
fǎ lǜ zé rèn
  • legal liability;legal responsibility
  1. C银行是否应当承担法律责任

    If Bank C Should Bear Legal Liability

  2. 药品GMP认证的风险及法律责任浅析

    The Brief Analysis of Risk and Legal Liability of Drug GMP Certification

  3. 当局负有逮捕所有疑犯的法律责任。

    The authorities will be legally bound to arrest any suspects

  4. 停车场场主有保护停放车辆的法律责任。

    Car park owners should be legally responsible for protecting vehicles

  5. 政府即使没有法律责任,在道义上也有责任来赔偿。

    The Government had a moral , if not a legal duty to pay compensation .

  6. 随后对委托书的格式、内容、期限以及能否实行有偿征集、征集费用由谁承担以及违反该制度的法律责任进行论述,并提出自己的一些见解

    Section IV is about the proxy solicitation system and corporate governance .

  7. 微工作雇员是独立的合同工,为他们的行为负法律责任。

    Micro job workers are independent contractors1 and are legally responsible for their actions .

  8. 该法共有54条,规定了境外非政府组织在中国运营的登记和备案、活动规范、法律责任以及监督管理。

    The 54-point law clarifies the registration1 process , operational rules and liabilities of overseas NGOs , as well as measures for their operations in China .

  9. 笔者就CPA法律责任产生的原因、存在问题以及如何避免CPA法律责任谈谈自己的一些看法。

    I and how prevent from have a talk one 's own some view by CPA legal liability on the question of reason , existing why CPA legal liability produces .

  10. 违反《工会法》的法律责任

    The Legal Responsibility of Violating Trade Union Law of the PRC

  11. 公司监事法律责任制度探析

    Discussion and Analysis on the Legal Responsibility System of Company Supervisor

  12. 析美国注册会计师法律责任体系的新变化

    Analysis about the Change of CPAs ' Liability System in USA

  13. 跨国公司环境法律责任的归责原则

    On the Principles of Ascertaining Liabilities in Transnational Corporations Environmental Liabilities

  14. 证券分析师的执业利益冲突及其民事法律责任

    The Securities Analysts ' Conflicts of Interests & the Civil Liability

  15. 肿瘤科护士潜在法律责任分析

    The Analysis on Potential Law Duty of Nurse in Tumour Section

  16. 船级社的行为准则和法律责任

    On the Principles of Conduct for Classification Societies & Their Liabilities

  17. 试论技术入股股东的权利、义务与法律责任

    Rights and Duties of a Shareholder with Technology Contributed for Capital

  18. 强化司法监督建立司法法律责任追究制度

    Strengthen Justice Supervision , Establish Justice Law Duty Investigation System

  19. 论新闻侵权的法律责任豁免

    Discussion on News Torts On Exemption from Legal Responsibility of News Torts

  20. 论《证券法》的民事法律责任制度缺位

    The Defects in the System of Civil Responsibility of the Securities Law

  21. 公务违法与法律责任制度研究

    The Illegal Acts in Public Duty and Its Law Duties

  22. 我国《反不正当竞争法》法律责任模式质疑

    Legal liability mode of Law Against Competition by Inappropriate Means

  23. 三是行政垄断的责任追究机制。包括了完善行政垄断的司法审查制度和强化行政垄断的法律责任这两个层面;

    The second is consummate administration monopoly judicial examination system .

  24. 检讨有关的法律责任并提出意见。

    Reviewing the related legal liability and giving advice .

  25. 公证人的法律责任问题研究

    The Research on the Legal Responsibility of Notaries Public

  26. 关于船级社的法律责任制度之研究

    Research on the Legal Liability System of Classification Society

  27. 浅谈医疗纠纷的性质与法律责任

    On the Nature and Law Responsibility of Medical Disputes

  28. 消毒供应室潜在法律责任分析

    Analysis of latent law obligation in disinfected supply room

  29. 资产评估法律责任的法律法规分析

    The Legal Analysis of Legal Liability in Asset Appraisal

  30. 正文第三部分对高校法律责任的归责原则、构成要件和责任竞合进行分析。

    The third part analyzes the principle between attribution and responsibility and universities .