
  • 网络administration according to law;Administration of the Rule of Law
  1. 中国的法治化进程,使得被公认为最无改革举措的计划经济遗物&教育行政也感受到了法治行政的迫切需要。

    The author thinks that : With the progress of rule by law in China , it is urgent for the educational administration according to law .

  2. 法治行政:提高政府能力的必然选择

    Administration by Law Is Physical Necessity to Boost the Ability of Government

  3. 论行政法的基本原则&法治行政

    Basic Principle of the Administrative Law & the Administration of Law and Order

  4. 遵循法治行政原则、权利保障原则。

    Keep to rule of law administrative principle , the obliges guarantees principle .

  5. 论现代国家管理的法治行政

    Administrative Rule by Law in Modern State Management

  6. 法治行政模式及其实现途径

    Nomocracy Administration Mode and Its Approach to Establishment

  7. 为此,必须改变行政观念,构筑法治行政的理性平台;

    For this purpose , we must change our concept of executive , construct a rational platform of legalized executive ;

  8. 法治行政符合行政法基本原则的标准和含义。它包括四方面内容:政府行政行为应有组织法上的依据;

    The administration of law and order accords with criteria and implications of the basic principle of the administrative law .

  9. 通过以上的分析探讨,力图使现有的行政确认制度在法治行政的框架之下得到进一步的完善。

    By the analyzing , the article tries to consummate the system of administrative affirmation on the frame of administration of law .

  10. 依法治税是依法治国在税收领域的具体体现,是法治行政、依法纳税的基本前提。

    Imposing by law is embodiment in taxation fields and it is the basic precondition of administrating by law and rate paying by law .

  11. 以落实行政处罚法、立法法为契机,贯彻依法治国战略方针,实行法治行政;

    Reinforcing the strategic policy for running state affairs according to law , at a time when the penalty law and legislation law are effected ;

  12. 法治行政理念先后克服严格法治主义和庸俗法治主义的弊端。

    The idea of administrating by law has conquered the shortcoming of the strict idea of rule of law and the vulgar idea of rule of law one after another .

  13. 从法律依据、程序控制以及责任救济三方面探讨行政指导与法治行政谋合的途径。

    From three aspects of legal evidence , procedural control and obligatory relief , the author probes into the way of combination of the administrative instruction and administration by laws .

  14. 第三,在治理和善治理念的指导下,政府改革应朝服务行政、有限行政、法治行政方向转变,全面提升政府能力。

    Third , under the direction of governance and good governance theory , government reform should farther turn to service administration , limited administration by law and promote government capacity .

  15. 再次,第三章是本文的重点。我在这一章里,从规范行为模式、程序控制以及责任救济三个方面论述了行政指导与法治行政的谋合。

    The third , from the law basis , behavior pattern , procedure control and the duty relief four aspect point out the administration guide to match with administration to law .

  16. 所以说,行政法不过是一部维护和分配公共利益的法律。最后,以大禹治水引申法治行政的基本框架。

    Therefore , the administrative law is merely a kind of law to maintain and allocate public interest . Finally , Dayu flood control extended the basic framework for the legal administration .

  17. 分析了利益平衡论、司法能动论、私法优位论、议会监督论、效益优先论等法治行政原则对于当代行政法的重要意义。

    The Chapter analyzes such theories or administrative principles as the balance of interests , judicial creativity , priority of private law , legislative supervision , efficiency and their important meaning for contemporary administrative law .

  18. 然而,现实中行政指导存在着的法律依据不明确、运行程序不规范、责任与救济机制不健全等问题与法治行政原理形成较为明显的冲突,因而必然提出对行政指导的法律控制问题。

    However , in the practice of the administrative guidance such issues as ambiguity in law , non-criterion in procedure , distemperedness in responsibility and relief are obviously conflicting with the principle of Government by Law .

  19. 行政裁量本身不过是法治行政原则所承认的一种行为方式、方法或者形态,只是在受法律拘束的程度上有别于羁束。

    The Administrative Discretion itself is not more than an Action Mode or Action Approach or Action Form acknowledged by the principles of law-ruling administration , and it is different from restriction only at the constraint degree limited by law .

  20. 本文探讨了现代国家行政管理法制化的内在动因和本质要求的问题。认为区别于古代社会人治化行政管理的基本特征在于:现代行政管理内在地要求法制化的行政管理即法治行政。

    The author makes a research on the intrinsic motivation and the essential requirement of legalization in administrative management in modern society , perceiving that the distinguishing characteristic of ruling by man instead of by law in ancient China reveals that modern administrative management of intrinsically calls for legalization .

  21. 论依法治国的法治理念行政执法中的法治理念探究

    On the Notion of Ruling by Law in the Running China

  22. 中国当代行政法治与行政程序法典化

    China 's Contemporary Rule of Administrative Law and the Codification of Administrative Procedure

  23. 三种监控机制构成一种适应现代行政法治和行政活动发展的综合性控制体系。

    These three kinds of monitoring mechanisms constitute a comprehensive control system adapting to modern administrative government by law and the administrative activity development .

  24. 这当然给行政法治、行政执法领域的行政法学理论研究提供了空间。

    This surely leaves some space for the study on the field of administration of rule of law and administrative performance in the administrative law theory .

  25. 方法收集三起有关疫情资料,分析流动人口在传染病流行过程中的作用及分布特征,从法治及行政管理角度提出了四项对策。

    Approach Collecting the relative information about the three outbreaks of epidemic disease in Xiaoshan , analyzing the function amd distribution characteristics of immigrating population during the epidemics , and then proposing four respective strategies in the view of law and social management .

  26. 现代法治精神要求行政权必须受到监督和制约。

    Spirit of rule of law also requires that administration should be restrained .

  27. 行政伦理法治化是行政伦理建设中不可或缺的重要环节。

    Administrative Ethics Rule of Law is an indispensable important aspect in the administrative ethics building .

  28. 在此基础上,本章指出实现行政诉讼和解的法治化是行政诉讼和解发展的必由之路。

    This chapter then introduces that the rule of law is the only way to the development of reconciliation .

  29. 然而,行政法治理论和行政法治实践关于具体行政行为内容合法的具体内涵的探究却不够深入。

    But the research of the connotation of content legality of a specific administrative act is still a little weak .

  30. 法治作为依法行政的机制保障,要求依法行政必须是一种法治行政;

    As the mechanism guarantee , the idea of rule of law should be a kind of administration of law .