
fǎ lǜ ɡuī zé
  • rule of law;legal rule;statutory rule
  1. WTO法律规则是近年来理论界研究的热点问题,过往理论研究的视角或放在规则本身,或结合某一具体部门法来研究WTO规则。

    WTO legal rule is the focus issue which is studied in theory circles in recent years , the visual angle or set free and lie in rules of theoretical research itself in the past , or combine every concrete department law to study WTO rules .

  2. 金融自由化所必须的法律规则及其实施

    Under the Financial Liberalization Financial Liberalization Must Legal Rule and Its Implementation

  3. 我希望你们熟悉本州法律规则。

    I hope you 're familiar with penal code .

  4. WTO关于区域贸易安排的法律规则研究

    A Study on WTO 's Legal Regulations Concerning Regional Trade Arrangements

  5. 完善我国货物原产地法律规则体系的若干思考&应对WTO《原产地规则协议》的法律对策

    Reflections on Perfecting the System of Legal Regulations of Goods Origin

  6. 电子商务对WTO法律规则的挑战和对策

    The Challenges of Electronic Commerce to the WTO Rules

  7. WTO法律规则体系与外资法改革

    The System of the WTO Rules of Law and the Reform of Foreign Investment Law

  8. WTO法律规则体系所体现的价值取向理念与中国的社会传统存在着巨大的差异。

    There is massive difference between the value of WTO legal system and traditional cultures of china .

  9. WTO的建立和WTO规则的实施,实际上构成了一个完整的世界性统一法律规则。

    The establishment of WTO and the implementation of WTO rules have actually constituted the complete universal law rules .

  10. 适用外国的判例法一般就是采用类比方法或者区分辨别方法适用判例中确定的法律规则(Ratio);

    In general , the application of foreign case law is to apply the Ratios established in the cases by way of analogy and distinguishing .

  11. 入世以来,WTO法律规则对我国各方面的影响正逐步凸现,在吸引外资方面,几乎取得了立竿见影的巨大效应。

    After China ' entry into the WTO , great progress has been made in the part of attracting foreign investment .

  12. 经济全球化使得价值评判标准趋向一体化,WTO以法律规则保障一体化的价值评判标准的实施。

    The globalization of economy is leading the value judgement to integration which is under the WTO ′ s full legal protection .

  13. 从乌拉圭回合最后文本中《关于反规避问题的决定》来看,国际社会必将共同努力制定出统一的反规避法律规则并将其纳入WTO反倾销法律体系中去。

    I believe that united international anti-circumvention legal regulations shall be drawn up and brought into the WTO antidumping law system in the future .

  14. 文章从ITO与WTO的比较中探讨了WTO的法律规则适用特点;

    The article approachs the characteristics of application of the legal rules of WTO by comparing the ITO with the WTO .

  15. 第一,加强对《政府采购协议》和WTO法律规则的研究,完善国内立法;

    The author suggests the following measures be taken against the agreement : Firstly , enhance the study of GPA and other WTO laws and perfect domestic laws and regulations ;

  16. 关于补贴与反补贴的WTO法律规则主要包括:《补贴与反补贴措施协议》、《农业协议》、《服务贸易总协定》。

    The WTO norms about subsidy and counter-subsidy are WTO " Agreement on Subsidy and Counter-subsidy Measures " ( SCM ), WTO " Agricultural Agreement ", WTO " General Agreement on Services and Trades " .

  17. 本章首先分析了整个国际投资法制的发展趋势,然后分析我国外资法中与WTO法律规则体系相背离的一些主要问题,包括市场准入方面、外资待遇方面以及透明度方面的问题。

    This chapter analyses the trend of the development of international investment law , then analyses some main questions deviated from the regular system of WTO law at first , including the questions of market access , the treatment of the foreign capitals and the transparency .

  18. WTO法律规则的实质涉及到的需要规范和调整的我国现有的各种行政行为方式程序主要包括:行政调查、行政处罚、行政许可、行政确认和行政征收程序等。

    The different administrative conduct manner procedures , which are concerned with WTO legal regulations as well as China needs to regulate and adjust , mainly include the procedures of administrative investigation , administrative penalty , administrative license , administrative confirmation , administrative collection and so on .

  19. 世界贸易组织(WTO)协定的本质是一套国际法律规则,其基本原则对其各成员国均具有约束力,这其中包括在国际经济交往中日益广泛应用的国民待遇原则。

    The nature of the WTO agreements is a set of international laws . Its fundamental principles are a sanction to all members of the WTO . The national treatment principles , which are used more and more in the international activities , are a part of the agreements .

  20. 法律规则的缺陷严重制约了多边贸易体制有效地解决贸易与环境的关系问题。第三,分析MEAs与多边贸易规则的冲突。

    Defects of legal rules restrain seriously multilateral trade system from tackling the issue of trade and environment effectively . Thirdly , the thesis analyzes rhe conflicts of MEAs and multilateral trade rules .

  21. 主要有三个最为密切的条款规制关税同盟,GATT第二十四条、授权条款和GATS第五条。在这些条款的形成过程中,经济理论和多边贸易法律规则呈现离合的关系。

    There are three clauses relating closely to customs union , such as GATT Article XXIV , the enabling clause and the GATS Article V. During the processes of these clauses forming , the relation between economic theory and law of multilateral trade is shown scenery from conflicting to coordinating .

  22. 运输港站经营人赔偿责任统一法律规则

    Uniform Legal Rules on the Liability of Operators of Transport Terminals

  23. 美、欧并购法律规则及其对我国的启示

    Merger Rules of USA & EC and the Enlightenment for Us

  24. 法律规则激励功能的法律经济分析

    The Legal Economic Analysis of Encouraging Function of Law 's Rule

  25. 法律规则效力的概念及其规定性

    The Concept of the Legal Rule Potency and its Stipulation

  26. 这些法律规则体现了民事诉讼法上的当事人主义与诉讼公平理念。

    These rules materialize the idea of party autonomy and litigant justice .

  27. 具有关于法律规则和机构的性质的知识;

    Knowledge of the Nature of Legal Rules and Institutions ;

  28. 重点分析了法律规则与市场规则。

    It focuses on the legal regulation and market regulation .

  29. (对于个人)严格遵守法律规则或习俗的。

    ( of individuals ) adhering strictly to laws and rules and customs .

  30. 它们对法律规则作了权威性陈述。

    They yield authoritative statements on rules of law .