- statutory audit;legal audit

China 's Company Law should be open to different options and select the most suitable legal audit models from the actual situations .
Not be allowed to undertake other services unconnected to their statutory audit function such as consultancy and advisory services .
The Evolution of Audit Model under Company Law & a case study from the UK
The unification of EU Company Law moves forward continuously , and the8th Directive concerning statutory auditing is part of EU Company Law .
Statement Review can only provide passive guarantee because it can only use limited audit procedures , but Statement Audit can provide positive guarantee thanks to its requirement of executing legal auditing procedures .
In the fourth section we discuss in detail the scope of a third person , and the statutory audit into audit and non-statutory audit of two parts , the third person of the two business scope clearly defined .
The accounting company should develop risk prevention and control measures to reduce audit risk , while we proposed laws and regulations from the relevant departments of China on the independence of internal audit outsourcing to be explicitly requested .
Firms can service no more than 30 statutory audit clients per partner and local firms cannot join a " big four " international network unless the bosses of that network agree not to have any other office in the country .
( e ) the investor 's balance sheet , profit and loss statement and cash flow statement for the latest three years audited by qualified auditing firms .
Persons in charge of audit institutions shall be appointed or removed in accordance with legal procedures . None of them may be removed or replaced at random for the post .