
fǎ rén
  • legal person;corporation;juridical person;artificial person
法人 [fǎ rén]
  • (1) [juridical person]∶指根据法律参加民事活动的组织,如公司、社团等

  • (2) [legal person]∶被法律承认享有权利和义务的个人、团体、公司、伙伴以及其他合法实体

法人[fǎ rén]
  1. 环境资源保护法人犯罪浅析

    Analysis of the Juridical Person Offence against the Environment Resource Protection

  2. 法人财产权与信托财产权的比较研究

    Comparative research on juridical person property right and trust estate right

  3. 本法律既适用于个人也适用于法人团体。

    The law applies to both individuals and corporate bodies .

  4. 英国广播公司为法人团体。

    The BBC is a corporate body .

  5. 公司老板在银行开了一个法人账户。

    The owner opened a corporate checking account at the bank .

  6. 事业机构、学校或社团法人等团体附设者

    Those supplementarily established by business institutions , schools , or legal entities as social organizations .

  7. 第二节企业法人

    Section 2 Enterprise as Legal Person

  8. 第九十五条公民、法人依法取得的专利权受法律保护。

    Article 95 The patent rights lawfully obtained by citizens and legal persons shall be protected by law .

  9. 第一百一十条对承担民事责任的公民、法人需要追究行政责任的,应当追究行政责任;

    Article 110 Citizens or legal persons who bear civil liability shall also be held for administrative responsibility if necessary .

  10. 第一百零六条公民、法人违反合同或者不履行其他义务的,应当承担民事责任。

    Article 106 Citizens and legal persons who breach a contract or fail to fulfil other obligations shall bear civil liability .

  11. 第十一条中国红十字会总会具有社会团体法人资格;

    Article 11 The All-China Federation of the Red Cross Societies shall have the status of legal person as a social organization ;

  12. 法人由其法定代表人进行诉讼。其他组织由其主要负责人进行诉讼。

    Legal persons shall be represented by their legal representatives in the litigation . Other organizations shall be represented by their principal heads in the proceedings .

  13. 第五条公民、法人的合法的民事权益受法律保护,任何组织和个人不得侵犯。

    Article 5 The lawful civil rights and interests of citizens and legal persons shall be protected by law ; no organization or individual may infringe upon them .

  14. 第二百零五条企业法人破产还债,由该企业法人住所地的人民法院管辖。

    Article 205 The debt repayment of a bankrupt legal person enterprise shall be under the jurisdiction of the people 's court of the place where the legal person enterprise is located .

  15. 第一百零一条公民、法人享有名誉权,公民的人格尊严受法律保护,禁止用侮辱、诽谤等方式损害公民、法人的名誉。

    Article 101 Citizens and legal persons shall enjoy the right of reputation . The personality of citizens shall be protected by law , and the use of insults , libel or other means to damage the reputation of citizens or legal persons shall be prohibited .

  16. 蛋白印迹法人血清DNA结合蛋白的测定

    Detect serum DNA binding proteins by Western blot

  17. 随着WTO后过渡期的到来,建筑工程质量检测等工程机构根据国际通用要求必须成为具有独立法人资格、第三方独立的中介机构。

    According to the content of the agreement , construction engineering organizations must be independent and to be a third - party enterprise .

  18. HB报业集团是中国第一家企业法人制报业集团,其前身是一家事业单位。

    HB press group is the first corporative enterprise of Chinese Press , it is a government-sponsored institution previously .

  19. 认证机构(CA,CertificationAuthority),是指签发电子证书、提供与电子签名相关的服务的自然人或法人。

    Certification authority ( short for CA ) is the nature person or legal man that signs the digital certification and provides services related to the digital signature .

  20. 侵权行为(TORT)是对他人(自然人和法人)合法利益的不法侵害行为,而新闻评论侵权则指新闻评论在写作和传播过程中侵害公民和法人人格权的行为。

    Tort is illegal infringement of others ' legitimate benefit including natural persons and corporation . While news review means that news review encroach on the right to human dignity of citizen and corporation in the course of writing and propagation .

  21. 日本铁道建设公团、运输施设整备事业团和日本国铁改革后形成的各JR公司等都属于特殊法人。

    The Japanese Railway Construction Public Corporation ( JRCC ), Corporation for Advanced Transport and Technology ( CATT ) and the 7 Japan Railway Companies ( 7 JRs ) formed after the reform of Japan National Railway system falls into this kind of special corporations .

  22. 建立模拟法人实体推进高校后勤社会化改革

    Set up Mimic Corporative Entities to Promote Socialization of College Logistics

  23. 股东类型的多元化、法人化;

    Shareholder type multiplication and include more and more organizational investors ;

  24. 期货交易所是期货市场运营的核心,其功能决定了期货交易所的法律性质应是公益性、非营利性的法人。

    Futures exchange is the operation center of the futures market .

  25. 创新和完善水利建设项目法人责任制的思考

    Considerations of innovating legal person responsible system of water project construction

  26. 第一章法人与法人犯罪。

    The first chapter is " corporation and corporation crime " .

  27. 公司法人治理结构的历史演变及典型模式

    The Historical Evolution and the Typical Model of Corporate Governance Structure

  28. 建设项目实行项目法人管理模式的探讨

    Study on Project Legal Person Mode in Management of Construction Projects

  29. 建立健全法人治理结构,进行国有产权代表人再造;

    Establish a sound corporate governance structure , state-owned property proxy recycling ;

  30. 应允许法人和个人组成合伙;

    Allow legal person and individual to form partnership relation ;