
  1. 第五部分:知识产权担保体例的选择和具体制度设计。

    Part V : IP security options and concrete structure design of the system .

  2. 国际货物买卖中的知识产权担保&浅析商标的反向假冒

    Intellectual Property Guarantees in International Trade of Cargo & Analysis on " Inverted Imitation " of Trademark

  3. 产权界定与资产评估是知识产权担保融资的基本前提和环节。

    And property right affirmation and capital assessment are the basic premises and procedures of guaranteeing fund-circulation by IP .

  4. 四是对知识产权担保的功能定位不清,忽略了知识产权的担保融资功能。

    Fourth , security is a function of intellectual property rights unclear , ignores the function of intellectual property rights of secured financing .

  5. 在国际货物贸易中,卖方在销售货物的同时需要承担一定的知识产权担保责任。

    In the international sales of goods , as an international practice rule , the seller must assume the warranty of the intellectual property rights ( IPRs ) for the goods he delivered .

  6. 知识产权担保融资可以为仅拥有知识产权和技术等无形资产,但是没有土地等传统不动产的新兴企业提供融资,以满足这些企业发展所需要的资金。

    Intellectual property rights of secured financing can help those emerging companies who have intangible property such as intellectual property and technology , but do not have land and other traditional real estate to finance to meet their development needs .

  7. 对国际贸易中知识产权权利担保的认识

    The Rights Guarantee of Intellectual Property Rights in the International Trade

  8. 论买卖合同中的知识产权瑕疵担保责任

    Discuss the Responsibility of the Intellectual Property Rights Warranty on the Sale

  9. 一种新型的融资担保方式&知识产权质押担保应运而生。

    A new type of financing guarantee-intellectual property right hypothecation might be of help .

  10. 德国新买卖合同法中的瑕疵担保责任制度评析论买卖合同中的知识产权瑕疵担保责任

    Discuss the Responsibility of the Intellectual Property Rights Warranty on the Sale The Problems and Suggestions in Legislation about Guarantee Liability about Blemish of Chinese Contract Law

  11. 知识产权质押担保是其最重要的间接利用方式之一。

    Using the theory developed by J. chinensis was successfully expressed in E. The pledge of intellectual property is one of the most important indirectly utilized ways .

  12. 在金融危机的背景下,解决企业,尤其是中小企业的融资问题,发挥知识产权融资担保功能具有理论和实践的重大意义。

    In the context of the financial crisis , solving the financing problem of SMEs and playing intellectual property secured financing functions have a major theoretical and practical significance .

  13. 该部分指出了我国现行知识产权质押担保制度的不足,并提出了作者关于完善我国知识产权质押担保制度的几点思考。

    Some pointed out that current system of intellectual property rights secured under the pledge , and the authors on the improvement of the intellectual property system security pledge and several thoughts .

  14. 如何最大限度地利用知识产权的担保价值成为了令人关注的问题,知识产权质押作为解决这一难题的有效方法越来越引起世界各国的重视。

    It is a live issue that how to make the most of the collateral value of intellectual property . The intellectual property pledge , as the effective method to solve this problem attracts more and more worldwide attention .

  15. 同时,我国可借鉴《美国统一商法典》及《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》,增加有关知识产权瑕疵担保责任类似的规定。

    At the same time , China can learn from " the United States Uniform Commercial Code " and " United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods ", to increase the responsibility of intellectual property rights Warranty similar provisions .

  16. 然而我国《担保法》仅从狭义上规定了知识产权质权担保,即规定专利权、商标权和著作权中的财产权可以设定知识产权质权。

    The Law of Guarantees formulates that pledge right of intellectual property the guarantee of pledge right in its narrow sense , that is , formulates only the pledge right of intellectual property with regard to patent right , trademarks , and copyright .

  17. 鉴于此,本文结合对政策性保险机构相关问题的阐释和分析,提出了通过建立知识产权质押融资国家担保机制来分担商业金融机构开展业务的风险。

    This combination of policy-oriented insurance agency interpretation and analysis of issues related , to proposed financing of the national pledge of intellectual property through the establishment of mechanisms to guarantee the allocation of commercial financial institutions to conduct business risks .

  18. 其中,权利瑕疵担保责任中,因出卖标的物侵犯第三人的专利权、商标权或著作权等知识产权,出卖人需承担此项知识产权瑕疵担保责任。

    Among them , the right to Warranty liability as a result of violations of the subject matter of betraying the third patent , trademark or copyright and other intellectual property rights , the seller should bear the responsibility of the intellectual property rights Warranty .

  19. 但是人们很快意识到知识产权应当能够发挥更大的功用,因此,知识产权融资担保便在多方试验下出现了。

    But people soon realized that intellectual property should be able to play a greater function , therefore , the financing of intellectual property rights under the guarantee will be there in the multi-test .

  20. 知识产权质权具有明显的价值性、设立无需转移标的占有及高风险性的特征,其中高风险性的特性弱化知识产权质权的担保功能。

    The pledge of intellectual property has the features of the obvious valuable , the possession with no need to transfer the target after the pledge is setted , and the high risk .