
duǎn qī dài kuǎn
  • short term loan
  1. 短期融资券于2005年问世,它的出现为各类型的企业提供了除短期贷款、贴现票据以外的一种融资工具。

    The commercial paper emerged in year 2005 . Its appearance provides the various enterprises a new short term financing channel apart from the short term loan and discount note .

  2. 企业短期贷款违约预测Bayes模型构建

    Bayes Prediction Model for Short-Term Loan Default

  3. 基于Fisher判别的企业短期贷款信用违约模型构建

    Modelling for Enterprise 's Short-term Loan Credit Default & Based on Fisher Discriminant Principle

  4. 金融稳定委员会(FinancialStabilityBoard)昨晚公布一个框架,对于这些实体通过以股票或债券为抵押的短期贷款,从银行借入资金时所需的抵押品作出最低要求规定。

    The Financial Stability Board last night published a framework imposing minimum requirements on the collateral needed when such groups borrow money from banks through short-term loans secured by stocks or bonds .

  5. 这种失衡状况加重了本已面临融资麻烦的欧洲银行的压力,fed最终不得不再次出马,为公司和银行直接提供短期贷款。

    The imbalance squeezed European banks already having trouble funding themselves , and the Fed ultimately had to step in again to offer short-term loans directly to companies and banks .

  6. 通过对河南Z高校的案例分析,表明缓解高校债务危机仍然是政府主导解决,形成了贴息、短期贷款转为长期贷款、协调土地置换等经验。

    By case analysis of a university in Henan , we find the university debt crisis is still a government-led solution . Subsidies on interest payment , short-term loans transferring into long-term loans , land replacement are the experience .

  7. 钢卷制造企业中国金属(ferrochina)公告称,公司无力偿还短期贷款;另据报道,由于财务问题,中国印染控股有限公司(chinaprinting&dyingholdings)的老板躲了起来。

    The trading halts were in response to a disclosure by FerroChina , a steel-coil maker , that it was unable to repay short-term loans and reports that the owners of China Printing & Dying holdings had gone into hiding due to financial troubles .

  8. 第一、不要利用短期贷款以支付长期项目。

    First , do not borrow short-term to finance long-term projects .

  9. 商业透支项目最适合短期贷款。

    A business overdraft would be most suitable for short-term loans .

  10. 联邦储蓄已经将短期贷款利率降到接近于零。

    The Fed has reduced short-term rates to almost zero .

  11. 短期贷款增加428.8亿元,比去年同期多增108亿元。

    Short-term loans rose by 42.88 billion yuan , up 10.8 billion yuan .

  12. 银行对长期与短期贷款的处理很不相同。

    The short-term and long-term loan are handled very differently by the bank .

  13. 短期贷款与票据贴现的等成本分析

    Analysis of equal-cost of short-term loans and bill discounted

  14. 谢丽尔也没空儿,她要帮他搞那笔短期贷款。

    Cheryl is not free either because she will help him get the loan .

  15. 向蓝筹股公司提供了3000多亿美元的短期贷款;

    It made short-term loans of more than $ 300 billion to blue-chip companies .

  16. 你们公司需要短期贷款还是长期贷款?

    Well , does your company need a short-term loan or a long-term loan ?

  17. 目前在美国信贷市场上,即使最保守的短期贷款也很难得到。许多金融机构都在囤积美元,以防不测。

    Markets for even the most conservative short-term loans are constricting in the United States .

  18. 高收入借款人相对于中低收入借款人更倾向高比例中短期贷款;

    High-income borrowers prefer high proportion mid-and-short term loans as compared to mid-and-low income borrowers ;

  19. 上个星期,参议院拒绝了向汽车制造商提供几十亿美元短期贷款的方案。

    Last week , the Senate rejected a multi-billion dollar package of bridge loans to carmakers .

  20. 银行向自己高信贷评级的商业顾客征收的短期贷款的利率。

    The interest rate on short-term loans that banks charge their commercial customers with high credit ratings .

  21. 我需要短期贷款来帮助我渡过难关,直到我能找到新工作。

    I needed a short-term loan to tide me over until I could find a new one .

  22. 因此,如何尽可能降低企业短期贷款这一信贷资产的信贷风险一直是银行的重点工作。

    Therefore , it is important for banks to minimize the credit risk of the credit assets .

  23. 在找到其它资金来源之前,我们打算先向银行申请短期贷款。

    We are going to request a short-term accommodation from the bank until we can find other funds .

  24. 商业银行:主要职能是接收需求存款和进行短期贷款的银行。

    Commercial bank : a bank whose principal functions are to receive demand deposits and to make short-term loans .

  25. 比如该公司没有较多的长期贷款,短期贷款多,且偿还能力较好。

    For example , the company no more long-term loans , short-term loans , and the repayment ability is better .

  26. 下周位于华盛顿的美国联邦储备局有望在银行间削减短期贷款的目标利率。

    Next week , the Federal Reserve in Washington is expected to cut its target rate for short-term loans between banks .

  27. 我们准备向银行请求短期贷款以支付这些款项,直到找到其他资金。

    We 're going to request a short-term accommodation from the bank to cover these payments until we can find other funds .

  28. 西方制裁将银行在外国市场的借贷限制在短期贷款上,于是金融企业遭受重创。

    Financial firms have been ravaged by Western sanctions , which limit banks ' borrowing in the foreign markets to short-term loans .

  29. 投资者迅速成为中国货币市场的专家&短期贷款利率本月上涨了一倍多。

    Investors are rapidly becoming experts on the Chinese money markets , where short-term lending rates have more than doubled this month .

  30. 农村小额信贷是一种专门向农村低收入农民提供的小额、无担保、短期贷款的信贷服务。

    Rural Micro-credit is a service which especially provides low-income farmers in the rural areas with small , unsecured and short-term loans .