
  • 网络pharmaceutical preparations dispensed by medical institutions
  1. 医疗机构制剂配制质量管理规范(GPP)的实施,提高了制剂质量。

    The implementation of certification for Good Preparation Practice ( GPP ) quality system has contributed to the improvement of preparation quality . 6 .

  2. 医疗机构制剂价格构成及现状分析

    Analyzing the price of preparation and status quo in medical institution

  3. 关于医疗机构制剂设备验证的必要性及方法探讨

    Necessity and Methods for Validation of Equipments of Preparations in Medical Institutions

  4. 医疗机构制剂的现状与未来发展

    Current status and development of pharmaceutics for medical institutes

  5. 广东省医疗机构制剂质量标准存在问题及建议

    The Problems on Quality Standards of Medicinal Preparations in Guangdong Medical Organizations and Corresponding Suggestions

  6. 目的探讨医疗机构制剂的生存状况和前景。

    Objective : To explore the survival status and prospects of pharmaceutical preparations dispensed in hospital .

  7. 《医疗机构制剂许可证》验收标准有关条款难点探讨

    " Acceptance Criteria for Pharmaceutical Preparation Certificate for Medical Institutions ": Discussion of Difficulties in the Implementation of Relevant Items

  8. 上海市医疗机构制剂室人员、设备,尚不能适应制剂配制的需要。

    The instruments and people for the pharmaceutical preparations in the medical institutions are not satisfying for the administrative requirements . 4 .

  9. 医疗机构制剂品种再注册可行性分析农村新型合作经济组织登记注册问题浅析

    Feasibility Analysis on the Re-registration of Preparations Made by Medical Units An Analysis of New-Type Cooperative Economic Organization Register in the Chinese Rural Areas

  10. 医疗机构制剂作为商品化药品的重要补充,长期以来是临床治疗不可或缺的手段之一。

    As the crucial supplements for the commercial drug products , the pharmaceutical preparations made by the medical institutions are non-substitutive to clinical treatment .

  11. 未取得《药品生产许可证》、《药品经营许可证》或者《医疗机构制剂许可证》生产药品、经营药品的。

    Those who produce or trade in medicines without obtaining a Pharmaceutical Production License , Pharmaceutical Trade License , or Dispensing Permit of Medical Organizations .

  12. 通过对当前医疗机构制剂价格的现实状况进行分析,指出在目前医药大市场的前提下,医疗机构制剂的生存与发展与价格的高低有着重要的关系。

    Analyzing the current price of preparation to point out the important relationship between the development of preparation and its price level Under the premise of medical market at present .

  13. 《医疗机构制剂许可证》应当标明有效期,到期重新审查发证。

    The term of validation shall be noted in the Pharmaceutical Preparation Certificate for Medical Institution . For renewal of the certificate upon expiration , reviewing and approval again is required .

  14. 药物经济学可从多方面来调控药品费用的迅速上涨幅度,开展药物经济学研究具有非常重要的现实意义;其次,加速我国医疗机构制剂发展。

    Drugs to control various aspects of economics from the rapid rate of increase in drug expenses , in drug economics has very important realistic significance ; Secondly , to accelerate the development of medical institutions preparations .

  15. 医疗机构配制的制剂,应当是市场上没有供应的品种。

    The pharmaceutical preparations made by medical institutions shall be those unavailable in the market .

  16. 上海是国内医疗资源最雄厚的城市之一,也是较早开展医疗机构制剂的城市之一。

    Shanghai is the most regarded city with rich medical resources , and one of the leading cities in developing the preparations .