
  • 网络drug label;drug labeling
  1. 10年前,由于担心令人困惑的药品标签可能会耽误祖父的治疗,德博拉•阿德勒(DeborahAdler)决定做些什么。

    A decade ago , worried that confusing prescription labels threatened the health of her grandparents , Deborah Adler decided to do something about it .

  2. 主持此项调查的密歇根大学儿科医生戴维斯(MatthewDavis)说,他对调查结果感到惊讶和忧虑。这一结果可能显示出,家长并不了解药品标签信息以及以往幼儿用药中出现的问题。

    Matthew Davis , a University of Michigan pediatrician who directed the survey , said he was surprised and concerned by the findings , which may show that parents aren 't aware of the labeling and the history of worries about the drugs ' use in young children . '

  3. 而且目前,我们还都坚持阅读药品标签。

    For now , we 're all stuck reading pharmaceutical labels .

  4. 目的:规范、统一药品标签与说明书的内容。

    Objective : To standardize and unify the contents of drugs in labels and directions .

  5. 现有的药品标签以目录的形式标明怀孕期间用药的种种危险。

    The currrent labels use a category system based on letters to show the risk of a drug during pregnancy .

  6. 采取的措施包括推广濒危药材的替代品和使用药品标签制度,限定来自稀有植物和动物的药材含量。

    Strategies include promoting alternatives to products from endangered species and using medicine-labelling rules that set quotas for ingredients from rare plants and wildlife .

  7. 为了限制使用濒危成分,药监部门还发布了一定数量的药品标签,制药企业必须在其被批准的产品中使用这种标签。

    These authorities aim to limit the use of such ingredients by issuing a fixed number of medicine labels , which companies must display on authorised products .

  8. 直接来源于医生和药剂师的报告和来自制药公司的报告一样,对于已经在药品标签上标注的副作用的报告的增长则相对缓慢的多。

    Reports directly from doctors and pharmacists , as well as reports from drug companies of side effects already on drug labels , rose much more slowly .

  9. 改进这种药品标签的儿童剂量信息会给予卫生保健专家在如何安全有效地应用该药方面更好的指导。

    Improving the drug 's label with new dosing information for children will give health care professionals better guidance on how to use this drug safely and effectively .

  10. 并严格按照单盲设计要求,根据已形成的处理编码将相应的药物编号贴在药品标签上,并撰写编盲记录。

    And strictly according to the single blind design requirements , according to the processing of the code has formed the corresponding drug Numbers posted on drug labels and write compiled blind record .

  11. 结合目前国内药品标签、说明书存在的问题,就药品名称、不良反应、有效期、用法、适应证及注意事项进行分析,对完善和规范我国非处方药包装标识提出一些建议。

    It is suggested that OTC drugs ' packing label in our country should be standardized and perfected , given the problems presented drugs ' label and drugs directions in the present case in home .

  12. 目前,通用的方法是微生物检定法,该方法是通过自动测量抗生素抑菌圈的大小得到抗生素的效价,然后靠人工方式对药品标签进行识别与记录,操作繁琐,自动化程度低。

    Now , the general method is microbe standardization , it discuss the potency of antibiotics by measuring the diameter of bacteriostatic ring automatically , and then recognize and record drug labels manually . This process is complicated and inefficient .

  13. 阿德勒重新排列了药品标签上的小字,以一种有逻辑的顺序安排标签上的信息,突出显示人们在拿到药品时最想知道的信息。

    Rearranging the small type on the typical prescription label , Ms. Adler put the information in a logical order , giving prominence to the things that people most need to know at the moment they are reaching for their medicine .

  14. 视觉传感器检测系统在汽车、产品包装方面都已广泛应用,但药品标签生产日期检测目前仍依靠人眼进行。

    The vision sensor checking system has been already broadly used in the fields of the automobile and the packing of products . But now the production date detecting of medicines and chemical reagents is still processed by using the people eyes .

  15. 提出了药品标签的统一的格式、栏目、内容的具体要求,对于全面实施《药品管理法》、查处假劣药品、保证人民用药安全有效有着重要意义。

    The label requirements , such as the required format , particulars and contents , are of great significance in the implementation of Drug Administration Law , the investigation and seizure of adulterated drugs , and the assurance of safe and effective use of drugs in man .

  16. FDA针对申请审批的药品的标签的审查,可以保证医护人员和患者能够通过必要的信息来了解该药风险以及如何安全、有效地使用该药。

    FDA 's review of the applicant 's labeling ensures that health care professionals and patients have the information necessary to understand a drug product 's risks and its safe and effective use .

  17. 药品定位标签的设计与应用

    The program design of location label for drug and its application

  18. 所以对于药品的标签来说,最好使用最高贮存温度或者用摄氏度表示的温度范围。

    S.it is usually preferable for product labeling to refer to a maximum storage temperature or temperature range in degrees Celsius .

  19. 该公司专注于提供的产品和服务有关的可回收塑料包装,瓦楞纸箱包装和购买点显示,药品的标签和包装产品。

    The company focuses on providing products and services related to returnable plastic packaging , corrugated packaging and point-of-purchase displays , pharmaceutical labeling and packaging products .

  20. 医生有处方药物使用于未批准用途的自由,但是法律禁止制药公司销售药品用于标签外的用途。

    Doctors are free to prescribe drugs for uses that have not been approved , but drug companies are prohibited by law from marketing drugs for these so-called " off-label " uses .

  21. 辉瑞公司称,该公司“鼓励所有家长阅读每一种儿童药品的标签,并遵照标签说明确定合适的用法和剂量”。诺华公司一名发言人称,该公司就此不予置评。

    Pfizer said it ' encourages all parents to read and follow the label of any children 's medication to determine appropriate use and dose . ' A spokeswoman for Novartis said it declined to comment .

  22. 药品包装、标签和说明书规范执行情况评价

    Re-evaluation of the package , labels and specifications of drugs

  23. 进口分装药品的包装标签应与进口药品的包装标签保持一致。

    For the local packaging of imported drugs , the package shall be in consistency with that of the original package .

  24. 前言:目的:评价药品包装、标签和说明书规范后的执行情况及其在使用过程中仍然存在的问题。

    Objective : To analyze the questions about the package , labels and specifications of drugs after they had been authoritatively stipulated .

  25. 他们说,政府应该要求药品制造商在标签上标明,新的药品与现存药品相比有哪些优势。

    They say the government should require drug makers to state , in their labeling information , how new medications compare with existing ones .

  26. 进口药品包装及标签与单证不符的;其他不符合国家药品监督管理法律、法规和规章规定的。

    The package and the label of the imported drugs are inconsistent with those in the documents ; other circumstances not meeting the laws , regulations and rules of the State concerning the control of food and drug .

  27. 方法:调查医院现有药品的包装、标签和说明书。

    Methods : To investigate the package , labels and specifications of drugs in our hospital .

  28. 口服药品单位小包装或药品标签增加医嘱栏探讨

    Discussion on Adding Doctors ' Advice to Oral Drug Small Package or Tags

  29. 目的探讨口服药品单位小包装或药品标签增加医嘱栏的必要性。

    OBJECTIVE : To discuss the necessity of adding doctors ' advice to oral drug small package or tags .

  30. 结果与结论口服药品单位小包装或药品标签增加医嘱栏具有必要性和可行性,势在必行。

    RESULTS & CONCLUSION : It is necessary , feasible as well as imperative to add doctors'advice to oral drug small package or tags .