
  • 网络AdR;adverse drug reaction
  1. 目的:了解我市医护人员对药品不良反应(ADR)监测的认识程度。

    OBJECTIVE : To get to know medical staff 's recognition of ADR monitoring in our city .

  2. 我院990份药品不良反应报告定量分析

    Quantitative analysis the 990 cases of ADR reports in our hospital

  3. 药品不良反应中心是保障ADR监测工作的主要机构。

    And ADR centre is the principal organ to guarantee the ADR monitoring .

  4. 目的分析某三甲医院药品不良反应(ADR)报告表质量。

    Objective To analyse the quality of ADR reports from a first class hospital .

  5. 方法对124例药品不良反应(ADR)报告进行分析。

    METHODS 124 cases reports of Adverse Drug Reaction ( ADR ) were analyzed .

  6. 目的:正确区分药品不良反应(ADR)及与药品相关的药害事件。

    OBJECTIVE : To differentiate and analyze adverse drug reactions ( ADR ) and drug misadventures .

  7. 目的:运用微机建立医院药品不良反应(ADR)监测系统,用于ADR监测和报告。

    Objective : Establish a web-based database system to monitor the adverse drug reaction ( ADR ) .

  8. 目的:对湖州市药品不良反应监测中心药品不良反应(ADR)报告进行综合评价与分析。

    Objective : To evaluate adverse drug reaction ( ADR ) reports in Huzhou Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring Center .

  9. 前言:目的:了解药品不良反应(ADR)在我院的发生情况及其给患者造成的危害。

    Objective : To understand the situation of adverse drug reactions and the damage to patients in our hospital .

  10. 目的:探讨药品不良反应(ADR)经济学研究的内涵、意义与方法。

    OBJECTIVE : To discuss the connotation , significance and methods of pharmacoeconomics of Adverse Drug Reactions ( ADR ) .

  11. 目的研究临床一线医师对药品不良反应(ADR)相关知识和报告工作的认知情况。

    Objective To investigate the primary clinicians'cognition of adverse drug reactions ( ADR ) knowledge and reporting work of clinicians .

  12. 方法应用Excel电子表格和因果关系评价方法对宁夏药品不良反应监测中心2004年收集的463份报告表进行统计分析和评价。

    Method In virtue of Excel spreadsheet and causality assessment , 463 ADR cases collected by Ningxia Center for ADR Monitoring of 2004 were analyzed .

  13. 前言:目的:加强基层医疗机构药品不良反应(ADR)报告和监测。

    OBJECTIVE : To strengthen the reporting and monitoring of adverse drug reactions ( ADR ) in primary health care institutions .

  14. 使用正常剂量的药物进行治疗时出现的非预期有害反应,称作药品不良反应(ADR)。

    Harmful , unintended reactions to medicines that occur at doses normally used for treatment are called adverse drug reactions ( ADRs ) .

  15. 目的探讨医疗机构开展药品不良反应(ADR)监测工作的模式。

    Objective To discuss on the monitoring mode of adverse drug reactions ( ADR ) that can be used by the medical organization .

  16. 方法:总结1992~1998年中国生物医学文献光盘数据库、北京药品不良反应监察中心和北京地坛医院的壮骨关节丸引起的ADR病例共156例。

    Methods : 156 ZW-induced ADR cases in 1992-1998 were collected and reviewed from CBM , Beijing Centre for ADR Monitoring and Beijing Ditan Hospital .

  17. 方法:对浙江省药品不良反应监测中心近三年来收集的674例加替沙星ADR报告进行Excel列表分析。

    METHODS : 674 ADR cases induced by gatifloxacin collected in the Center of ADR Monitoring of Zhejiang Province during the recent three years were analyzed with Excel .

  18. 目的总结我院2009年药品不良反应(ADR)监测情况,促进临床安全、合理用药。

    Objective To enhance the level of safe and rational use of drugs throgh investigating the adverse drug reactions ( ADR ) cases in our hospital in2009 .

  19. 目的了解严重药品不良反应(ADR)发生的特点及规律。

    OBJECTIVE : To investigate the characteristics and general pattern of serious adverse drug reactions ( ADRs ) so as to provide reference for rational clinical medication .

  20. 对全军药品不良反应(ADRs)监察中心5年中采用正式自发呈报方式收到的由抗感染药物引起的595份ADRs报告进行了分析。

    Presented in this paper were 595 spontaneously reported cases of adverse drug reactions ( ADRs ) associated with 72 anti-infectives drugs .

  21. 目的探讨药品不良反应(ADR)中相关责任方对最低伤害补偿级别的选择,并分析其特征。

    Objective To investigate the selection of lowest grade of injury in compensation of adverse drug reactions ( ADR ) for responsible parties , and analyse the characteristics .

  22. 目的:通过分析上海市药品不良反应中心收到的药品不良反应(ADR)报告中,头孢菌素类抗生素所致的ADR及其相关因素,了解该类药物ADR发生的情况,以减少ADR的发生。

    Objective : To investigate the characteristics of adverse drug reaction ( ADR ) induced by cephalosporins through the analysis of ADR reports from ADR Monitoring Centre of Shanghai .

  23. 目的设计药品不良反应(ADR)伤害的量化分级标准和分级方法,为构建ADR补偿体系提供参考依据。

    Objective To design a quantitative criterion and grading system for injury from adverse drug reaction ( ADR ) in order to serve the compensation system of injury from ADR .

  24. 目的了解医务人员对药品不良反应(ADR)监测相关知识的认识和掌握情况,为更好的开展ADR监测工作提供依据和参考。

    Objective To conduct a survey about adverse drug reactions ( ADR ) knowledge among medical staff in our hospital as to improve and promote the reporting and monitoring of ADR .

  25. 结论:应加强ADR监测工作,降低漏报率,尤其应多途径收集过敏反应以外的药品不良反应,提高报表质量。

    Conclusion : We should strengthen the monitoring of ADR , decrease the rate of misreporting , collect other ADR cases except allergic reaction in multiple tracks and enhance the report quality .

  26. 目的调查临床医师对药品不良反应(ADR)纠纷的防范和应对情况,探索医疗机构防范和应对ADR纠纷较为有效的方法。

    Objective To investigate the prevention and response of clinicians to disputes of adverse drug reactions ( ADR ), and explore effective ways for medical institutions to deal with disputes of ADR .

  27. 方法:查阅国内、外文献以及我国和世界卫生组织药品不良反应监测中心数据库,分析《ADR信息通报》发布的阿昔洛韦安全性监测情况及不合理用药现状。

    METHODS : Through the research of domestic and overseas literatures , WHO and national ADR database to analyse the causes of the bulletin of acyclovir and current situation of unreasonable drug use .

  28. 目的:探讨精神病专科医院药品不良反应(ADR)的发生情况及原因,为临床用药提供参考。

    Objective : To analyse the incidence and causes of adverse drug reactions ( ADR ) reported in Guangzhou Psychiatric Hospital , in order to give reference for the rational use of antipsychotics .

  29. 目的分析我院药品不良反应(ADR)发生特点和相关因素,制定新年度ADR监测工作方向。

    OBJECTIVE To analyse the characteristics and the related factors of adverse drug reactions ( ADR ) occurred in our hospital , and establish the way of ADR clinical monitor in the next year .

  30. 对2465例药品不良反应(ADR)按A型与B型分类,结果A型反应为1826例,占74.08%;B型反应为639例,占25.92%。

    We analyzed adverse drug reactions to 2465 patients . The result showed that 1826 patients are type A and 639 patients are type B.Their proportion are 74.08 % and 25.92 % , respectively .