
  • 网络Product placement;product placement advertising
  1. 为实现盈利,独立制片公司必须依靠出口销售、赞助和植入式广告。

    To make a profit , the independent producers must rely on export sales , sponsorship and product placement .

  2. 内容既包括两个国家和地区对植入式广告规制模式的选择,也包括在信息披露、特殊限制等细节上的规定。

    It covers the selection of the mode of regulation on product placement in both the two countries and regions , and also includes the details in the information disclosure and special restrictions .

  3. 这是第一部在银幕上为自己的产品做植入式广告的电影。

    It was the first movie to feature onscreen product placement for its own merchandise .

  4. 体验式广告让植入式广告走进现实生活,通过把产品融入到顾客的日常生活,使顾客根据他们的实际体验决定购买。

    Tryvertising essentially products into the daily life of consumers so they can make up their minds based on their actual experience with the products .

  5. 2008年末,开心网的实践拉开了中国SNS社交网站植入式广告的序幕,从此互联网行业开始了对这种新型网络广告的探索。

    Late 2008 , Happy net practice started the implantable advertising of Chinese SNS , since then the Internet industry began to explore the new Internet advertising .

  6. 所谓植入式广告:就是策略性地将产品、品牌或服务等放置到龟影、电视、网络游戏、MTV、平面媒体等一切可能的载体中来达成一定传播效果的营销传播手段。

    So-called implantable advertising : is strategically will products , brand or services placed into the turtle shadow , television , network game , MTV and print media , and all other possible in the carrier to achieve certain communication effect of marketing communication means .

  7. 植入式广告为中国电视剧产业带来的新机遇

    The New Opportunity for Chinese Television Plays Brought by Product Placement

  8. 植入式广告法律监管海外经验之管窥与启示

    Glimpse of Overseas Experience in Implantable Advertising Laws and the Enlightenment

  9. 本论文是作者对于中国电影植入式广告的一点思考。

    The paper is about the Product Placement in Chinese film industry .

  10. 像这种依附于电影的植入式广告宣传,在以前从未出现过。

    Never has there been a big-screen product placement moment like this .

  11. 注重植入式广告与显性广告的配合;

    The coordination of product placement and explicit advertisement ;

  12. 植入式广告给了业界一个光明的希望。

    Implantable ads for industry a light of hope .

  13. 镜头语言是影视植入式广告的基础语言。

    Lens language is the basic language of film and television product placement .

  14. 注重植入式广告形式的挖掘创新;

    The innovation of forms of product placement ;

  15. 第三部分是植入式广告品牌传播效果的实证研究部分。

    The second part is the empirical study of the product placements ' effects of brand communication .

  16. 本文试图为植入式广告的发展提供理论上的引导以及实践上的借鉴。

    This paper attempts to offer theoretical guide and practical reference for development of the implantable advertisement .

  17. 以期为国内电影的发展和植入式广告的投放提供有用的经验。

    This point of view is expected to provide useful experience for domestic films and product placements .

  18. 植入式广告的出现为品牌的传播与推广建立了一个全新的途径。

    The appearance of the implantable advertisement offers a brand-new way for popularizing the products and brand .

  19. 本论文围绕镜头语言在影视植入式广告中的应用这一主题展开。

    This paper discusses the topic around the application of lens language in film and television product placement .

  20. 第二,自制偶像剧的明星效应可以诱发植入式广告的受众产生模仿和购买行为。

    Second , star effect of homemade idol TV series can lead audiences to imitate and produce purchase behaviors .

  21. 而且通常有半裸镜头,植入式广告,超棒爆炸场面,还伴随着汉斯·季默作曲的配乐。

    Also , partial nudity , product placement , dope explosions , and a killer score by Hans Zimmer .

  22. 影片放映后,我想他们都将开始重估植入式广告的整个策略。

    After its release , I think they will all start to reassess the whole approach to product placement .

  23. 而作为电视产业重要组成部分的电视剧产业,更是植入式广告融入的绝佳平台。

    As the crucial part of television industry , the television plays are the perfect communication platform for product placement .

  24. 作为回应,他在《新华社》上发表评论说,植入式广告将逐渐地成为中国电影的重要组成部分。

    In response he told Xinhua News that product placement will be an increasingly important part of the Chinese film .

  25. 作为一种寄生于媒体的营销方式,植入式广告事实上已经有超过半个世纪的历史。

    As a way of marketing with media , product placement has been more than half a century of history .

  26. 文章针对植入式广告监管中存在的问题分别从事先规制、事后规制两方面进行了具体的制度设计与探讨。

    This paper makes the concrete system design and explore in the view of first regulation and after regulation respectively .

  27. 最后,关于电视植入式广告的未来发展方向进行了简要的讨论。

    Finally , based on this model , some suggestion will be given and the future of product will be discussed .

  28. 第五部分对如何优化电影植入式广告传播效果提出了相关的建议。

    The fifth part proposes some relevant suggestions on how to improve the communication effects of the product placements in films .

  29. 具体内容包括:一、试阐述电影植入式广告存在和发展的必然性。

    The content includes : Firstly , try stating Product Placement in film industry for the necessity of existence and development .

  30. 随着广告方式的不断深化发展,在传统广告之外,又衍生出一种新的广告方式&植入式广告。

    With the deepening development of advertising , traditional advertising , but also developed a new way of advertising & Product placement .