
  1. 基于Internet的远程智能医疗辅助诊断系统

    Remote Intelligent Medical Aided Diagnostic System based on Internet

  2. 本文研究设计了基于PC平台的头针治疗系统。脑部疾病辅助治疗系统是以虚拟仪器的设计思想和传统中医理论为基础开发研制的一种智能医疗仪器。

    Cerebral diseases treatment system based on PC is introduced in this paper , which is developed on the idea of the virtual instrument ( VI ) and Traditional Chinese Medicine technique .

  3. 基于PC平台的脑血管疾病针灸治疗系统是在现代电子仪器的设计思想和传统中医理论基础上开发研制的智能医疗系统,包括上位机和下位机两部分,本文介绍下位机的设计。

    A cerebrovascular disease treatment system based on PC is an intelligent medical system containing a main computer and subordinate instrument , which is developed on the basis of modern electronic apparatus and traditional Chinese medicine theory . The design of subordinate instrument is introduced in this paper .

  4. 架构的这一部分超出了本文的讨论范围,但需要注意的是,EHR系统是一个完整的智能医疗解决方案的不可或缺的部分。

    This part of the architecture is outside of the scope of this article , but it is important to note that in a full smarter healthcare solution , an EHR system is a requirement .

  5. 模糊聚类在智能医疗诊断系统中的研究与应用

    Study and Application of Fuzzy Clustering in Intelligence Medical Diagnosis System

  6. 提高智能医疗仪器电气性能指标的方法

    Skills for improving the electrical performance of medical instruments controlled by computers

  7. 面对资源日趋紧张的公共医疗卫生服务,智能医疗决策支持系统应运而生。

    Faced with increasingly strained resources , Intelligent Medical Decision SupportSystems ( IMDSS ) come into being .

  8. 目的利用人工神经网络和专家系统相结合的方法,建立高血压诊断的智能医疗诊断系统模型。

    Objective To set up an intelligent medical diagnostic system for the diagnosis of hypertension based on expert system and artificial neural network .

  9. 与此同时,神经网络理论的发展为智能医疗诊断系统提供了一条新的有效途径[3]。

    In the meantime , the development of nerve net theory has been provided a new and effective way for intelligent medical diagnosis system .

  10. 本文简要介绍智能医疗诊断系统的研究应用状况,提出了一种以中医脏腑辩证理论为诊断依据的智能医疗诊断系统。

    The thesis briefly introduces the study and application of intelligence medical diagnosis system , and presents an intelligence medical diagnosis system based on traditional Chinese medicine theory .

  11. 通过本文的论述,再次证明了移动视频监控在智能医疗乃至当今的物联网社会中具有广泛的应用价值。

    Through discussion , this paper proved once again that : Mobile video monitoring has extensive application value in " Intelligent medical ", even in current society of " the internet of things " .

  12. 《深度医学:人工智能使医疗保健再次人性化》(DeepMedicine:HowArtificialIntelligenceCanMakeHealthcareHumanAgain)是他的新作(由基本图书公司出版)。

    His newest book is called Deep Medicine : How Artificial Intelligence Can Make Healthcare Human Again ( out now from Basic Books ) .

  13. 智能化医疗点滴控制系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of the Control System of Intellectualized Medical Liquid-drop

  14. 编程测试器在智能化医疗仪器设备维修中的应用

    The Application of Programmer & Tester in the Repairing of Intelligent Medical Instrumentation

  15. 智能化医疗设备和医疗机器人技术研究,是一个多学科交叉的具有重要意义的研究领域。

    The research on intelligent medical devices and medical robots is currently an important area .

  16. 在我们探讨人工智能对医疗保健和对医患关系的影响前,您能先说说这种关系的现状吗?

    Before we talk about how AI will affect health care and the patient-doctor relationship , can you tell me what that relationship looks like right now ?

  17. 该系统在实时定位、智能通讯、医疗辅助等方面展现出良好应用前景。

    It shows promising in various areas including real-time positioning , intelligent communication and healthcare .

  18. 智能建筑在医疗大楼的应用和管理体会

    Intelligent architecture applied in medical building and its management

  19. 嵌入式智能平台在医疗仪器行业的应用

    Embedded Intelligent Platform Applied in Medical Equipment Industry

  20. 针对这一现状,建立一个信息化、智能化的医疗系统已经成为研究的关键。

    Establish an informationization and intelligent medical system has become the key to the study .

  21. 基于智能卡的医疗管理信息系统模型

    Medicinal MIS Model Based on Smart Card

  22. 智能化社区医疗系统工程

    Intelligent Community Health Care System

  23. 非合作目标的识别测量在航天、军事、智能交通、医疗、多媒体等领域有着广泛的应用。

    The applications of non-cooperative measurement range from aerospace to military , intelligent transportation , medicine and multimedia .

  24. 这些专利是中科院下属的57个研究所的成果,涵盖新材料、信息技术、智能制造和医疗保健等行业。

    They are the product of the work of 57 institutes affiliated with the CAS , and cover fields including new materials , information technology , intelligent manufacturing , and the healthcare industry .

  25. 但是,在智能家庭、医疗护理和工业监测等应用中不需要很高的带宽、很远距离,而只需要低成本、低功耗的短距离无线通信。

    However , it does not require high bandwidth and long distance in the fields of intelligent home , medical care , and industrial monitoring applications . But only it requires low-cost , low-power local wireless communications .

  26. 对象定位技术在诸如工业自动化、智能控制、医疗辅助诊断、人机交互领域、武器精确制导等军事、医学和计算机科学众多领域都发挥着至关重要的作用,并显示出巨大的应用前景。

    The technology of object localization has a shining perspective and plays an important role in the area of military , medicine and computer science , such as industry automation , intelligence control , computer-aided diagnose , human-machine-communication systems and precise targeting weapons .

  27. 由于智能交通、医疗、安防等各个领域的迫切需求,智能监控中的多摄像机协同关键技术越来越受到人们的关注,其主要包括目标检测和定位、目标匹配、目标交接和目标行为分析等技术。

    Due to the urgent needs in many fields such as intelligent transportation , medical treatment and security , multi-camera monitoring techniques including object detection and location , object matching , object behavior analysis and so on , have been paid high attention .

  28. 无线传感器网络这门新兴的技术可广泛应用于环境监测、智能空间、医疗系统以及机器学习,它由许多分布式节点组成的多跳网络,这些节点通常由电池供电,共同协调完成某一任务。

    As an emerging technology , wireless sensor networks can be widely used in environmental testing , smart space , medical systems , as well as machine learning , which is composed of many distributed nodes forming a multi-hop network . Each sensor node is usually by the battery-powered .

  29. 基于事例的推理(CBR)是一种重要的机器学习方法,广泛应用于各类智能系统,如医疗诊断系统、客户服务系统等。

    Case-based Reasoning ( CBR ) is an important machine learning method widely used in the intelligent system such as Diagnose System , CRM and so on .

  30. 仿真和临床数据验证了该方法的有效性。最后,本文提出了一种基于智能手机的移动医疗模式,以脉搏信号和脑电信号为例,开发一套基于Android智能手机的移动医疗平台。

    Simulation and clinical data are used to confirm effectiveness of this method . Finally , this paper presents a mobile health model based on smartphone , with pulse signals and EEG as examples , a platform based on Android smartphone is developed .