
fǎ rén tuán tǐ
  • corporation;corporate body;cooperative corporation;incorporated society
  1. 另一方面,由于这一时期的自治市开始拥有自己的市政官员、组织以及内部章程,使得自治市团体更加稳定有序,这就为其向法人团体的转变打下了基础。

    On the other hand , the borough owned their own officers , organizations and by-laws , making it become more stable and ordered , providing a foundation to transform to corporation .

  2. 官方在摘要中指出“法律上的附属关系”表示的就是一个正式的业务关系,譬如是在同一个法人团体工作的医生或者或作为搭档一起行医的医生。

    The term " legally affiliated " denotes a formal business relationship , such as doctors who are part of the same corporation or who practice together in a partnership , the state 's brief says .

  3. 本法律既适用于个人也适用于法人团体。

    The law applies to both individuals and corporate bodies .

  4. 英国广播公司为法人团体。

    The BBC is a corporate body .

  5. 否则该法人团体无权注册成为拟凭借第11(1)(b)条予以注册的船舶的转管租约承租人。

    A body corporate shall not be entitled to be registered as the demise charter of a ship which is to be registered by virtue of section 11 ( 1 ) ( b ) .

  6. 关于相互承认公司和法人团体的公约

    Convention on the Mutual Recognition of Companies and Bodies Corporate

  7. 第三章、非法人团体的民事主体地位。

    Chapter three discusses the status of non-legal entity of civil law .

  8. 如董事属法人团体,请删去年龄证明。

    Delete the age certification if the director is a body corporate .

  9. 第二章、非法人团体的缘起与社会意义。

    Chapter two introduces the origin of non-legal entity and its social meanings .

  10. 分红法人团体收入中付给股东的红利百分数。

    A percentage of corporate earnings that is paid as dividends to shareholders .

  11. 法人团体须以其法团的名义注册为船东。

    A body corporate shall be registered as owner by its corporate name .

  12. 许多人认为公司的法人团体在治理美国,而非美国政府。

    Many people feel that corporations run the U.S. , not the government .

  13. 非法人团体基础理论研究

    The Study on Basic Theory of Non-legal Entity

  14. 理论上这些法人团体应该是独立自主的。

    Theoretically the corporative bodies should be autonomous .

  15. 法人团体是某注册船舶的船东或转管租约承租人;

    Where a body corporate is the owner or demise charter of a registered ship ;

  16. 民法典应确立二元民事主体结构&以非法人团体问题为中心

    Double Civil Subject Should Be Established in Civil Lawbook ── Focus on " None-juristic Person "

  17. 设立中公司是一种具有自身特性的非法人团体,具有有限人格,在一定范围内承担法律责任。

    As for de facto company , it is an incorporated body , owning limited personality .

  18. 商事主体与民事主体有重大区别;非法人团体民事主体地位简论

    Main body of civil law is person . On Status of Civil Subject of Unincorporated Body

  19. 在总体主义的面向上,涂尔干提出了法人团体以及公民宗教的主张。

    In the overall doctrine oriented , Durkheim body corporate as well as advocates of civil religion .

  20. 法人团体的提出显示涂尔干从职业生活解决现代社会人与人疏离问题的设想。

    Body corporate proposed Durkheim envisaged to solve the modern society , people alienated from professional life .

  21. 一经登记,职工会便成为法人团体,并享有若干民事诉讼的豁免权。

    Once registered , a trade union becomes a body corporate and enjoys immunity from certain civil suits .

  22. 说明该声明人获授权代表该法人团体作出该声明;

    A statement that the declarant is authorized to make the declaration on behalf of the body corporate ;

  23. 本文的创造性成果在于对非法人团体的法律地位进行了全方位系统且深入的研究,在大量资料的基础上进行了深入分析,得出了应该确立非法人团体独立民事主体地位的结论。

    The creative outcome of this paper is that the conclusion is based on abundant information and thorough research .

  24. 联合国合办独立国家联合体合作特派团理论上这些法人团体应该是独立自主的。

    United Nations Joint Collaborative Mission to the Commonwealth of Independent States Theoretically the corporative bodies should be autonomous .

  25. 论私法主体资格的分化与扩张论非法人团体的民事主体地位

    On the Division and Expansion of Civil Personality On the Civil Subject 's Position of Entity without Legal Personality

  26. 第五部分结合司法实践,探讨了民法确立非法人团体独立的民事主体地位的立法设想。

    The fifth part is about assumption to grant unincorporated society civil subject position in civil law legislation in China .

  27. 本文综合运用逻辑推理、比较研究、历史研究等方法,系统探讨了非法人团体的法律地位问题。

    The thesis is about the legal position of unincorporated society , used logic , compare , history and other research methods .

  28. 非法人团体承担无限责任是出于交易安全和国家监管的双重需要而由法律再次拟制的结果。

    It is a result of the second design by law based on considerations about secure transaction and inspection from the state .

  29. 笔者认为,传统理论有其缺憾,科学的做法是应赋予非法人团体以独立的民事主体地位。

    In the author 's opinion , there are some faults in traditional theory , and unincorporated society should have the legal status .

  30. 法人团体,可以诉讼及被诉,可以拥有、租赁、出售或抵押财产。

    A company is a body corporate , can sue and be sued , and can own , lease , sell or mortgage property .