
  • 网络lme;The London Metal Exchange;LME London Metal Exchange
  1. 中国在大宗商品消费中占40%,但在伦敦金属交易所的交易量却仅占五分之一。

    China accounts for 40 per cent of commodity consumption but makes up just one-fifth of trading on the LME .

  2. 伦敦金属交易所的基本金属库存今年增加了84%,如今已创下超560万吨的纪录,总价值逾140亿美元。

    LME warehouse stocks have risen 84 per cent this year to a record of more than 5.6m tonnes , valued at more than $ 14bn .

  3. 伦敦金属交易所(LondonMetalExchange)昨日的铜库存已较2006年7月的低点增加了102950吨,至192550吨,为2004年3月以来的最高水平。

    London Metal Exchange copper inventories have risen by 102,950 tonnes since their July 2006 low to 192,550 tonnes yesterday , the highest level since March 2004 .

  4. 伦敦金属交易所(LondonMetalExchange)周三镍价升逾10%,铜价触及7周以来的高点,从而推动矿业类股普遍上扬。

    Mining stocks were bolstered after nickel prices jumped more than 10 per cent on the London Metal Exchange on Wednesday , while copper touched a seven-week high .

  5. 但是生产商家却不是这样,他们的收入与伦敦金属交易所的每月浮动价格直接相关。这里so代替了torecoupmuchofthedifference.

    Not so the producers , whose income is directly related to the fluctuating daily price on the London Metal Exchange .

  6. 锡锭TinIngot商标在伦敦金属交易所(LME)注册。

    Tin Ingot Tin Ingot trademarks of the London Metal Exchange ( LME ) registration .

  7. 该交易所已向伦敦金属交易所(lme)发出收购报价。

    The group has submitted a bid for the London Metal Exchange .

  8. 伦敦金属交易所(LondonMetalExchange)基准铜价昨日上涨逾5%,达到每吨7710美元的七个月高位,自2月初以来已上涨逾48%。

    The benchmark copper prices rose more than 5 per cent to a seven-month high of $ 7,710 a tonne on the London Metal Exchange , and have risen more than 48 per cent since early February .

  9. 周一,伦敦金属交易所(LME)3个月交货的铜价触及每吨5985美元。

    Prices for three-month delivery on the London Metal Exchange touched $ 5,985 on Monday .

  10. 伦敦金属交易所(LME)三个月期铜价格上涨1%,至每吨8066美元。

    Copper for three-month delivery on the London Metal Exchange rose 1 per cent to $ 8,066 a tonne .

  11. 上述投诉称,摩根大通的新ETF可能累积伦敦金属交易所持30%的铜。

    The complaint calculates the new ETF could stockpile as much as 30 % of the copper held on the London Metals Exchange .

  12. 昨日伦敦金属交易所(LME)基准铜价跌至每吨7670美元的7周低点。

    Yesterday , benchmark copper on the London Metal Exchange fell to a seven-week low of $ 7,670 a tonne .

  13. 伦敦金属交易所将继续发展自己的结算所,并留在伦敦,接受英国金融服务管理局(fsa)的监督。

    LME will continue with the development of its own clearing house and will remain in London under the supervision of the financial services authority .

  14. 目前实物库存处于低位,伦敦金属交易所(lme)的铜库存不及西方国家一周的需求。

    Physical stocks are low , with material on the London Metals Exchange at less than one week of Western world demand .

  15. 伦敦金属交易所(LME)期铜库存连续出现下降,亚洲三个仓库(分别位于韩国的釜山、光阳以及新加坡)成为库存主要流出地。

    There saw continuous drops in LME copper warehouse stocks , mainly outflowed from the three Asian warehouses located in Korea and Singapore .

  16. 伦敦金属交易所(lme)的未来买家警告称,它将对盈利丰厚的金属仓储业务开刀,该项业务吸引了高盛(goldmansachs)和嘉能可(glencore)的投资。

    The prospective buyer of the London Metal exchangehas warned that it will clamp down on the lucrative metal warehousing business that has attracted investments from Goldman Sachsand Glencore .

  17. 据伦敦金属交易所(lme)统计,基本金属价格自今年初以来平均上涨了72.8%。

    Base metal prices on average have risen 72.8 per cent since the start of the year , according to the London Metal Exchange .

  18. 杨秋梅曾担任港交所中国内地业务发展部主管,协助了去年年底港交所收购伦敦金属交易所(lme)的工作。

    MS Yang served as head of mainland development at HKEx and assisted in the acquisition of the London Metal Exchange late last year .

  19. 1877年,在智利铜和马来西亚锌的交易量不断扩大背景下,一群金属商人在LombardCourt地区一家帽子商店的楼上成立了伦敦金属交易所。

    The LME was founded in 1877 by a group of metals merchants over a hat shop in Lombard Court , on the back of growing trade in Chilean copper and Malaysian tin .

  20. 周四,伦敦金属交易所(LME)3个月交割的期铜价格微跌0.04%,至每吨7574美元。

    On Thursday , copper for three-month delivery on the London Metal Exchange eased slightly , falling 0.04 per cent to $ 7,574 a tonne .

  21. 这种意见分歧让伦敦金属交易所(LME)在最近几周变成了战场,交易双方都汇集了一些著名的对冲基金。

    The disagreement has made the London Metal Exchange a battleground in recent weeks , with prominent hedge funds on either side of the trade .

  22. 然而,格里尔并没有利用伦敦金属交易所(lme)等有监管的金属市场,来对冲金属价格波动所带来的风险。

    However , Mr Greer does not use regulated metal markets such as the London Metal Exchange to hedge his risks to volatile metal prices .

  23. 自2月以来,伦敦金属交易所(lme)的铜库存下降了逾25%,一反夏季库存通常都会上升的趋势。

    London Metal Exchange copper inventories have fallen more than 25 per cent since February , bucking the usual trend to rise during the summer period .

  24. 该公司表示,客户正重新补充铜的货存,而为实物供应而支付的溢价超出伦敦金属交易所(lme)价格的部分则继续上涨。

    It said that consumers were restocking copper and that premiums the amount paid above the London Metal Exchange prices for physical supplies continued to rise .

  25. 伦敦金属交易所首席执行官加里琼斯(GarryJones)表示,在起步阶段,该交易所计划在年底前允许使用人民币作为抵押。

    In an initial step , the LME plans to allow the use of the renminbi as collateral by the end of this year , its chief executive Garry Jones said .

  26. 伦敦金属交易所(LME)已收到两份新的会员资格申请,其中包括第一家潜在的中资会员。该交易所本身目前正待价而沽。

    The London Metal Exchange has received two new membership applications , including one from the first potential Chinese member , as the exchange prepares for a sale .

  27. 众多外国公司,从视频游戏制造商任天堂(Nintendo)和索尼(Sony),到伦敦金属交易所(LME)和全球艺术品拍卖行,立即表达了极大的热情。

    Immediately , a wide range of foreign companies , ranging from video-game makers Nintendo and Sony , to the London Metals Exchange and global art auction houses , began expressing visible enthusiasm .

  28. 在伦敦金属交易所(LME),3个月交割的期铅价格升至每吨2068美元的盘中高点,创下去年9月份以来的最高水平。

    On the London Metal Exchange , lead for delivery in three months rose to an intraday high of $ 2,068 a tonne , its highest since last September .

  29. 伦敦金属交易所(LME)正考虑让交易商们有机会用人民币结算合约,此举可能导致这家已有135年历史的英国交易所放弃使用英镑作为结算货币。

    The London Metal Exchange is looking at offering traders the chance to settle its contracts in renminbi , a move that could lead to its dropping sterling after 135 years .

  30. 但另一方面,在伦敦金属交易所(lme),铝价表现一直落后于其它金属,因为中国国内供应增长强劲,满足了其需求。

    Aluminium prices , on the other hand , have been lagging other metals traded on the London Metal Exchange as Chinese demand has been met by strong growth in domestic supply .