
lún dūn yín hánɡ tónɡ yè chāi fànɡ lì lǜ
  • London interbank offered rate
  1. 甚至在众议院否决保尔森提案前,3月期美元伦敦银行同业拆放利率(Libor)与预期官方利率息差就已超过200基点。

    Even before Congress rejected the plan , the spread in dollars between the London interbank offered rate and expected official rates ( as shown in overnight indexed swaps ) had reached more than 200 basis points , for a period as short as three months .

  2. 伦敦银行同业拆放利率被用来衡量借贷者对坏帐的担忧程度,而这一利率的改善趋势已经持续将近两星期。

    The " Libor " rate measures how worried lenders are that they might not be repaid , and it has been gradually improving ( i.e. , declining ) for about two weeks .

  3. 政府和工党昨日就对对伦敦银行同业拆放利率丑闻进行何种调查一事产生分歧,但他们都认为应该对此进行调查。

    The government and the Labour Party disagreed yesterday about what sort of enquiry there should be into the Libor scandal , but they both agreed there 're needs to be such an enquiry .