
  • 网络legal profession
  1. 法律职业群体伦理的现代化是司法现代化的先导,是权力制约机制的必然要求,是防治司法腐败,重塑司法权威的现实需要。

    The modernization of ethics of legal profession is the forerunner to the modernization of judicature , the necessary demand to the system of restricting the power , and the realistic need to preventing and curing the judicial corruption and licking into shape of the judicial authority .

  2. 良知的泯灭,意味着法律职业群体的堕落。

    Conscience vanishing means degenerating of the legal professional group .

  3. 主要探讨法律职业群体的整体功能和部分功能。

    This part mainly probes into the whole and partial function of law professional group .

  4. 司法过程中的各方参与者,主要包括法律职业群体、当事人和一般公众,都是司法过程中的听众,也是可接受性的对象。

    The audiences including legal professional groups , parties and the general public also are objects of acceptability .

  5. 律师辩护、权利保障与司法公正&来自法律职业群体的调查报告

    Counsel for the Defense , Rights Protection and Judicial Justice & Investigation Report from the Legal Occupational Groups

  6. 法律职业群体的部分功能包括:政治制约功能、.法制维护功能、社会服务功能、文化促进功能等。

    The partial function includes : political interacting function , legal maintaining function , social serving function , literal improving function , etc.

  7. 作为高度专业化的法律职业群体,法官具有特殊的内在基本属性、行为方式和素质要求。

    As a legal professional body in high level specialization , judges have particular inherent nature , conduct model and quality requirements .

  8. 中国古代虽然不存在真正意义上的法律职业群体,但司法官吏广泛的存在却是历史事实。

    Although ancient China had no legal occupational groups of real sense , there is a wide range of judicial officials , which is historical facts .

  9. 法律职业群体的整体功能是社会整合功能,其目标是维护社会法律秩序的良好并促进社会法治状态的建立和完善。

    The whole function is the social entirely cooperative one , the aim of which is to facilitate the establishment and improvement of law order and legality .

  10. 外籍律师作为晚清时期中国境内的一个特殊法律职业群体,其对华洋纠纷和诉讼的参预活动,具有明显的职业化趋向。

    Foreign lawyers were a special legal professional community in later Qing Dynasty , their participation in the disputes and lawsuits between Chinese and foreigners , had an obvious professionalism trend .

  11. 本文从考察我国法律职业群体的法律信仰现状,以说明法律信仰的培育在法律职业共同体形成中的重要地位与作用。

    This article begins its investigation on the present situation of the law believes of the professional lawyer associations , and focuses on the important position and function of the law believes in forming the professional lawyer association .

  12. 法官、检察官、律师在同一法律体系和程序构造中相互联系,遵循相同的职业思维、价值信仰和道德规范,所以法律职业者优秀群体只有在共同训练、一体化培养模式中才可能产生。

    Only in an integrative pattern of common educating can excellent groups of professional legal persons be created .

  13. 法律职业共同体,是指由崇尚法治观念、忠于法律并且是通过服务于司法而忠于法律的法律职业者构成的群体,其成员包括法官、检察官和律师。

    The legal professional community means the colony composed of legal professional men who advocate ruling of law and be loyal to law by giving service to judicature and its members are judges , prosecutors and attorneys .