
  1. 定量调查:收集上海市城镇职工基本医疗保险参保人异地就医相关登记资料。

    Quantitative Investigation : collecting the registration information related to the medical services out-of-town in Shanghai . 4 .

  2. 社会医疗保险参保人或商业医疗保险的被保险人接受医疗服务后可以获得部分或者全部医疗费用的补偿,这部分补偿的医疗费用叫做医疗保险损失。

    People who have taken part in the social medical insurance or commercial health insurance can obtain part or all of the compensation after they accepting medical service , this part of compensation is named medical insurance loss .

  3. 城镇职工和城镇居民基本医疗保险参保4.01亿人,新型农村合作医疗制度覆盖8.3亿人。

    A total of 401 million urban workers and non-working urban residents subscribed to basic medical insurance ; and coverage of the new type of rural cooperative medical care system reached $ 30 million people .

  4. 医疗保险公平性的是社会成员有相同机会参加医疗保险,在参保人因疾病而招致健康和经济损失时,能公平地获得卫生服务和享有经济补偿。

    The equality is to guarantee all social members has the same opportunity for medical insurance . If there are losses on health and finance due to diseases , the insured has the equality to obtain medical service and enjoy economic compensation .