
fǎ rén shè lì
  • incorporation;creation of an artificial person;creation of a legal person
  1. 第五十四条民事法律行为是公民或者法人设立、变更、终止民事权利和民事义务的合法行为。

    Article 54 A civil juristic act shall be the lawful act of a citizen or legal person to establish , change or terminate civil rights and obligations .

  2. 我国慈善性公益法人设立制度的主要问题是设定了过高的准入门槛,慈善团体取得法人资格非常困难。

    The main problem is the threshold of founding charity corporation is too high , and it is too difficult for the charity organization to acquire the qualification as charity corporation .

  3. 第一部分考察了国外合作社设立原则的发展趋势,分析了我国不同类型法人设立的一般原则,认为我国现代农业合作社应当奉行严格准则主义设立原则。

    Section 1 reviews the developing tendency of the establishment principles of modem agricultural cooperatives , combining with the general rules of establishing legal entities in our country , brings up that the establishment of modem agricultural cooperatives shall conform with the principle of stringency .

  4. 在此基本目标的指导下,慈善性公益法人的设立和行政监督应逐渐取消双重管理制度,转变为由综合统一机关负责的制度。

    The Dual Administration System on the founding and supervising of charity corporation should be gradually cancelled , and changed to a comprehensive responsible system .

  5. 民法典中应该针对不同类型的财团法人规定不同的设立原则而非笼统地就法人或者财团法人规定某一项设立原则。

    Certain principle should apply to one or some kinds of foundations , but should not apply to all kinds of foundations or incorporated corporation .

  6. 法人出版期刊不设立期刊社的,其设立的期刊编辑部视为期刊出版单位。

    Where a legal person publishes a periodical without setting up a periodical office , the editorial department established by the legal person shall be deemed to be a publishing unit .