
  • 网络Dalian Commodity Exchange;DCE
  1. 大连商品交易所(DalianCommodityExchange)的铁矿石期货交易量位列第三。

    Iron ore futures on the Dalian Commodity exchange came in third .

  2. 本文以大连商品交易所数据为样本、以VaR(Value-at-Risk)为基础对我国期货市场保证金制度的调节市场风险作用进行了理论和实证分析。

    This paper theoretically and empirically analyzes the margin system and its role on adjusting futures market risk based on the data from Dalian Commodity Exchange and VaR ( Value-at-Risk ) method .

  3. 本文使用Granger协整检验方法对DCE(大连商品交易所)和CBOT(芝加哥商品交易所)大豆期货价格的平稳过程作了比较研究。

    This paper studies stable process of soybean futures prices between DCE and CBOT by Granger co-integration test .

  4. 目前,大连商品交易所5月份交割的玉米期货的价格为每吨1700元人民币,相当于每蒲式耳6.61美元。相比之下,芝加哥期货交易所(CBOT)5月份交割的玉米期货的价格只为每蒲式耳3.71美元。

    Dalian corn prices for May are currently at Rmb1700 a tonne - the equivalent of $ 6.61 a bushel - compared with CBOT May corn that is trading at $ 3.71 a bushel .

  5. 大连商品交易所大豆与豆粕期货价格之间的套利研究

    Spread Arbitrage between Soybean Futures Prices and Soybean Meal Futures Prices of Dalian Commodity Exchange

  6. 在世界豆油期货市场中,大连商品交易所的影响力与权成性都比芝加哥商品交易所更大和更强。

    So DCE 's price have more power of the influence and authority than CBOT 's price around the world .

  7. 期货市场保证金调整的市场风险控制作用及制度改革&来自大连商品交易所的实证分析

    The Margin Level of Futures Market and Its Role on Controlling Market Risk : An Empirical Analysis of Dalian Commodity Exchange

  8. 大连商品交易所系东北地区第一家期货交易所,也为国内三大交易所之一。

    Dalian Commodity exchange , the first futures exchange in Northeast china , and one of china 's three largest futures exchanges .

  9. 在海外市场,大豆期货买卖,大连商品交易所结算较高的周五对预期的乐观,美国农业部的报告。

    In overseas markets , soybean futures traded on the Dalian Commodity Exchange settled higher Friday on expectations of a bullish USDA report .

  10. 中国应该通过发展和完善大连商品交易所,扩大国内期货市场对国际大豆价格的影响。

    By improving the development of Dalian Commodity of Exchange , we could expand the effect of domestic futures market on the international soybean prices .

  11. 尽管去年玉米丰收,大连商品交易所的玉米价格在过去9个月里上涨了近30%。

    Despite a bumper crop last year , corn prices have risen by nearly 30 percent over the past nine months on the Dalian Commodities Exchange .

  12. 在大连商品交易所交易的大豆期货周三收盘创下历史纪录新高,原因是此前一份报告预测今年大豆产量可能会下降。

    Soybean futures traded on the Dalian Commodity Exchange settled at record highs yesterday , after the release of an influential forecast predicted lower crop yields for this year .

  13. 本文选取大连商品交易所的大豆期货品种作为研究对象,首先分析了中国大豆现货市场和期货市场的发展状况。

    This paper selects the soybean futures of the commodity exchange of Da Lian as the research object and analyses the development of soybean spot market and future market first .

  14. 本文分别运用这两大类方法,对我国大连商品交易所大豆和豆粕期货市场及郑州商品交易所小麦期货市场的有效性进行了实证检验。

    This paper used these two major kinds of methods to test the market efficiency of China 's main commodity futures markets , including the soybean and soybean meal futures market of Dalian Commodity Exchange and the wheat future market of Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange .

  15. 本文以大连商品交易所大豆期货交易为研究例证,分析国内外大豆供求情况及期货价格变动趋势,提出发展我国大豆期货交易的有效措施。

    The present paper takes the soybean futures exchange in Dalian Commodity Exchange as an example , analyses the situation on the domestic and abroad soybean supply and demand and futures price variation , and produces the effective measures on developing China 's soybean futures exchange .

  16. 本文以大连市商品交易所为背景,将RBF神经网络技术应用于期货价格预测领域,构建了基于RBF神经网络的期货价格预测模型,以期能够更好的服务期货投资者。

    In this thesis , the writer uses neural network technology to forecast the futures ' price , building a forecasting model called The Forecast Model of Futures Based on RBF neural network with the background of Dalian Commodity Exchange , hoping to serve investors better .