
  1. 在美国的知识产权法院里,当事人会带上实物专利。

    In American IP courts , people take the physical patent with them .

  2. 探索建立知识产权法院。

    Explore ways to set up intellectual-property courts .

  3. 知识产权法院旨在专门处理与专利纠纷和技术纠纷相关的案件。

    The court itself are designed to specifically handle cases connected to issues such as patents and technology disputes .

  4. 北京知识产权法院将于本月正式挂牌,目前正在进行最后的准备工作。

    Final preparations are underway for the official opening of an Intellectual Property Rights court in Beijing this month .

  5. 近年来,建立知识产权法院在学界被越来越频繁地提起。

    In recent years , establishing the intellectual property court is put forward more and more frequently in the theories field .

  6. 滴滴称,朝阳法院不具备审理此案的管辖权,此案应由专门的知识产权法院审理,但朝阳法院驳回了滴滴提出的上诉。

    Didi argued the case should have been heard in specialized IPR courts . However , the Chaoyang court rejected that appeal .

  7. 同时,上海和广州的知识产权法院也将于年底前正式成立,目前上述两地也在进行类似的准备工作。

    Similar preparations are also being made for the opening of IPR courts in Shanghai and Guangzhou before the end of this year .

  8. 研究设立统一的知识产权法院,集中知识产权民事、行政和刑事案件之审判,乃国际发展之趋势。

    The setting up of a unified IP court focused intellectual property rights in civil , administrative and trial of criminal cases , is the international development trend .

  9. 专利侵权抗辩适用规则的完善应当考虑设立知识产权法院、完善专利诉讼举证责任制度,赋予审判机构无效宣告裁决权、构建权利懈怠抗辩制度等。

    The perfection of patent infringement applicable rules shall consider setting up the intellectual property right court , perfecting patent litigation the burden of proof system , giving trial institution invalidation arbitrament , constructing rights loafing defense system to realize the balance of interests , and eliminating the litigation dispute .

  10. 建立统一知识产权上诉法院具有明显的绩效。

    The establishment of intellectual property rights appellate court has the obvious achievements .

  11. 在我国建立知识产权上诉法院具有可行性。

    Establishing the intellectual property rights appellate court in our country is feasible .

  12. 第三部分为我国司法体制改革与知识产权上诉法院建立。

    The third part is " the judicature organization reform and the establishment intellectual property rights appellate court " .

  13. 我国有建立知识产权上诉法院的必要,并且条件已经成熟。

    Our country has the necessity to establish intellectual property rights appellate court , and the conditions have already been mature .

  14. 建立知识产权高级法院以统一专利确权与侵权案件的上诉审理,完善两者的衔接机制。

    The establishment of the Intellectual Property High Court can uniform the patent formulation and infringement cases and improve the convergence mechanism of the two .

  15. 司法的基本价值取向是效率与公正,建立统一知识产权上诉法院有利于提高司法效率,有利于实现司法公正。

    The basic values of justice is efficiency and equity , the establishment of unified intellectual property rights appellate court is for to advance justice efficiency and is for to realize equity .

  16. 继而指出要改革现行的司法体制必须要从提高人民法院地位、改革财政制度等方面着手,最后指出建立知识产权上诉法院是司法体制改革的应然产物。

    Subsequently to point out , we must improve the status of the people 's court status and reform financial system and so on . Finally to point out the establishment of intellectual property rights appellate court should be the product of the judicature organization reform .

  17. 传统上,知识产权一般由法院强制保护。

    Intellectual property rights were traditionally enforced by courts .

  18. 从恭敬到不从命&在知识产权审判中法院对待行政行为公定力的态度变迁

    From Obedience to Challenge & Change of the relation between the courts and administration agencies in the cases on intellectual property rights

  19. 现实的知识产权诉讼要求我们必须这样做,知识产权诉讼的发展趋势更是呼唤知识产权上诉法院的建立。

    Realistic intellectual property rights lawsuits need us to do so , the development trend of intellectual property rights lawsuit call on us to establish the intellectual property rights appellate court .

  20. 为了解决我国现行知识产权审判体制存在的弊端,强化对知识产权的保护,2008年6月,国务院颁布《国家知识产权战略纲要》,提出建立专门知识产权法院的改革目标。

    In order to solve our current system of intellectual property trial drawbacks , and strengthen protection of intellectual property , the State Council promulgated the " Outline of National Intellectual Property Strategy " in June 2008 , proposed the establishment of specialized IP courts reform objectives .