
  • 网络drug information
  1. 结论Access软件简单易用,其分字段编码录入便于药品信息的输入、维护与扩展,可独立进行编码升位而不影响现有医院信息系统药品信息的使用。

    CONCLUSION : Access software is simple to operate , the input of its segmented encode facilitates the input , maintaining and expanding of drug information . It can upgrade the code of drugs without interrupting the use of the current drug information of Hospital Information System .

  2. 医院药品信息维护和分析系统的开发与应用

    Development and practice of the system of drug information maintenance and analysis in hospital

  3. 利用ACCESS中间库,实现自动检测未摆药药品信息的查询系统。

    Middle database of ACCESS is used to develop non-dispensed drug inquiry system .

  4. 开发药品信息查询系统的启示

    The revelation from the exploitation of Materia Medica information inquiry system

  5. 药品信息查询系统的开发就是对如何拓展图书馆工作的一个尝试。

    The exploitation of drag information system is an experiment .

  6. 医院药品信息网站的构建方法

    The method of building the website of drug in form ation in hospital

  7. 药品信息咨询软件的设计和应用

    Design and application of Pharmic Information Consulting System

  8. 目的:建立药学信息网站,为临床提供药品信息。

    Objective : To build the website of drug information for pharmaceutical care in hospital .

  9. 同时,利用了基于信息熵理论的结构语义熵算法来对网页中的药品信息进行准确识别与定位。

    It also utilizes structural-semantic-entropy to precisely recognize and locate medicine information in web pages .

  10. 结果:实现药品信息资源的共享和业务处理的电子化。

    Result : realize to share the information of drug and the automatization of process management .

  11. 系统主要包括数据库、登录、信息管理、信息反馈、系统维护等功能模块,对食品药品信息进行了有效的管理。

    The system consists of back-end database , user login , information management , system maintenance module .

  12. 而药品信息是医患安全用药的保证,药品促销的重点是向目标市场传播药品信息。

    Drug information is needed by prescribers and consumers to ensure the safe and effective use of drugs .

  13. 非经营性互联网药品信息服务,是指通过互联网向上网用户无偿提供具有公开性、共享性药品信息的服务。

    Non-operational drug information service shall refer to the service of sharing public drug information to users via Internet .

  14. 公民诉讼组织(一个监督机构)曾发现有些药品信息有一些危险的错误或误导性。

    Public Citizen , a watchdog group , has found that some drug information sheets are dangerously wrong or misleading .

  15. 通过对医院药品信息维护和分析系统的开发与应用,完善与扩充军字一号工程的系统功能,进一步加强药品管理。

    To develop and apply the system of drug information maintenance and analysis in hospital for enhancing the function of the No.

  16. 互联网药品信息服务管理办法所谓电子商务是指通过国际互联网进行商品和信息的交易行为。

    The Regulation on Medicine Information Service via Internet E-Commerce is the buying or selling of goods and information over the Internet .

  17. 关于可在线获得指南的完整列表和如何获得它们的指导,请参见药品信息部指南文件。

    See drug information branch 's guidance documents for a complete list of available guidances online and instructions on how to obtain them .

  18. 结果:通过医院药品信息网站,向医护人员发布药品信息,提供药学咨询,受到了医护人员的欢迎,极大地方便了临床医护人员用药。

    Results : The website is popular and doctors and nurses can easily get drug information and consultation from pharmacists in time from it .

  19. 目的:开发《药品信息咨询系统》并应用于门诊与临床等相关科室,以便实现对本院药品基本信息的快速查询。

    Purpose To develop the Pharmic Information Consulting System and apply it to clinic or outpatient department so that doctors can consult the pharmic information quickly .

  20. 对规范我国互联网药品信息发布制度的探讨国外国防采办信息发布制度研究及启示

    Discussions of the Regulations of the Medical Information on the Internet A Research on the Information Issue System of Overseas National Defense Purchase and the Enlightenment

  21. 结论:本研究成果是药品信息处理和信息交换的基础,对药品信息共享具有重要作用。

    CONCLUSION : That such a database could be the footstone of the drug information managing and communication and be very important to the drug information share .

  22. 为了提高效率,实现医院药品信息的科学化管理,设计了药品收费计算机实时管理系统。

    The computerized real time management system for drug expenses was designed in this hospital in order to advance the efficiency of scientific management of hospital drug information .

  23. 阿斯康利正在开发其它方式来向医生提供其药品信息,其中包括专用热线以及让其医药代表能够进行“远程详细说明”的在线技术。

    AstraZeneca is developing alternative ways to provide information on its drugs to doctors , including dedicated hotlines and online technology to allow " remote detailing " by its representatives .

  24. 面对互联网上充斥的大量不规范甚至是虚假的药品信息,监管部门急需一种先进的互联网药品信息监测手段来加强对这个市场的规范管理。

    The Internet being flooded by non-standard or even fake medicine information , regulatory authorities need an advanced Web medicine information extraction and monitoring method to reinforce the supervision over this market .

  25. 医务室管理系统是一套比较完善的信息管理系统,主要应用于学校的无纸化协同处理医生、校内教职员工及学生、药品信息、诊费信息。

    Infirmary management system is a set of information management system , paperless collaborative processing doctor , the school staff and students , drug information , cost information is mainly used in the school .

  26. 消费者最普遍的药品信息来源为医师指导(55.3%),其次是药品广告(53.2%)和药品说明书(50.6%);

    Physicians ( 55 . 3 % ) was ranked as the most common sources for drug information , followed by advertisements of drugs ( 53.2 % ) and instructions of drugs ( 50.6 % ) .

  27. 结果:系统完成的功能有维护药品信息、检索和打印药品信息、新药信息、医院信息、不良反应通告、药学教育等。

    Result With this system the following functions can be available including pharmic information management , pharmic information retrieving , new medicine information provision , hospital information provision , adverse drug reactions announcement , pharmic education , etc.

  28. 目前,互联网上虚假药品信息泛滥,急需先进的互联网信息抽取技术来增强国家药监部门对医药电子商务市场的监管能力。

    Currently , the Internet is flooded with false drug information , and thus an advanced web information extraction technology is extremely necessary to reinforce the supervision of related departments of the country over medical electronic business markets .

  29. 由于药品信息的不对称性,使违法药品广告更具有欺骗性,严重地损害同行业诚信经营者的合法权益,诱发不正当竞争,严重影响和谐社会的建设。

    Drug information asymmetry makes the illegal drug advertising more deceptive , seriously harms the legitimate rights and interests of the other honest drug operators , induces unfair competition , and seriously affects the construction of a harmonious society .

  30. 结果:解析和明确了医院药学信息的相关概念&药学信息、药学情报、药品信息、医院药学信息等,提出了医院药学信息系统的定义,系统地讨论了其内涵和发展目标。

    RESULTS : The relevant concepts : pharmaceutical information , pharmaceutical intelligence , drug information and hospital pharmaceutical information specified . Put forward a definition of the HPIS . Systemic discussions on the connotations and development goals of the research were made .