
dìnɡ qī shěn jì
  • regular auditing;periodic auditing
  1. 根据农村村组经济的性质和发展状况,对村组经济的核算与管理采用“分村核算、强化公示、定期审计、落实惩处”模式,符合中国农村国情,有利于促进农村经济的发展。

    According to the features and development state of present village team economy , the series of management mode , namely , separating team accounting , intensifying accounting publicity , regular auditing , and punishment is feasible and conducive to rural economic development .

  2. 您的上述帐册是否定期审计?请提供审计师姓名及地址。

    Are your books regularly audited ? Give the name and address of auditor .

  3. 组委会监督审计部门对组委会各部门的财务收支进行定期审计监督。

    The BOCOG supervision and auditing department shall regularly audit the income and expenditure of all the BOCOG departments .

  4. 他们将这一情况反映给政府中的改革派,从而促成了包括对预算资金分配进行定期审计在内的正式问责机制的建立。

    This discovery was shared with government reformers , prompting the enactment of formal accountability mechanisms , including regular audits of budget allocations .

  5. 并认为从流域或区域的角度进行综合决策、增加透明度与鼓励公众参与、在整个大坝的生命周期中进行定期审计等原则是减轻大坝负面影响的关键。

    Accordingly , some guidelines to abate the adverse effects of constructing large dams by following the decision-making principles of integrated regional or watershed management , transparency , public participation , regular audit of expenses and receipts of the dam during its whole life cycle , etc. are suggested aswell .

  6. 定期评估审计及合规委员会自身的绩效。

    Evaluate the acc 's own performance on regular basis .

  7. 新卫星的工作就好像是个计碳会计师,“她”密切监测地球大气的呼吸状况,定期作出审计报告。

    The new satellites will work as carbon accountants by keeping a close eye on how the earth breathes and returning regular audits .

  8. 为了监控GMP的执行情况,应根据批准的时间表执行任何必要的纠正措施以及定期的内部审计。

    In order to monitor the implementation of good manufacturing practice , any necessary corrective measures and regular internal audits are performed in accordance with an approved schedule .

  9. 会计师事务所定期轮换对审计质量影响研究

    The Effects of Audit Firm Rotation on Audit Quality

  10. 对会计资料定期进行内部审计的办法和程序应当明确。

    The measures and procedures for regular internal auditing of accounting documents shall be explicit and clear .

  11. 政府部门应通过实行会计师事务所定期聘任制度、审计业务与咨询业务不兼容的规定保证CPA审计独立性。

    Government departments should ensure the independence of CPA audit through sessional appointment in CPA firms and the provision on which audit operations and consultancy services are incompatible .

  12. 我国实施定期轮换制度对审计质量影响的研究

    A Study on the Audit Quality of the CPA Periodic Rotation

  13. 加强定期或不定期审计,实现对子公司的财务监督。

    Strengthen the scheduled or nonscheduled financial audit over its subsidiary companies .

  14. 第四章对定期轮换制度与审计质量的关系进行了实证检验。

    Through the empirical analysis , chapter four proves the relation between the CPA periodic rotate system and audit quality .