
dìnɡ qī dài kuǎn
  • term loan;time loan;fixed loan
  1. 例如我发现,旨在完善货币市场运作、收窄银行间定期贷款与隔夜贷款利差的定期资金招标工具(termauctionfacility),并没有对利差产生明显的冲击。

    I found , for example , that the term auction facility , set up to improve the functioning of the money market and drive down spreads on term interbank lending relative to overnight loans , had no noticeable impact on interest rate spreads .

  2. 英国定期贷款的担保成本高于其它国家,如何降低这一成本,值得积极思考。

    It is worth actively considering reducing the cost of the guarantees on term lending that seem costly compared to other countries .

  3. 由于资产支持融资具有相对安全的特点,这类融资在不景气时期的减少量远低于传统定期贷款和透支。

    This type of funding has contracted far less than conventional term lending and overdrafts during the downturn , thanks to the relatively safe nature of asset-based financing .

  4. 企业家再也不能依靠金融工程使用某种债务来为自己的项目融资,无论这种债务是保理、租约、循环信贷、定期贷款,还是什么诸如此类的东西。

    Entrepreneurs can no longer rely on financial engineering using debt of some description , be it factoring , leasing , revolving credit , term loans or what have you to fund their projects .

  5. 这些业务的规模意味着,在货币市场共同基金及其它传统放贷机构撤出货币市场后,英国央行实际上充当起了向银行提供定期贷款的角色。

    The size of the operations meant the Bank was in effect adopting a temporary role of the provider of term-lending to banks when money market mutual funds and other traditional lenders had exited the market .

  6. 结果表明,一年期定期存贷款利率变化对股市有一定的宣告作用,但是利率对股市的影响效果也会出现与理论相反的情况。

    The results show that in one year the deposit and loan interest rates have declared role on the stock market , But the effects of the interest rate to the stock market may be opposited the theory .

  7. 建议三,设立专业评估机构定期对贷款准备金的数值进行全面的监控,并定时向商业银行提交报告,以便银行在计提准备金时可以正确的评估风险。

    Recommendation Three , establish of specialized rating agencies on a regular basis to assess the value of loan provision to conduct a comprehensive monitoring and then regularly report to the commercial banks so that banks can make right assessment of risk for the reserve provision .

  8. 个人定期存单质押贷款风险与防范探究

    Personal fixed deposit pledged loans risk and precautions probing

  9. 以一次付款方式买房.借方在定期支付房屋贷款付款之外一次性缴纳的款项,用以降低贷款本金额。

    Buy a house outright , ie not by instalments A one-time or lump-sum payment made by a borrower in addition to the regular payments on a loan or mortgage which reduces the principal owing on the debt .

  10. 美联储(fed)官员相信,为定期资产支持证券贷款工具(talf)提供的首批贷款申请不活跃,就已证明了这一点。

    Fed officials believe there is already evidence of this in the lacklustre initial take-up of loans offered for the term asset-backed securities loan facility ( TALF ) .

  11. 周二联储发布了等候多时的旨在提振个人消费者和企业贷款市场的定期资产支持证券贷款工具的TALF计划。

    The Federal Reserve launched the much-awaited TALF , a lending program aimed at consumers and small businesses Tuesday .

  12. 这是美国在金融危机时期的另一种创新模式,所谓的定期资产抵押证券贷款工具,简称TALF。

    The model is another American innovation from the financial crisis & the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility , or TALF .

  13. 应收分期偿还票据折价定期付息偿还的贷款。

    Discount on installment contracts receivable a loan repaid with interest in equal periodic payments .

  14. 年终未偿还的或有负债定期付息偿还的贷款。

    Outstanding contingent liability at year-end a loan repaid with interest in equal periodic payments .