
  • 网络Audit method;audit mode
  1. 风险管理审计是对传统审计方式的突破和创新,是融风险管理、审计为一体的新兴审计模式,是以对整个组织的风险进行评估与改善为最终目的的一种审计理念。

    Risk management audit is a great breakthrough and innovation of new-emerging audit mode , which integrates risk management and auditing and embodies a new conception with the ultimate goal of evaluating and improving the organizational risk .

  2. 重大突发性公共事件全过程跟踪审计方式探讨

    Research of Whole-Process Follow-up Auditing Mode of Significant Paroxysmal Public Events

  3. 政府投资科技项目治理的审计方式研究

    The Research on Governance Audit for Science and Technology Projects Founded by Government

  4. 未来审计方式的展望。

    The developing trend of future audit .

  5. 以改进审计方式为突破口,不断提高社保审计质量;

    With reforming audit methods as a breakthrough , continually improve the quality of audit to social assurance ;

  6. 传统的预算审计方式已经不能适用现代化的精细化审计管理的需求。

    The traditional approach has been auditing the budget can not be applied modern refinement of audit management needs .

  7. 在科技改变企业审计方式之际,跻身于全球最大毕业生雇主之列的“四大”专业服务公司正在彻底反思各自的招聘实践。

    The Big Four professional services firms - among the largest employers of graduates globally - are drastically rethinking their hiring practices as technology transforms the way companies are audited .

  8. 能够生成定制虚拟映像并以可审计的方式使用它们构建虚拟系统,这是WebSphereCloudBurstAppliance的一项重要价值主张。

    The ability to produce customized virtual images and use them in an auditable manner to construct virtual systems is an important value proposition of the WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance .

  9. 现有审计收费方式对审计质量的影响分析

    Analysis of the impact of audit paying way on audit quality

  10. 第四章主要阐述了中国石油风险管理审计的方式方法的完善。

    The fourth part is about the perfection of PetroChina risk management audit methods .

  11. 对鲍威尔来说,现行的审计工作方式并不存在根本性问题。

    For his part , Mr Powell says there is no fundamental problem with the current way of doing things .

  12. 世界经济业务规模的扩大化与复杂化,对审计的方式提出了新的要求。

    Scale of international economic business is magnified and complicated , this phenomenon has put forward the new requirement to audited way .

  13. 其中很多都必须采用允许以后进行审计的方式处理(某些情况下,这是法律强制要求的做法)。

    Many of them must be handled in a way that allows later auditing , and in some cases , this is legally required .

  14. 对基于战略管理框架的内部审计外包方式提出了若干质疑,并进一步提出协力式内部审计外包方式不失为企业界的明智之举。

    This paper raises some questions about internal audit outsourcing based on the strategy management , and points out that co-sourcing internal auditing is a wise solution .

  15. 随后可以根据这个映像构建虚拟系统,使用脚本包以一种可重复的、可审计的方式在一个或多个虚拟映像之上实现新功能的配置。

    You can then construct virtual systems based on this image , enabling configuration of the new capabilities using script packages on one or more of the virtual machines , in a repeatable and auditable way .

  16. 针对我国上市公司财务报告虚假陈述越来越严重的这一现实,对产生此现象的根本原因即审计收费方式进行了系统的分析,并提出了改善现有收费方式的对策建议。

    Faced with the more and more critical phenomena of false financial reports of list companes , this paper analyzes basic reason & the audit paying way systematically , and gives some suggestions on improving current audit paying way .

  17. 国际大环境下审计教学创新方式探究

    Below International Big Environment , Method of Auditing Teaching Innovate Research

  18. 转变财政审计的思维方式,突出财政审计的新内容;

    Conception about finance audit should be converted to highlight the new contents of the budget operation audit ;

  19. 同时根据指引的解读明确了企业社会责任的主体与获取审计证据的方式。

    Meanwhile by interpretation of the guidelines also defines the subject of corporate social responsibility and the way to obtain audit evidence .

  20. 内部审计的实现方式(即应用),包括内部控制审计、财务审计、经营审计、管理审计的含义、作用和实现方式(第三章);

    In the third chapter , the paper introduces the methods and major contents of internal auditing : internal control auditing , financial auditing , operational auditing and management auditing .

  21. 国家金审二期工程提出了改变审计单一作业方式,基于被审计单位的海量数据开展联网审计的思路。

    Golden State made a second phase of the trial to change the single audit practices , the audit unit of mass based on the data network to carry out audits of thinking .

  22. 文章对计算机审计含义、方式、目标、任务、特点及其产生和发展进行剖析,对国内外计算机审计的历史和现状进行了研究和比较,阐述了各种计算机辅助审计的技术和方法。

    This paper analyzes the meaning , methods , objective , mission , characteristics , origin and development of computerized audit , studies and compares the history and present condition of domestic and foreign computerized audit , and expounds various technologies and methods of computer-aided audit .

  23. 审计机关的作业方式必须做出调整;

    The present situation of manual audit work shall be changed ;

  24. 注册会计师环境审计目标及其实现方式研究

    The Research of Certified Public Accountants Environmental Auditing Object and Achieved Mode

  25. 变革财务报表审计委托及付费方式的思考

    Pondering over the Method of Reforming Financial Statement Audit Entrust and Paying Fees

  26. 浅谈知识经济条件下的审计理念与审计方式

    On the Concept and Pattern of Auditing under the Condition of Knowledge Economy

  27. 审计观念、审计方式落后、硬软件投入严重不足;不应退化的功能

    The function of audit is not clear ; A Function Not to be Degraded

  28. 安然事件的发生,促使人们关注并思考财务报告、审计准则、监管方式、大型企业对公司治理的质量等方面的问题。

    Enron incident made people concern and think over some accounting problems in existence .

  29. 在此基础上,文章对审计项目组织管理方式创新的一般特性进行了研究总结,提出了审计组织管理模式应向着扁平化、灵活化、网络化和虚拟化的方向发展。

    On this basis , the paper has been researched and summarized general characteristic of the innovation of organization management mode in national audit project . It raises organization management mode in national audit project must be develop to flattening , flexibility , networking and virtualization .

  30. 将近三分之一的腐败案件是通过内部审计和并购的方式得到有关部门的注意的。而告密者起到作用仅占2%。

    Nearly a third were brought to the attention of the authorities by companies that often uncovered bribes during internal audits or when combing through accounts before a merger or acquisition . Whistleblowers , on the other hand , were involved in only 2 % of the cases .