizes that , our country current medicine health system reform still had key places the attention the consummation medicine to separate in the practice .