
zhì lì chénɡ ɡuǒ
  • intellectual property
  1. 结语部分总结全文,得出结论:作品是指文学、艺术和科学领域内有特定内容的可复制的具有独创性的智力成果。

    Conclusion summarizes this thesis : work is an original intellectual property in the fields of literary , artistic or scientific and replicable .

  2. 很多公司都会将其智力成果作为商业机密而加以保护,根本不会去申请专利而使之公开,那么婚恋网站就没理由不在其中啊。

    Many firms preserve their intellectual property as trade secrets , rather than making it public by patenting it , and there is no reason why internet dating sites should not be among them .

  3. 高校智力成果管理的对策研究

    Strategic Studies on Intelligence Achievement Management of Colleges and Universities

  4. 论知识产权领域内智力成果的标准化

    On Integration of Intellectual Property into the Standard System

  5. 21世纪是以智力成果为特征的无形资产世纪。

    The 21st century takes the intelligence achievement as the characteristic intangible asset .

  6. 知识产权制度通过赋予所有者以独占性的权利,从而激励智力成果的开发与利用。

    It endow the owners with exclusive rights to stimulate the exploitation and utilization .

  7. 试论商业标志的智力成果属性

    On the Intellectual Achievement Property of Trade mark

  8. 其合同的标的并非智力成果,而是特定的建设工程;

    The object of its contract is not the intellectual achievements , but is the particular construction .

  9. 智力成果是随着科技的发展而不断进步,知识产权制度的构建必须跟上时代的步伐。

    Intellectual development along with technology advances in the construction of the intellectual property system must keep pace .

  10. 作品是指文学、艺术和科学领域内具有独创性的智力成果。

    A work is an original intellectual achievement in the fields of literary , artistic or scientific works .

  11. 不正当竞争法对智力成果及相关成就的保护是对知识产权制度的重要补充。

    It is a significant addition for intellectual property institution that protecting intellectual property in anti-unfair competition act .

  12. 法律保护在智力成果创作人利益与人力物力投入的投资者或竞争者利益之间如何平衡;

    How laws keep beneficial balance between the intellectual achievements makers and the program sponsors or the contests ;

  13. 商业秘密作为人类的智力成果,凝聚着经营者的巨大智力投资。

    Commercial secret is one of human 's intelligent result , and it condenses proprietor 's huge intelligent investment .

  14. 随着知识经济浪潮的袭来,智力成果在企业竞争中的作用也越来越明显。

    With the coming of the knowledge economy , intellectual has been increasingly evident in the enterprises ' competition .

  15. 研究方法:查阅国内外的研究动态和成就,熟悉知识产权的法律法规和保护原则,论证运动技战术创新的基本过程、形态及智力成果的特征。

    In this paper , the characteristics of procedures , forms and intellectual achievements of the innovation are studied .

  16. 在专利法中,发明与发现的区分是确定一项智力成果是否具有专利性的基本前提。

    Whether it is an invention or a discovery decides whether the intellectual product is qualified as a patent .

  17. 建筑作品作为建筑设计者创造性的智力成果,体现了建筑设计者独特的艺术表达方式。

    As the intellectual achievement architectural designers ' creative , architectural works embody the unique artistic expression of architectural designers .

  18. 知识产权是基于创造性智力成果和工商业标记依法产生的权利的统称。

    Intellectual property is based on creative intellectual achievements and industrial and commercial marks , which are granted by law .

  19. 知识产权制度作为一种保护智力成果的法律制度,其保护对象是广泛的。

    Intellectual property rights system is a legal institution for protecting intellectual achievements , the proteges are in wide ranges .

  20. 自然人、法人、政府均可以成为民事优先购买权法律关系的主体,物、行为、智力成果均可成为优先购买权法律关系的客体。

    The law relations of the civil priority purchasing right are defined and the law nature and the law value are analyzed .

  21. 版权保护是法律赋予智力成果创造者的专有权利,体现着版权人的个人利益。

    Copyright protection is special rights given to creators of intellectual achievements , which embodies the personal profits of the copyright owner .

  22. 知识产权的地域性与智力成果的流动性之间的矛盾,是国际知识产权法形成与发展的社会动因;

    Contradiction between the locality and mobility of intelligence is the social reason of the development of the international intellectual property law .

  23. 综合所述,笔者认为作品是具有特定内容的可复制的智力成果的表达。

    Based on the reasons above , I conclude that a work is the intellectual expression with specific content and being copied .

  24. 剽窃未经说明使用他人的智力成果是一种严重的违规。人类的智力劳动成果经法律的确认和保护,成为知识产权。

    Plagiarism use of another 's intellectual work without acknowledgement is a serious offense . Intellectual property is ensured and protected by law .

  25. 中国武术作为一种智力成果迫切需要知识产权法的保护。

    Chinese Wushu ( martial arts ) as a sort of intellectual achievement urgently needs to be protected by the intellectual property law .

  26. 民间文学艺术表达、民间文学艺术作品都是民间文学艺术的物质表现形态,是民间文学艺术的物质智力成果;论我国民间文学法律保护的立法模式

    Both expressions of folklore and works of folklore are material intelligence product . Legislative Form of Legal Protection to Expressions of Folklore in China

  27. 而新制度经济学家的边界刻画更能准确、客观地反映新制度经济学的智力成果。

    However , the border defined by new institutional economists is rather accurate and objective in reflecting the intellectual achievement of new institutional economics .

  28. 知识产权是指法律赋予智慧成果所有人对其特定的创造性智力成果,在一定限期内享有的专有权利。

    The Intellectual Property right , which is an exclusive right of its own specific creative achievements in a certain time limit endowed by law .

  29. 服装制作过程中所产生的服装效果图、服装结构图以及服装作为服装设计师的智力成果应当得到知识产权相关法律的保护。

    Designers ' intellectual property , such as the clothing effect diagram , clothing diagram , clothing , should be protected by intellectual property laws .

  30. 21世纪,国际竞争主要表现为技术和科技的竞争,而技术和科技往往是知识产权智力成果的体现。

    The 21st century , international competition is mainly based on science and technology , which usually exists in form of the intellectual property rights .