
  • 网络intellectual property information
  1. 从WIPO看网络信息技术对知识产权信息管理的影响

    The Influences of Internet Information Technology on Intellectual Property Information Management from the View of WIPO

  2. 知识产权信息管理的调控手段分析

    Analysis on the Adjust and Control Measures of Intellectual Property Information Management

  3. 知识产权信息披露及其价值相关性研究

    Study on Information Disclosure and Relevance of Value about Intellectual Property

  4. 分析了自助式知识产权信息服务的必要性、内容、特征及其优点。

    ANALYZE Feature : Analyze necessity content feature and its strong points .

  5. 知识产权信息专门搜索引擎的核心功能设计

    The Center Function Design of Intellectual Property Information 's Specialized Search Engine

  6. 知识产权信息的概念、内容、特点和功能

    The Concept , Contents , Characteristics and Functions of Intellectual Property Information

  7. 建立医院知识产权信息系统的研究

    Ideas on Information System of Hospital Intellectual Property Rights

  8. 我国目前知识产权信息服务的现状。

    Status quo of nowadays IP information service .

  9. 自助式知识产权信息服务研究

    Research on Self-help Service of Intellectual Property Information

  10. 网络时代知识产权信息服务的创新与发展

    On the Innovation and Development of Intellectual Property Information Service in the Era of Internet

  11. 知识产权信息服务与中小企业科技进步发展科技中介服务促进中小企业技术创新

    The Information Service of Intellectual Property and the Scientific-technical Progress of Small and Medium Enterprises

  12. 利用信息技术和因特网作为存储、查询和使用有价值的知识产权信息的工具。

    Marshal information technology as a tool for storing , accessing , and using valuable intellectual property information .

  13. 由马海群教授撰写的《网络时代的知识产权信息管理》是一部具有时代感和开拓创新内容的学术专著。

    Professor Ma Haiqun 's Information Management of Intellectual Property in the Network Age is an academic monograph to explore a brand new field .

  14. 主观与客观之间&知识产权信息说的重新审视它与现代女权主义观念是什么关系?

    Between Subject and Object : A Review of " Information Doctrine " in Intellectual Property Areas What relationship is it with modem feminism ?

  15. 作为该项目的成果,将7所大学和6所科研机构在一起成立了知识产权信息和文献机构网络。

    As a result of the program , a network of intellectual property information and documentation units , bringing together seven universities and six research institutes , had been created .

  16. 在2010年,我国创业板上市公司最近陆续出现因知识产权信息披露不真实或不当等问题而被临时中止上市步伐的案例,对一些投资者产生重大影响和损失。

    In 2010 , some GEM listed companies in China had to suspend their listing due to false or improper disclosure of intellectual property , which caused a significant impact and losses on some investors .

  17. 但是市场上知识产权信息披露仍处于自发阶段,总体水平不高,披露的内容极为有限,格式也很不规范。

    But the market is still in the disclosure of intellectual property information of spontaneous stage , the overall level is not high , the content of the disclosure is limited , and it is not standard format .

  18. 建立健全知识产权管理信息共享机制;

    Establishing the sharing mechanism for intellectual property rights management information ;

  19. 知识产权和信息共享性的关系

    Relations between Intellectual Property and Information Sharing

  20. 对于律师事务所和公司法律顾问,中国知识产权和信息技术法律服务。

    China IP it law service is an invaluable aid to law firms and corporate counsel .

  21. 有价值的资产,包括知识产权和信息,非经授权不得使用。

    Valuable assets , including intellectual assets and information , are protected from unauthorized access or use .

  22. 知识产权与信息公共获取权都是公民的基本权利。

    The intellectual property and the right of public access to information are all citizens ' basic rights .

  23. 开发出业界领先、拥有自主知识产权的信息管理系统;

    Golden cereal developed the information management system with its own intellectual property right , pioneering in the field .

  24. 第四章讨论了知识产权与信息公共获取权协调的法律保障。

    The part analyses the right of access to information from the concept and development and the law grounds , etc.

  25. 在分析技术标准联盟知识产权开发信息共享机理基础上,探讨了联盟企业研发信息共享的自激励状况,构建了知识产权开发信息共享系统。

    This dissertation also analyzed the self-motivation of R & D information sharing and constructed the information sharing system of intellectual property development .

  26. 网络社会道德问题可谓是多种多样,比较常见的有侵犯知识产权、信息污染、侵犯隐私权、危害网络与信息安全等等。

    Network social moral issues are diverse , commonly they contain infringement of intellectual property rights , information pollution , invasion of privacy , crimes against network and information security and so on .

  27. 而在资本存量中,软件和知识产权等信息资产的比例正在增加——尽管这一比例仍只有6%或7%。

    And within the capital stock , the share of information assets such as software and intellectual property is increasing , although it is still only 6 or 7 per cent of the total .

  28. 加入WTO后知识产权与图书信息服务的几点思考

    A Thinking of Intellectual Property Library and Information Service After China 's to WTO Entry

  29. 该公司称,苹果目前尚未提供出在不侵犯知识产权及机密信息的情况下,不再需要Imagination技术的证据。

    Apple has not presented any evidence to substantiate its assertion that it will no longer require Imagination 's technology , without violating Imagination 's patents , intellectual property and confidential information , the company said .

  30. 为此,本文提出基于DWT域的数字水印嵌入彩色图像的研究方法,该方法为增加知识产权的保护信息量和扩大隐藏对象范围提供一种途径。

    So this paper puts forward the research approach of color images watermarking based on DWT , this method can increase the protection information and expand and the hiding range .