
fǎ rén dài biǎo
  • legal representative;corporate representative;representative of a legal person;representative of an artifical person
  1. 由此可见,做为一位企业的法人代表的责任是非常重大的,并不是一个好光环。

    Thus , as the legal representative of a corporate responsibility is very important , is not a good ring .

  2. 5月9日,该公司在网站上声明称其法人代表是另一个和肇事司机母亲同名同姓的陆红英。

    On May9 , the company website declared that their legal representative is a different person also named Lu Hongying .

  3. 加入WTO后,完善我国企业法人代表制度初论

    A Primary Study on Improving Representation System of the Enterprise Legal Entity

  4. 论代表与代理之法理比较&兼谈构建法人代表制度的必要性

    Comparison Between Representation and Proxy from Legal Principle Point of View

  5. 双重身份--既是父母又是法人代表。

    Wears two hats-one as parent and one as corporate executive .

  6. 西蒙。史考斯先生出任该公司的法人代表。

    Mr Simon Scholz is president of the company .

  7. 公司法人代表选任制度的思考

    Thought on the system of empanelling corporation representatives

  8. 如需要详查请直接与键盘发明者及生产厂商法人代表联系。

    For detailed investigation , please contact the of inventors or the manufacturers'representative of the keyboard directly .

  9. 第二个问题是用预期刑罚理论来分析单位犯罪的决策心理,并引出过失也可列入单位累犯的主观要件,新法人代表亦应承担单位累犯责任两个观点。

    The second issue is to analyze the decision-making psychology of a unit crime by the rule of anticipatory penalty ;

  10. 少数行政执法人员、少数国有企业法人代表可能蜕变为买办寻租者。

    A minority of executive and state run enterprise legal persons will be likely to change to comprador rent seekers .

  11. 十一、业法人代表必须了解《条例》和《禁止化学武器公约》有关企业活动的规定。

    Thorough understanding by the enterprise 's legal person of relevant provisions outlined by the Regulations and the CWC concerning enterprise undertakings .

  12. 益康国际已解除其中国籍首席执行官职务,并剥夺了其作为公司在华法人代表的资格。

    Sorbic has removed its Chinese chief executive from office , and from his position as legal representative of the company in China .

  13. 保证金退款书面申请:申请应注明本公司退款账号,由公司法人代表签字并加盖公章;

    Written application for margin refund : indicate the corporation accounts clearly in the application which signed and sealed by the company legal ;

  14. 本次大会对中国篮协的章程进行了修改,规定篮协主席成为协会的法人代表,而之前担任法人代表的则是秘书长。

    The CBA Charter also got revised in the congress , making president the association 's legal representative who used to be secretry-general .

  15. 当机关法人代表国家行使职权的时候,不存在精神损害的问题。

    When the authorities the legal representative of the State to exercise functions and powers of the time , there is no spiritual harm .

  16. 法人代表证明、联系人的法人代表授权委托书及身份证复印件。

    Legal Representative Certificate , Power of Attorney issued by Legal Representative for contact person and the photocopy of the latter 's ID Card .

  17. 一些网民说肇事司机胡斌的母亲陆红英是该三菱跑车的车主,她是杭州宝康网络通讯工程有限公司的法人代表。

    Some netizens said that Hu Bin 's mother Lu Hongying is the car owner and she is the legal representative for the Hangzhou Baokong Internet Communication Company Limited .

  18. 在法人代表问题上,一直存在着将其处理为代理或代表的争论。

    In the issue of the relationship between juristic person and its representative , the theory of representation provides a more scientific and more reasonable explanation than the theory of agency .

  19. 法定代表人制度是一项具有中国特色的法人代表权制度,是国有企业产权制度改革中提倡的所有权与经营权相分离原则的产物。

    The legal representative system is an item with Chinese characteristics and is a product of separation of property right from management right which is advocated in state-owned enterprise property right system reform .

  20. 接待单位公函(要求法人代表签名,加盖公章)、接待单位营业执照副本复印件;

    Official Letter issued by the hosting unit ( signed by the legal representative and chopped by public stamp ), and the photocopy of business license ( duplicate ) of the hosting unit .

  21. “客户第一,信誉至上”是公司的宗旨,公司法人代表应明祥携全体员工热忱欢迎海内外新老客户洽谈、导!

    Mr Ying Mingxiang who is the legal representative of the company with all staffs are most welcome the new and old customer from the home and abroad to make the discussion and guidance !

  22. 会计信息失真,既与会计自身的特点、会计反映对象的内容和会计政策的制定执行有关,也受法人代表职责权利关系、会计人员业务素质和社会对会计约束力所影响。

    Accounting information lack fidelity is related to its own features , the contents of accounting anti-lack fidelity objects , the execution of accounting policy , the quality of accountants and the restriction of accountants .

  23. 营业执照副本代码证书单位介绍信法人代表或单位负责人身份证单位公章或合同章承租方经办人身份证及驾照。

    Duplicate of business license , code certificate letter , ID card of Corporation reprseentative or unit principal , unit 's cachet or contract seal , lessee 's translator 's ID card and driving license .

  24. 在3月底的一次采访中,他坚持他仍然是合资公司的董事长和法人代表,千禧国敦没有权利开除他。

    In an interview at the end of March , he insisted he was still the chairman and legal representative of the joint venture and that M & C had no right to fire him .

  25. 本协议对有公司效益约束力,不应习惯于公司的效益;每个人都拥有成员权益;他们的继承人、法人代表、继任人和受让人。

    This Agreement shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of the company ; each person owning a membership interest ; and their respective heirs , legal representatives , successors , and assigns .

  26. 法定代表人制是极具中国特色的一种法人代表权制度,它与传统民法中的董事代表制不同。

    The legal representative system is one of the systems of legal entity 's representative power with clear Chinese features , which distinguishes from the representative power of directors in the theory on traditional civil law .

  27. 各部分具体内容如下:文章第一部分对《公司法》中的董事长代表公司的法人代表制度进行了探讨。

    The main contents of the paper are as follows : Chapter 1 discusses the representative system of the legal entity in the Company Law , namely the Chairman is the legal representative of the corporation .

  28. 然而,令人遗憾的是,传统的代表理论缺乏对法人代表问题的制度性研究;实践中对法人及法人代表问题的处理,主要是借助代理理论来进行的。

    It 's regrettable that traditional theory of representation lacks system research of that of legal person and in practice dealing with issue of legal person and legal representative by referring to the theory of agency system .

  29. 双重身份--既是父母又是法人代表他逃禅又返儒,具有儒、僧、侠、官多重身份。

    Wears two hats ? ne as parent and one as corporate executive . His conversion to dhyana and return to Confucianism had endowed him with many identities like a Confucian , monk , chivalrous person , official , etc.

  30. 宠物店法人代表卢克·利洛特上发表声明称,所有参赛者在参加这个奇特诡异的比赛前,都已经签署了免责协议书。

    Luke Lirot , who says he is legally representing the store , said in a post on the store 's Facebook page that all participants signed thorough waivers accepting responsibility for their participation in this unique and unorthodox contest .