
  • 网络FRENCH FRANC;frf;France Franc;FFr
  1. 为了更加便于管控,IMF不得不将货币篮子从上世纪70年代的16种货币削减至1981年后的5种,后来随着德国马克和法国法郎被并入欧元又减少至4种。

    To make it tractable at all , the IMF membership had to whittle the basket down from its original sixteen currencies in the 1970s to five after 1981 , later compressed to four as the D-Mark and the French franc were subsumed into the euro .

  2. 货币投机者使法国法郎贬值。

    Currency speculators have driven down the value of the French franc .

  3. 只用500万法国法郎启动资金建立,而且由于有MaisonBouygues客户存入的押金,所以融资成本很低。

    With just FFr5m in initial share capital , the business was cheap to set up and , because Maison Bouygues 's customers put down deposits , its financing costs were low .

  4. 今天的卖出价是200法国法郎。

    It 's 200 French francs at today 's selling rate .

  5. 你能把一张美元支票转换成法国法郎吗?

    Will you convert an American dollar check into French francs ?

  6. 5英镑相当于多少法国法郎?

    What is 5 equivalent to in French francs ?

  7. 能给我兑换这些法国法郎吗?

    Could you change these French francs for me ?

  8. 请给我200美元的法国法郎。

    Give me 200 dollars worth of French Francs .

  9. 你能把法国法郎换成英币一镑的吗?

    Can you exchange French francs to pound sterling ?

  10. 你能把德国马克换成法国法郎吗?

    Will you change German marks into French francs ?

  11. 因此,1欧元相当于166.386西班牙币,或6.56法国法郎。

    So 1 euro is the same as 166.386 Spanish pesetas or 6.56 French francs .

  12. 代替了原来众所周知的德国马克,法国法郎和意大利里拉。

    Replacing currencies as famous as the German mark , the Franch franc , and the Italian lira .

  13. 一些法国法郎,瑞士法郎,美圆和一些荷兰盾。

    Here it is , some French francs , Swiss francs , American dollars and a few Dutch guilders .

  14. 那时,法国法郎对德国马克贬值会在法国国内引起不满,还会刺激市场作出带来严重后果的反应。

    The devaluation of the franc against the Deutschmark was unpalatable at home and would have provoked a costly reaction from the markets .

  15. 在20世纪末,欧洲领导层是有远见的:选择了货币联盟,放弃了德国马克、法国法郎、意大利里拉。

    At the end of the 20th century , European leadership proved enlightened , opting for Monetary Union and giving up the D-mark , the French franc and the Italian lira .

  16. 希腊德拉克马、爱尔兰镑、葡萄牙埃斯库多、西班牙比塞塔、意大利里拉,可能还有法国法郎,相对德国马克都已经贬值。

    The Greek drachma , the Irish punt , the Portuguese Escudo , the Spanish peseta , the Italian lira and , maybe , the French franc would have devalued against the Deutschmark .

  17. 7.devaluevt.使(货币)贬值法国政府已将法郎贬值20%。

    The French government has devalued the franc by 20 percent .