
  • 网络plant variety rights
  1. 植物新品种权的保护及完善

    Plant Variety Rights Protection and Its Improvement

  2. 与先进国家相比,我国的植物新品种权保护起步较晚,但随着相关法规的逐步颁布,保护制度趋于完善,申请植物新品种权也步入高峰期。

    Compared with advanced countries , the plant variety rights protection in China started pretty late , but the protection system has been improved by the stipulations of relevant laws and regulations and thus the application for the plant variety rights protection keeps increasing .

  3. 植物新品种权(plantvarietyright)又称为育种者权利,是国家授予植物新品种的培育者(单位或个人)利用其品种而获得利益的权利。

    Plant variety right is known as the breeding right . Allow the breeders ( units or individual ) to use its right which is granted by the state to obtain the benefit .

  4. TRIPs协议规定了对于植物新品种权保护模式可以采取:专利法、有效的专门制度以及两种制度的结合。

    TRIPs Agreement pointed that there was three methods to protect new plant varieties : Patent law , effective special law , and integration of the two .

  5. 农业高等院校植物新品种权保护探讨

    On Protection of New Variety Rights of Plants in Agricultural Universities

  6. 有关植物新品种权的研究

    A Research into the Right of the New Variety Plant

  7. 植物新品种权法律保护:比较与启示

    The Legal Protection in the Plant Variety Right : Comparison and Revelation

  8. 中国植物新品种权保护制度研究

    Study on the Protecting System for New Variety Right of Plant in China

  9. 植物新品种权的独立知识产权属性分析

    Analysis of the Special Attribute of New Plant Variety Right as an Intellectual Property Right

  10. 植物新品种权是一种新的知识产权。

    The right of the new plant variety is a new kind of intellectual property .

  11. 植物新品种权及品种权代理

    The Plant Variety Right and Agency

  12. 随后论述了有关植物新品种权保护的专门制度的国际格局。

    After that , the article discussed international situation of the specialized systems of new plant varieties .

  13. 随着对植物新品种权研究的深入,专门的国际植物新品种保护联盟也应运而生。

    With the in-depth research , specialized international protection of new plant varieties union also came into being .

  14. 因此,对我国植物新品种权的保护制度进行探讨是非常有必要的。

    Thus , it is necessary to research on the protection of new plant variety rights in China .

  15. 完成育种工作的单位或个人对被授予植物新品种权的新品种享有专有权。

    A unit or an individual that had accomplished the breeding enjoyed an exclusive right in their right-granted variety .

  16. 在这种情况下必须对植物新品种权与农民权益进行平衡。

    In this case , the right to new varieties of plants must be balanced with the interests of farmers .

  17. 本文主文分为四部分。第一部分主要介绍了植物新品种权保护的基础理论。

    The main article is divided into four sections : Section one : the basic theory on New Plant Varieties protection .

  18. 最终完成了对农产品地理标志知识产权、植物新品种权和农业专利权的评估设计。

    At last , this dissertation completes the assessment design of agricultural geographical indications property , plant variety property and agricultural patent .

  19. 我国现有法律虽对侵犯植物新品种权的行为和法律责任作了规定,但既不全面又欠力度。

    Though the current law made regulations on the behavior and intellectual property of infringing the plant variety right , it still is not comprehensive and lacks vigor .

  20. 但是,植物新品种权的诞生伴随着侵权,而且随着植物新品种在经济发展中的作用越来越明显,这种侵权现象也越来越多。

    However , the birth of new varieties of plants is along with the infringement , and with the new varieties of plants growing role in economic development , such violations is more and more .

  21. 植物新品种权是由植物新品种保护审批机关依照法律、法规的规定,赋予植物新品种权人在一定期间内对其植物新品种所享有的一种具有独占性质的所有权。

    The New Plant Variety right is one kind of exclusive ownership granted to new plant variety owner by the New Plant Variety Protection , Examination and Approval Authority according to the stipulation of law and regulations .

  22. 生物遗传资源的知识产权保护模式可以采用的方式较多,一般有专利权模式、植物新品种权模式、商业秘密形式、商标及地理标志模式等。

    Intellectual property protection of genetic resources , biological model approach can be used more generally franchise model , model of new plant variety rights , trade secret form of trademarks and geographical indications and so on .

  23. 植物新品种权是指国家机关依照法律法规的规定,赋予品种权人对其新种享有的经济权利和精神权利的总称。

    New varieties of plants refers to the relevant authorities of the State in accordance with the laws and regulations , economic rights and moral rights of the general term given variety rights enjoyed by their new species .

  24. 目前国际上对植物新品种权保护模式的分类以二分法为佳,即分为专利法和专门法的叠加保护模式和分立保护模式。

    At present , the best classification about the protected mode of new plant varieties is dichotomy , which contains two specific ways : the combination of Patent law and effective special law , and the independence of the two kinds of law .

  25. 采用问卷调查法确定了植物品种权的价值影响因素。访谈法了解了植物新品种权的评估现状。

    Questionnaire is used to determine the impact factors of value and interviews is selected to understand the present situation of plant variety property evaluation .

  26. 对植物新品种进行了界定,通过与其他知识产品的比较认识植物新品种的特征,阐述植物新品种权的概念与特征。

    It definite the plant varieties , shows the characteristics of plant variety by comparing with other intellectual products and explains the concept and characteristics of new plant varieties .