
fǎ dìnɡ jià rì
  • statutory holiday;legal holiday
  1. 当我们全部知道救难信号是国家的法定假日之时。

    As we all know MayDay is national legal holiday .

  2. 1938年,国会将停战日确定为法定假日以支持世界和平事业。

    In1938 , Congress designated Armistice Day a legal holiday , dedicated to the cause of world peace .

  3. 这是一个法定假日,人们喜欢和亲朋好友一起度过这一天。

    It is a public holiday and many people love to spend this day with their families and friends .

  4. 为了纪念七十年前中国抗日战争的胜利,9月3日将是国家法定假日。

    There 's going to be a national holiday on September 3 in memory of China 's victory in Anti-Japanese War seventy years ago .

  5. 美国的阵亡烈士日通常在每年5月的最后一个周一,是法定假日。

    Memorial Day is a US national holiday observed on the last Monday of May . It commemorates7 those who died while in military service to their country .

  6. Maroney表示,法国已经跃身于国家法定假日最多的国家之列,而且一年带薪休假日期最少都得有三十天。

    Maroney noted that France has been among the world 's leading countries in state-mandated annual leave , with annual holiday allowance minimums coming in at30 days per year .

  7. 你们国家有多少法定假日?

    How many legal holidays are there in you country ?

  8. 能接受倒班工作,在周末和法定假日。

    Willing to work shifts , weekends and public holidays .

  9. 2乙方享有国家规定的所有法定假日。

    Party B will take all statutory holidays stipulated by the State .

  10. 近年来,春节已成为法定假日。

    In recent years the Spring Festival has become a public holiday .

  11. 他们在八月份的法定假日来看望了我们。

    They came to see us on August Bank holiday .

  12. 27.5%有法定假日薪酬;

    27.5 % had statutory holiday pay ;

  13. 后来母亲节就变成美国和加拿大的法定假日。

    Mother 's Day later became an official holiday in the United States and Canada .

  14. 因日本、美国和加拿大在庆祝国家法定假日,交易流较为有限。

    Trading flows were light with Japan , the US and Canada observing national holidays .

  15. 对于各大旅游景点来说,在中国法定假日期间,它们总是最繁忙的。

    Public holidays in China are always busy times for the country 's tourism sites .

  16. 印度有3个国家法定假日。

    India has three national holidays .

  17. 我觉得应该给发明薯条的人一个法定假日

    I think there should be a national holiday for the guy that invented french fries .

  18. 正如其他的法定假日一样,商店通常会在选举日这天大减价。

    As on the other legal holidays , Election Day sales in stores are very popular .

  19. 该节日也是美国4个国家法定假日中唯一一个纪念个人的节日。

    The holiday is only one of four national holidays in America to commemorate a person .

  20. 同其他的文化一样,很多美国人也会在婚礼上,宗教节日和法定假日里举办派对,

    As in other cultures , many Americans attend parties for weddings and religious and national holidays .

  21. 法定假日的天数应与当前经济及社会发展的步调一致。

    The number of legal holidays should accord with the current phase of economic and social development .

  22. 一旦这个法定假日感恩节来临时,我的妈妈很早就会起来,忙活正餐所需的其它食品。

    Once the national holiday arrives , my mom rises early to make the rest of the meal .

  23. 然而雇主却认为这不会有多大的成效,而要求减少法定假日以及年假。

    Not much help , say employers , who are pressing to cut bank holidays and annual leave instead .

  24. 2007年12月14日,中国政府宣布端午节为国定法定假日。

    On December 14th , 2007 , the Dragon Boat Festival was declared a national holiday by the Chinese government .

  25. 27.5%有法定假日薪酬;我明天休假,来补休上周日的假。

    27.5 % had statutory holiday pay ; I am take the day off tomorrow to make up for last sunday .

  26. 令人欣慰的是,2008年我国开始将清明节、端午节、中秋节定为法定假日。

    In 2008 , China began to Ching Ming Festival , Dragon Boat Festival , Mid-Autumn Festival as a statutory holiday .

  27. 每年的7月1日为周年纪念日,在这个法定假日里举行庆典活动,纪念加拿大的诞生。

    This would be the anniversary occasion each year , for joyous celebration of a national holiday commemoration the birth of Canada .

  28. 作为应对,北京方面尝试施压企业雇主提供国家法定假日以外的带薪假期。在国家法定假日,国内旅游设施不堪重负。

    Beijing has responded by trying to press employers to offer paid leave outside national holidays , when tourism infrastructure is overburdened .

  29. 1941年,美国国会最终通过决议,将感恩节定为美国法定假日,的时间是每年11月的最后一个星期四。

    And in 1941 , Thanksgiving was finally sanctioned by Congress as a legal holiday , as the fourth Thursday in November .

  30. 佛诞节是韩国的法定假日,该国4千8百万居民中有三分之一是佛教徒。

    Buddha 's birthday is a national holiday in South Korea , where about a third of the48 million residents are Buddhist .