
  • 网络General Insurance Company
  1. 再保险企业为一般保险公司所承担的风险进行承保,该行业需要极为雄厚的资本,并且需要专业的知识。

    Reinsurance businesses , which write insurance policies for the risks that ordinary insurers take on , are extremely capital-intensive and require specialised expertise .

  2. 巴菲特估计,自然灾害令再保险行业损失约500亿美元,该行业为房产、汽车和财物的一般保险公司提供保险。

    Mr Buffett estimated that the natural disasters had cost the reinsurance industry , which provides coverage to regular insurers of homes , cars and property , around $ 50bn .

  3. 通过正规变化函数的Potter界,先给出特殊模型下保险公司发生破产的概率分布的界,进而得出一般模型下保险公司发生破产的概率分布的极限表达式。

    Using the Potter 's boundary , the boundary of the ruin probability in a particular model was given in advance , then the limitation expression of insurance company ruin probability was obtained .

  4. 不到一年前,该集团才获得中国监管机构的批准,在北京开设了一家全外资的一般保险业务分公司。

    Less than a year ago it was granted approval by government regulators to open a wholly foreign-owned general insurance branch in Beijing .

  5. 尽管有时我们不能在保险市场上购买到某些保险&一般来说因为保险公司觉得无利可图。

    Sometimes , though , we can 't buy insurance for certain risks on the marketplace & usually because companies find it unprofitable .

  6. 大新金融为集团人寿及一般保险业务的控股公司,亦为大新银行集团之主要股东。

    DSFH is the holding company for the group 's life and general insurance business , as well as the majority shareholder in DSBG .

  7. 一般保险中,保险公司和保险代理人之间有不对称信息和委托&代理关系,故存在道德风险和逆向选择问题。

    As there are asymmetric information and principal-agent relationship between the insurance company and insurance agent in ordinary insurance , there exists moral hazard and adverse selection problems .