
  • 网络barcode;one-dimensional bar code
  1. 介绍利用VB设计并实现的以稀土能量上转换材料为码元的一种隐形多彩色一维条码的打印系统。

    The Design of the printing system for a latent multicolor barcode based on the rare earth energy up-conversion material by visual basic program is presented .

  2. 在我们的日常生活中,常常也可以看到一维条码无法满足人们很多方面的需求,例如信息在运输和存储的需求等等。

    In our daily life , one dimensional barcode cannot meet the needs of many people in fields such as transportation and storage of information .

  3. 直接标刻采用的是非接触激光光刻,自动识别技术应用的是条码技术:一维条码选用code39码,二维条码选用矩阵式二维条码DataMatrix。

    Directly mark adopt the non-contact laser mark technology meanwhile automatic identification use the bar code technology , 1D bar code adapt the code 39 , 2D bar code use the Data matrix .

  4. 由于二维条码(特别是QR码)的信息密度相对较高,其识别方法比一维条码更为复杂,因此对二维条码进行快速的识别成为当前很重要的研究方向。

    Since 2D barcode has a relatively higher density information , its recognition technology is more complex than that of 1D barcode , especially for QR Code .

  5. 卷烟厂成品库管理所使用的商品流通采用标准版EAN-13条码,该条码属于一维条码。烟箱外包装箱采用瓦楞纸箱,外侧印有条码,能够自动识读记录烟的品种。

    The commodity currency of the Tobacco Factory makes use of EAN-13 Standard , which is a kind of one-dimension code .

  6. 不仅可支持常见的一维条码打印,也支持QRCODE、PDF417、DATAMATRIX等常见二维条码打印,同时用户可选择支持GM、汉信码,龙贝码等国产二维条码。

    Support one-dimension bar code also support binary bar code like QRCODE , PDF417 , DATAMATRIX , meanwhile user could choose to support domestic binary barcode like GM.

  7. 二维条码正是为了弥补一维条码的这一缺陷出现的。

    Two-dimension barcode is just invented to supplement this defect .

  8. 二维条码的出现突破了一维条码的许多限制,解决了一维条码不能解决的问题。

    The appearance of two-dimensional barcode surmounts many limitations of one-dimension barcode .

  9. 39条码、128条码技术是目前使用广泛、技术成熟的一维条码技术。

    Code 39 barcode and Code 128 barcode are widely used and they have mature techniques .

  10. 一维条码所表示的信息量有限,且不具备纠错功能。

    One-dimensional code is limited in its finite quantity of information , deficiency of error correcting ability , etc.

  11. 一维条码识别系统是服务于手机识别系统的后台处理程序。

    The one-dimension bar code recognition system is a background program which supports the recognition system on mobile telephone .

  12. 由于其信息容量大,可脱离数据库支持等与一维条码不同的特性,应用前景广阔。

    As it can hold large information and work without database , tow dimensional bar codes will be applied in many fields .

  13. 二维条码技术是在一维条码基本上发铺起来的应用范畴非常普遍的一种新兴自动识别技术,在世界各国中得到重视和推广应用。

    Two-dimension bar code is a latest automated recognition technology developed from one-dimension bar code , which is widely utilized in many countries .

  14. 条码应用在我国已经走过了二十多年的路程,但大部分应用仍然是一维条码。

    Although the barcode application has been more than twenty years in our country , the most applications are still of one dimensional barcode .

  15. 采用图像处理的方法不仅能识读一维条码,也能识读二维条码。

    Using image processing method , the new image barcode reader can not only read one dimensional barcodes , but also two dimensional barcodes .

  16. 传统的一维条码由于容量限制已不能满足应用需求,各种二维条码应运而生。

    Traditional one-dimensional barcode with its shortage of low information capacity , is no longer capable of meeting the actual demands , thus many two-dimensional barcodes have been devised .

  17. 一维条码在生产和生活的各个方面得到了广泛的应用,并极大的提高了生产率,但是一维条码本身的缺点&信息量小、依赖数据库等也日益的现露出来。

    1D bar code is wildly used in industrial production which improves productivity greatly , but its disadvantage has been growing up because of limited information and dependence on the database .

  18. 复合码作为一种新兴的码制,兼容一维条码和二维条码的特点,在物流领域越来越被受到重视。

    As a new barcode system , composite symbology has the features of one-dimensional barcode and two-dimensional barcode , which has got more and more attention in the field of logistics .

  19. 当前新闻出版行业现有的一维条码二维条码,存储数据量少、纠错能力差、无法满足目前的出版物市场的需求。

    The current press and publication industry of one-dimensional bar code of existing two-dimensional bar code , store less data , error correction capability , unable to meet current market needs publication .

  20. 二维条码是对一维条码的扩展,目前已被广泛应用于出版业、制造业、医疗卫生、证件管理等领域。

    Two-dimensional barcode is an extension of one-dimensional barcode . Currently , it has been widely used in the industries of publication , manufacture , medicine , certificates management and so on .

  21. 与一维条码相比,.二维条码具有独特的优势,凭借其容量大、纠错能力能、可靠性高、保密性强等优点,使得二维条码作为信息的载体在生产和生活中得到广泛的推广。

    Compared with ID-Barcode , 2D-Barcode endows with unique advantages . As an information carrier , it has found wide application in daily life for its greater capacity , stronger error-correcting capability , higher reliability and superior confidentiality .

  22. 目前常用的是一维条码,但一维条码最大的弱点就是表征的信息量是有限的,需要依赖外部数据库支持,离开这个数据库条码本身就没有意义了。

    But the information which one-dimensional bar codes stores is limited , this is also its most weakenss . It must depend on the external database . Without the database , one-dimensional bar codes can not have meanings .

  23. 为了满足实际应用中在有限的面积内表示更多类型、更大容量的信息的需要,弥补一维条码在表示信息容量上受限制的不足,二维条码技术孕育而生。

    In order to satisfy the requirement of expressing more types and greater information capacity in the limited area , two-dimensional bar code came into being , which can make up the inadequacy of one-dimension bar code in expressing information .

  24. 一维条码由于其高效输入、使用方便、成本低等特点,已广泛用于商业部门、邮政部门、交通部门、医药部门、工业企业等各个领域。

    One-dimensional bar code ( 1-D bar code ) because of its high efficiency , easy to use and low cost , has been widely used in various areas such as business sector , postal sector , transport sector , pharmaceutical sector , industrial enterprises and so on .

  25. 可扩展系统是建立在(一维)条码的基础上的。

    The extended B.C.S is designed on one-dimension bar code .

  26. 该方法通过对一维正弦条码图像进行傅里叶频谱分析,根据首条码的相位值进行粗定位,并对该条码进行中心几何定位实现连续位移的精确测定。

    Through Fourier spectrum analysis for 1-D sinusoidal bar code image , the phase of the first bar code can be calculated to find the coarse position , and then the precise position can be found by geometrically positioning the first bar center .

  27. 我们致力于研究制造适用于不同行业领域的一维、二维条码打印贴标机,以及RFID条码打印贴标机。

    Our company is committed to design and manufacturing different industry area one dimension , two dimension UPC labeling , and RFID labeling systems .