
  • 网络drug advertisement
  1. 制止药品广告和虚假的医疗广告;

    Prohibit drug advertisement and false medical treatment advertisement ;

  2. 药品广告是制药企业宣传产品、树立品牌、促进销售的重要渠道。

    Drug advertisement is a way that drug company public products , set up brands and promote sales .

  3. 国外许多国家在药品广告管理方面的经验值得我们借鉴。

    We can draw lessons from Occident experiences to administer pharmaceutical advertisements .

  4. 药品广告法律规制研究

    The Study of the Legal Regulations about the Medicine Advertising

  5. 大众媒体药品广告管理现状分析及整治措施

    Status Quo and Coping Measures on Management of Mass Media Drug Advertisements

  6. 探讨我国药品广告的整治

    Discussion on Supervision of Medicine Advertisement in Our Country

  7. 浅析我国电视药品广告的现状与特点

    An Analysis on Current Situation and Feature of Medicine TV Advertisement in China

  8. 非药品广告不得有涉及药品的宣传。

    The advertisements of non-pharmaceuticals shall not be involved in the publicizing of pharmaceuticals .

  9. 基于互联网的实时电子监管,治理虚假药品广告的关键

    Real-time electronic regulation based on Internet is the key of false drug advertisements management

  10. 语用原则在药品广告中的应用分析

    Analysis of Pragmatic principles in drug advertising language

  11. 前言:目的:为我国药品广告的监管提供参考。

    OBJECTIVE : To provide references for the control of drug advertisements in China .

  12. 广东省2007年大众媒介药品广告规范性分析

    Analysis of Standard of Drug Advertising Among the Mass Media in Guangdong Province in 2007

  13. 这些都是与药品广告以产品为中心的理性诉求一脉相承的;

    All of above reveal the importance of product and rational claim in drug advertising .

  14. 对处方药药品广告审批问题的几点思考

    Considerations on Approving Advertisement of Prescription Drug

  15. 药品广告词的传播策略

    Communication Tactics of Medicine Advertising Commentaries

  16. 方法:以药品广告中不规范的现象及分析为题组织学生进行社会实践。

    Methods : To organize students to participate in social practicing by analysis abnormal phenomena in advertisement .

  17. 当前,不少国家的药品广告市场秩序相当混乱。

    At present , the medicine advertising market order of many countries are in a bad order .

  18. 未取得药品广告批准文号的,不得发布。

    In the absence of such registration numbers , advertisements for any medicines may not be placed .

  19. 论药品广告机会主义

    On Opportunism in Medicine Advertising

  20. 前言:目的:为规范我国的药品广告市场提供借鉴。

    OBJECTIVE : To discuss the current status of pharmaceutical advertising market in China for improved regulatory control .

  21. 同样,违法的药品广告不但会破坏正常的市场秩序,而且严重威胁消费者的身体健康和生命安全。

    Equally , illegal medicine advertising can break the market order , and seriously threaten the health and life of the consumers .

  22. 以病人消费心理为依据,对优秀药品广告词进行实例分析,从中归纳出药品广告词的5种传播策略,以期对药品广告传播有所帮助。

    Based on patient consumer psychology , an analysis is made of some excellent examples of medicine advertising advanced for planning communication .

  23. 不要因为你看到一个新上市的药品广告就假定你正在吃的药物是过时的。

    Don 't assume because you see a lot of ads for a new drug that the one you are taking is obsolete .

  24. 2008年,美国药事监管机构致函谷歌,敦促该公司解聘为其过滤非法药品广告的那家公司。

    In 2008 , US pharmacy regulators wrote to Google urging it to drop the firm it was using to screen out illicit pharmacies .

  25. 因此从理论联系实际的角度探讨提高药品广告的效益问题显得尤为重要。

    Therefore , it is very important to discuss how to improve the benefit of drug advertisement in the aspect of theory combined with practice .

  26. 药品广告是宣传药品信息的一种迅速、有效的方式,是市场经济中颇受药品生产经营者青睐的竞争手段。

    Drug advertising promotes information quickly and effectively , a market economy in the production of popular drugs operator of the popular means of competition .

  27. 报纸药品广告的标题多为短小精悍型,并配以引人注目的字体,基本符合注意力规律;

    The title of the newspaper drug advertising is often short and can fit in with the principle of attention , especially accompanied with noticeable letterform .

  28. 药品广告是消费者获取药品信息、选择用药的重要途径,也是药品经营企业提高企业知名度,促进销售的竞争手段。

    Drug advertisements are an important way for both the consumer to know and choose drugs and the drug enterprises to boost sales and gain popularity .

  29. 本文首先对广告的涵义进行了介绍,然后着重对医药广告进行了界定,进而详细分析了医药广告所包含的三种具体广告形式:药品广告、医疗广告、医疗器械广告。

    Then writer detailed analyzed three kinds of concrete advertisement forms . They are the drugs advertisement , medical treatment advertisement , the medical treatment apparatus advertisement .

  30. 药品广告的真实性和准确性将直接影响到公众的用药安全有效,因此加强药品广告的监管十分必要。

    Therefore , supervision reinforcement of the drug advertisements is more than necessary as its authenticity can directly influence the safety and effect of the drug use .