
fǎ dìnɡ dǐ xiāo
  • statutory setoff
  1. 法定抵销的条件分为积极条件和消极条件。

    The conditions of legal set-off are divided into positive conditions and negative conditions .

  2. 第二部分笔者概述了外国银行法定抵销权的立法例以及笔者的评价。

    The second part discusses and evaluates the legal right of foreign banks offset legislation .

  3. 论法定抵销权的行使:对《合同法》第九十九条的思考

    The Exercise of the Right of Legal Set-off : Study on Article 99 of Contract Law

  4. 法定抵销权是指依单方意思表示即可发生抵销效果的权利,其性质为形成权。

    Legal offset right is one right that one party making a mean express leads to offset .

  5. 法定抵销权制度,是民商法领域重要的制度之一。

    The system of legal offset right is one of important systems in civil and commercial law .

  6. 其行使应由债务人向对方当事人作出法定抵销的意思表示,并不得附条件或附期限。

    The debtor should make a offset mean to the other party , which can not attached with condition or deadline .

  7. 在司法实践中引起争议最多的就是债务抵销的条件,特别是法定抵销的条件。

    In the judicial practice , the most dispute-causing problem is the conditions of debt set-off , especially the conditions of legal set-off .

  8. 但需注意的是:附有抗辩权的债权并不影响法定抵销权的成立。

    Attentions should be attached to that : the claim with right of defense does not affect the foundation of legal offset right .

  9. 笔者通过对传统法定抵销的四要件进行多层次、多角度地论述,以期辩明法理、开扩思路。

    The author tries to distinguish the legal principle and broaden the mind by analyzing the four requirements of the traditional legal offset from multiple perspectives and levels .

  10. 具体制度设计是:首先构建我国的银行法定抵销权制度要遵循一个原则,平衡银行、客户与第三人的利益原则。

    Concrete system design is : first to build a principle for our bank legal offset right system to follow which is keep balance of the bank , customer and interests of a third person .

  11. 若主动债权上附有抗辩权,债务人在行使法定抵销权后,对方当事人行使抗辩权的,仅会阻碍法定抵销权行使效力的发生。

    If there is initiative claim with the right defense , after one party exercising legal offset right , the other party exercising the right of defense only can hinder the exercise effectiveness of legal offset right .