
fǎ zhì
  • rule of law;rule by law;government by law;governed by law
法治 [fǎ zhì]
  • (1) [rule by law]∶先秦时期法家的政治思想,主张以法治国

  • (2) [rule of law]∶依法治国

法治[fǎ zhì]
  1. 晦涩的法律法规有悖于法治和议会民主。

    Unintelligible legislation is the negation of the rule of law and of parliamentary democracy .

  2. 我相信我们能恢复和平、稳定和对法治的尊重。

    I am confident that we can restore peace , stability and respect for the rule of law .

  3. 法治一旦崩溃可能导致大肆杀戮。

    The breakdown of law and order could result in killing on a massive scale

  4. 马塞尔·柏林斯是英国广播公司《法治进行时》节目的主持人。

    Marcel Berlins is the presenter of the BBC radio programme Law in Action .

  5. 如果法治被践踏,军队可能会介入。

    If there were a breakdown of law and order , the army might be tempted to intervene .

  6. 要搞法治,不搞人治。

    We should observe the rule of law , not the rule of man .

  7. 该数据库将让法治服务及时方便“飞入寻常百姓家”。

    The database will make legal services more accessible to the general public .

  8. 持续打造市场化、法治化、国际化营商环境

    Make sustained efforts to create a market-oriented , law-based , and internationalized business environment .

  9. 以法治代替人治是中国司法改革的重要一步。

    It is an important step to replace the rule of men with the rule of law in China 's justice reforms .

  10. 纲要提出了建设法治社会的指导思想、主要原则以及总体目标。

    The document puts forth the guiding thoughts , primary principles and overall goals for building a society based on the rule of law in China .

  11. 弘扬宪法精神,树立宪法权威,使全体人民都成为社会主义法治的忠实崇尚者、自觉遵守者、坚定捍卫者。

    We should promote the spirit of the Constitution , uphold the Constitution 's authority , and make efforts to guide all the people to loyally uphold , willingly comply with and firmly safeguard the socialist rule of law .

  12. 要坚持依法治国、依法执政、依法行政共同推进,法治国家、法治政府、法治社会一体建设。

    The country should pursue coordinated progress in law-based governance , law-based exercise of State power , and law-based government administration , and promote the integrated development of rule of law for the country , the government and the society .

  13. 全国人大常委会法工委负责人表示,通过反外国制裁法,是反击某些西方国家霸权主义和强权政治的迫切需要,是维护国家主权、安全、发展利益的迫切需要,是统筹推进国内法治和涉外法治的迫切需要。

    It is also an urgent necessity to safeguard China 's national sovereignty , security and development interests , as well as to coordinate both the domestic and overseas-related rule-of-law , an official of the Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee of the National People 's Congress ( NPC ) said .

  14. 坚持共建共治共享方向,聚焦影响国家安全、社会安定、人民安宁的突出问题,全面提升平安中国建设科学化、社会化、法治化、智能化水平。

    We should focus on prominent problems affecting national security , social stability and people 's tranquility on the basis of pursuing collaboration and common interests . Efforts should be made to make the implementation of the initiative more scientific , and raise its levels of public participation , rule of law and intelligence .

  15. 并借鉴域外法治经验,尝试提出了WTO体制下中国国际贸易救济审查制度改革的若干构想,从而将对国际贸易救济审查制度和国际(经济)公法的理性认识边界向外拓展。

    This dissertation attempts to expand the boundary of the rational knowledge for review system in international trade remedies and to deepen the research in international economic public law .

  16. 第二部分,美国法院附设ADR与法治。

    Although the Court - Annexed ADR in USA has its particular settlement value , it still conflicts with the rule of law and the spirit of law superiority objectively .

  17. 在诸多的影响与变革中,法律观念的变革尤为重要,因为,解决法律观念问题不仅是加入WTO的需要,更是中国实现法治现代化的要求。

    Among all the coming impacts and changes , the revolution of the legal mentality is of the utmost importance . Because this requisite revolution for the entry of the WTO is much more demanded for the modernization of China 's legal system .

  18. 我们倡导法治,保护人类尊严。

    We promote the rule of law and protect human dignity .

  19. 运用法治思维和法治方式化解社会矛盾。

    Use legal frameworks and legal methods to reconcile social conflicts .

  20. 保障男女双方的生育权,是实现男女平等的具体表现,也是现代法治社会不可回避的问题。

    And is also an unavoidable problem in modern legal society .

  21. 社会主义法治内涵的再思考

    The Rethinking of the connotation of the Socialist Rule of Law

  22. 市民社会&西方法治产生的历史根源

    Civil Society and The Historical Source of Western Rule by Law

  23. 司法独立与我国法治国家建设

    Judicial Independence and the Construction of Our Country Ruled by Law

  24. 高校设立法制工作机构能从多方面提高自身的法制工作水平和管理水平,实现高校管理的法治化。

    It can further improve the legal working and management system .

  25. 建立法治国家,司法独立是前提。因此加强司法独立方面的研究是十分必要的。

    It is necessary to strengthen the investigation on judicial independence .

  26. 治安行政法治的困境与突破

    The Plight of Administrative Law of Public Security and its Breakthroughs

  27. 法治视野中的大学生权利保护

    On protecting college students ' rights in the perspective of law

  28. 试论当代国际社会的法治基础

    On the Basis of Rule of Law in Current International Society

  29. 加强基础教育财政体制的法治化建设;

    Strengthen the legal system construction on basic education finance system ;

  30. 行政执法为何难以整体走上法治轨道

    Why Carrying out Rule by Law Being Difficult in Administrative Justice